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Puppy farms and how i hate the trade.

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

This is just disgusting.


These are the distressing pictures showing nine dead puppies which were dumped in a roadside ditch by ruthless breeders.

The RSPCA discovered the bodies of the dogs on Hogg End Lane in St Albans, Hertfordshire.

The puppies, which are said to be a mix of terriers and collie types, are believed to be aged between six and eight weeks old.

The animal welfare charity released the pictures to offer an insight into the brutal trade of dog farming.





These are the distressing pictures showing nine dead puppies dumped in a roadside ditch by ruthless breeders





The RSPCA discovered the bodies of the dogs on Hogg End Lane in St Albans, Hertfordshire

The RSPCA found bodies of puppies in a suitcase in January and dog remains last year at the same site.

Animal collection officer Kate Wright responded to the recent call and went to the location at the end of last month.

She said: 'We had reports of collapsed puppies in a ditch and I rushed over to the site and there they were. There had been no effort to cover them up.

'They were obviously already dead and had been dead for a day or two.

'They were all covered in sawdust and some looked skinny. The little pads on their paws were red raw like they'd been living in urine. They absolutely stank.:policeman:


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3492743/Distressing-pictures-nine-dead-puppies-dumped-roadside-ditch.html#ixzz42xtzxXf9


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Guest The Pom Queen

Some breeders are just as bad. Especially the older generation who don't think twice about drowning dogs that don't conform to their standards.

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Some breeders are just as bad. Especially the older generation who don't think twice about drowning dogs that don't conform to their standards.


I don't agree with breeding animals when there are millions of dogs in pounds awaiting homes. So many of the staffie/american staffy types cast away when they cant be controlled. Adopt don't shop.

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Some breeders are just as bad. Especially the older generation who don't think twice about drowning dogs that don't conform to their standards.

Our Aussie girl a Shar Pei who now lives with my granddaughter was the runt of the litter supposedly and going to be put to sleep so we took her in She is the most liveable rascal and now almost 10 so the runt survived

Looking at those pictures makes me wild the perpetrators should be boiled in oil !

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Some breeders are just as bad. Especially the older generation who don't think twice about drowning dogs that don't conform to their standards.


I wouldn't just restrict this to older breeders....The recent example of Best in Breed for German shepherds at Crufts judged by the Kennel Club was a perfect example of even the people who are supposedly responsible for maintaining standards failing woefully to adhere to their own supposed standards. It would be a shame to have to go so far as to ban the GSD fom being shown but it seems some breeders just don't get that they are introducing defects deliberately by interbreeding and that has zero to do with preserving the breed or improving it.


I have come to expect no less though from a supposed respected institution who I know are still telling people, who were being assessed as accredited breeders by KC, that they 'will obviously be getting rid of the bitch now' after she'd had her op ...so according to the KC there is no chance the breeder might actually want to keep the beloved bitch as it's also their pet or that they might actually be preserving the lines by limiting litters. Appalling attitude by the very institution that claims to be promoting good standards and responsible ownership.


I do think as was posted in another thread that a move to register breeders in QLD via govt and welfare lines...like places such as RSPCA is a step in the right direction ...I know if I was moving to QLd and were to breed another litter in the future I'd be more than happy for my place to be inspected, any litters to be seen, parents to be seen, etc and to answer any queries. As someone who has bred Huskies and produced two exceptional litters of pups in both physique and temperament, all of whom were cared for to very high standards, and all of whom who went to fabulous families.... I point blank have refused to consider joining an organisation like the KC that is in effect a bunch of hypocrites, even though yes I and my dogs could be eligible. My former breeding pair (although I have never seen them as being this per say) are my babies and now they have done their breeding ...they both have had their ops which was my choice to restrict them to 2 litters only... my female dog isn't some 'breeding bitch' who churns out litters year after year...she and my male produced their stunning pups and they will remain with me for life. They were my babies before they were bred and they still are my babies, who I've always wanted to have for their entire lives. Yes I do have one of their pups, she is very much representative of the absolute best of her parents and of their past generations ....will I breed her one day ? Maybe but that doesn't change that she's also my baby for life ...in effect she is my beloved grandpup first and foremost ...would i ever part with her no not for all the tea in China....Would I ever go back and miss the experience from her and her siblings conception to birth and onwards to life....again not for all the tea in China. Her mum is my baby girl and her dad is my baby boy and to share my baby girl's pregnancies was an absolute honour and a huge blessing in my life.


