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An email from Dogtainers


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Well, my little fella has just taken off - half an hour ago - from Perth on his way to London. Just before, I got the following email from Dogtainers and I had to share as it was wonderful - though it did bring a little tear to my eye (I am very soft when it comes to my little one)


"Hi Chris just spoke with June to let her know that Mickey is safely handed over to Emirates and effectively on his way.

He has been a delight and has been in the office with me all day and travelled to the airport in the cabin with me so as to be out of the crate until the last minute.

He has been for a few walks and just before he left I put his little brown jumper on.


Following are some photos of him sitting on my desk helping me with my typing...

Either that or he was on my lap or on a doggie bed on the floor sleeping.


Thank you for using Dogtainers and do please confirm safe arrival once back in the UK,





So a huge thank you to Dogtainers who have been amazing and a their guy in Perth - Lewis - is a gem of a man.



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Lovely email - hope Mickey has a good trip. I know I was so emotional when my fur baby was going to fly. Hope all is going well with you VeryStormy - When do you start work? I thought it was today?


I started on Tuesday - old hand now lol. Had one day off between arriving on Sunday and getting into it. I am sat at my desk with flight aware open in two browsers. One tracking Mickey and one tracking my wife as their on separate flights

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Aaah isn't that lovely please keep us updated on the little fells trip

We are sending our boy Ralphy a Shar Pei the other way soon as in April and I am on tranquilisers thunking about it !

Bet he is sound asleep now and wondering what all the fuss is bout


Ohhhh, we know what the feeling is like! And I wont relax until I pick him up on Friday night. But, we think he will just sleep - he loves his sleep and we normally cant get him out of bed between 7pm and 6am. He is also very used to being in a crate as he often travels on trains in his bag (you cant take them on public transport in WA, but we have a special bad where he hides)

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Well, my little fella has just taken off - half an hour ago - from Perth on his way to London. Just before, I got the following email from Dogtainers and I had to share as it was wonderful - though it did bring a little tear to my eye (I am very soft when it comes to my little one)


"Hi Chris just spoke with June to let her know that Mickey is safely handed over to Emirates and effectively on his way.

He has been a delight and has been in the office with me all day and travelled to the airport in the cabin with me so as to be out of the crate until the last minute.

He has been for a few walks and just before he left I put his little brown jumper on.


Following are some photos of him sitting on my desk helping me with my typing...

Either that or he was on my lap or on a doggie bed on the floor sleeping.


Thank you for using Dogtainers and do please confirm safe arrival once back in the UK,





So a huge thank you to Dogtainers who have been amazing and a their guy in Perth - Lewis - is a gem of a man.


Dogs you just cant beat them ...taking my best pal for a walk in a minute ...if I can wake him up

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Well, my little fella has just taken off - half an hour ago - from Perth on his way to London. Just before, I got the following email from Dogtainers and I had to share as it was wonderful - though it did bring a little tear to my eye (I am very soft when it comes to my little one)


"Hi Chris just spoke with June to let her know that Mickey is safely handed over to Emirates and effectively on his way.

He has been a delight and has been in the office with me all day and travelled to the airport in the cabin with me so as to be out of the crate until the last minute.

He has been for a few walks and just before he left I put his little brown jumper on.


Following are some photos of him sitting on my desk helping me with my typing...

Either that or he was on my lap or on a doggie bed on the floor sleeping.


Thank you for using Dogtainers and do please confirm safe arrival once back in the UK,





So a huge thank you to Dogtainers who have been amazing and a their guy in Perth - Lewis - is a gem of a man.


Brilliant! This type of message is one of the reasons I would use such a company, looks kind of like my own dog too!

Very emotive thing these animals, just lost one, worst day of my life!

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Just wondering how your little fella is has he settled form that long flight


Hi Pat


He is fine, he has been "jetlagged" all weekend and up until yesterday but is fine now. He was basically very sleepy and tired and not interested in going out walking. But, yesterday he was keener, and this morning back to usual self. He was also VERY hungry, though I am not surprised as because he has a medical issue that requires him to have a special diet and a tablet with food, he couldn't be fed during the trip. So, he had breakfast on the Thursday morning before we dropped him, then nothing but water until Friday night (would have been Australia Saturday morning).


He is feeling the difference in weather a fair bit. But, once he is out running in the fields he doesn't notice it. He is very curious about the smells - I guess the UK must smell very different. But, overall he is settled. I think the fact we brought all his bedding with us in our luggage has helped that as it has kept some continuity for him.

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Hi Pat


He is fine, he has been "jetlagged" all weekend and up until yesterday but is fine now. He was basically very sleepy and tired and not interested in going out walking. But, yesterday he was keener, and this morning back to usual self. He was also VERY hungry, though I am not surprised as because he has a medical issue that requires him to have a special diet and a tablet with food, he couldn't be fed during the trip. So, he had breakfast on the Thursday morning before we dropped him, then nothing but water until Friday night (would have been Australia Saturday morning).


He is feeling the difference in weather a fair bit. But, once he is out running in the fields he doesn't notice it. He is very curious about the smells - I guess the UK must smell very different. But, overall he is settled. I think the fact we brought all his bedding with us in our luggage has helped that as it has kept some continuity for him.

I replied on the other thread too and pleased he is settling We have been advised they don't get fed anyway on th journey only access to water etc We are going to do the same as in take his bed with us as we will be in Adelaide before he gets out of quarantine Going in Autumn too so hopefully our boy will acclimatise by the Ozzie summer We are moving into 20 acres so think our boy will have plenty to occupy him lol

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