I do take exception to people putting all breeders in the puppy farm category who choose not to be part of the KC as I am certainly someone who takes great care. There are some good ones and yes unfortunately some very bad ones. The example in the OP is just appalling and yes should be stamped out. I personally would not restrict this though to just puppy farms some breeders need to change their thinking about what they are doing with inter breeding and yes even cross breeding. I personally think the so called 'designer dogs' are examples of breeding gone wrong ...some breeds just shouldn't be mixed ....one that comes to mind for me is the Pomsky....really a Pommeranian and a Husky??? and that mix isn't likely to produce health problems and limited life span for that dog ...I am sure it will and yet time and again you see people ohhing and ahhing over them with no concept of the very real chance of huge vets bills going along with owning such a dog.


I personally feel there is a place for both breeding and for rescue ...I often do not comment on such threads as they usually become heated and have found many people who think rescue is the only way ....and whom all to ready to jump down the throats of even responsible breeders. I feel people who for their own often very valid reasons decided to adopt or yes buy a puppy from a responsible breeder should not be made to feel they have done something bad...I know the 11 families who now have one of my pups were all excellent choices for them and the individual pups. They are their family members, all grown into beautiful family dogs now, and were never bred for something as pointless as dog shows or to wave a piece of paper around. I've done both over my life, ie adopt rescues and bred dogs, and would say it depends on circumstance. It's easy to condemn someone when you know nothing of their circumstances and life...sometimes a rescue dog just ins't the right choice for that person or family.


I'm sure I'll be shot down in flames ....I've found anything to do with such areas is always an emotive subject lol but this rare time I felt I'd comment briefly with some of my own thoughts and experiences.


cheers Mary-Anne

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Our Aussie girl a Shar Pei who now lives with my granddaughter was the runt of the litter supposedly and going to be put to sleep so we took her in She is the most liveable rascal and now almost 10 so the runt survived

Looking at those pictures makes me wild the perpetrators should be boiled in oil !


That's so great :) One of my pups had to have a big operation after suddenly falling ill when she was but a few weeks old. Of course I did not hesitate to get her straight down to vets pronto, to have her op done and wouldn't consider having her put down unless my vets gave me compelling reasons ...such as any future problems quality of life etc. She already had a family who wanted her and had reserved her....she came through the op with flying colours, but of course she got a bit behind the other pups for a couple of weeks....but lots of TLC she gained in leaps and bounds. The great news her family still wanted her, I kept them appraised all the way, and yep once she was old enough and well enough to go to her new home off she went. She was given a clean bill of health from my vets and was lucky enough to have no further complications with no chance of a re-occurence ...than any other dog ... She's a lovely pup, grown into a beautiful lady, and I think she might be even be that little bit more loved because she is such a little fighter. I know my vets wanted to keep her ...every time he went to check on her one of the nurses had her lol


cheers Mary-Anne


edited to add a little pic of Deva as a pup ...thought you might like to see her


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Puppy 'farming' and 'breeders' are a complete different kettle of fish IMHO. I suppose the term/names illicit different ideas/images depending on who it is.

This is plain and simple cruelty and whoever did it wants shot with....


I have no problem whatsoever with responsible breeder. Who takes care of their animals, does their best to ensure good owners, and doesn't churn out litters continuously.

These scum above....I don't class as breeders......I class them as scum....but it screams of what my idea of what 'puppy farming' means.

Poor little sweethearts.

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As I said earlier we took a Shar Pei in while we lived in Adelaide had always owned dogs but never a Pei

When we returned to the UK we bought another Pei - they are a curious breed to say the least

Having joined a forum on Shar Pei on FB we have found out so much about the breed plus good breeders and bad breeders

Pei have had a lot of problems bred into them to obtain the wrinkly look ,the original breed looks so much different

Our boy luckily has been fine as has our Aussie girl who was supposedly the runt

what I am trying to say is that like all works of life there are good and bad people and I think anyone buying a pup should do,their homework

One lass on th FB forum bought a pup and was told it was 8 weeks ,the vet said about 5 and the poor little fella died but the lass that bought had met the breeder somewhere other than his home ,very silly really

We are now in the throes of getting our boy ready to travel to Oz in April there is one very anxious mother in our household while he sleeps contentedly in his bed !

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We've a Sharpei cross, he's supposed to be crossed with a Staffy but the vet thinks more likely a Labrador or a Great Dane he's huge 39 kilos and gorgeous, never chewed anything ever and the best with other dogs and children. He actually has the same temperament as both of our Great Danes so who knows?

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We've a Sharpei cross, he's supposed to be crossed with a Staffy but the vet thinks more likely a Labrador or a Great Dane he's huge 39 kilos and gorgeous, never chewed anything ever and the best with other dogs and children. He actually has the same temperament as both of our Great Danes so who knows?

Pei can have funny natures supposedly but ours have been brilliant House trained from day one ,never chewed a thing and so laid back with funny traits My boy has perfect manners when you put his food down he stands and waits until told to eat !

Our girl has a stubborn nature does not like to be told of she will humph and walk away very slowly as if to say how dare you tell me off

She is good with children as long as they respect her space but not fond of other dogs despite the fact we tried all ways but where we lived in Adelaide was near a retirement village and not many dog walkers

Our boy on the other hand loves everything and everybody

Hopefully yours doesn't have the Shar Pei trait of shedding for fun !

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Completely agree with your comment about doing your homework. Not being able to see the pup at their home and with at the very least their mum present, if not both mum and dad, should be a huge red flag. I was also very interested to know about where my pup was going and yes asked questions of potential owners, who I also wanted to meet in person at my home, prior to any consideration of them taking a pup.


I've also read and heard some horror stories ....I remember one lady down at the vets telling us the breeder had told them her pup was older too when of course it was too young to have actually left its mum when she got it. Any breeder should know all the details of their pups and know their exact age and condition etc ....I could tell potential owners the very second that pup was born and its entire history, plus provide all the vets records. I'd be very wary of any 'breeder' who could not provide such info or who didn't have the pups mum right there at each and every visit.


Just as a little tip for any potential pup owners ....It's not hard at all to see whether it's the pups actual mum too or to assess whether you are truly visiting that pup at home ....watch the bitches reaction to the pups and your own interaction with her puppies ....a 'replacement' mum (as has been used by some puppy farmers) often will not show the same interest in what you are doing with 'her' pup as the actual mum will. Generally a pups actual mum will be very interested in what you are doing with her pup ....my pups mum didn't mind at all people picking up her pups but she watched them like a hawk and yes after a time she made it clear she wanted that pup to be put back to her. The pups too will know the breeder ...again watch for the interaction a lack of any recognition would be sign those pups don't know their breeder well. My pups came forward when being greeted by me ...they knew me well and trusted me.


They most certainly weren't going anywhere until they were old enough and properly weaned. Such an important time between the ages of 6 to 8 weeks for socialisation and learning bite inhibition from their interactions with their siblings and mum /dad...yes by that time pups can be a handful but you are doing no favours to the pup or to the new owners to let them go any earlier than 8 weeks minimum. Again the breeder should be able to assess when a pup is ready to go and a good one will not allow them to leave their care until the right time :)


Unfortunately I do think sometimes people in their eagerness to get a pup overlook some things that they really shouldn't. There are some very convincing frauds around. It wasn't until I bred my own that I became very aware of just what sort of scams are around ....I'm a very straight forward person, I believe in being honest, and it just wouldn't even occur to me to try let alone to do some of the things that I've heard some people do. I think it would be good if more prospective owners too stopped and though hmmmm maybe not ....if something from their gut is telling them something isn't quite right here. As long as people are willing to overlook some things they should really question ...there are those who will take advantage of that for profit, to everyone's detriment. There are good breeders around and yes those who are should be very willing to answer all queries and also to question people themselves :)

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