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Interesting chat yesterday


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Maybe this will give some perspective. I am on the way to the airport as I write.


First, we certainly never came for money. In fact I took about 40% pay cut to do so and was very aware of what the salary was going to be from the start. We came for a variety of reasons such as the old chestnut "better life" and the "better life /work balance". Neither of which we found correct.


We also looked at lots of other aspects. In fact money has always been very low on our list. Likewise possessions. Hence why my car was a very old Getz.


We believed we had planned well for possible downturn and budgeted on us being ok on half or even less of the income we had when we built the house. We built in what we thought were very robust plans. What we couldn't factor in was only earning minimum wage for 18 months. And that even then drying up and getting $480 a week in benefits. Including paying the mortgage from.


We tried for a very long time - with hind sight, too long to make it work financially. But the numbers just could not add up. The add in that my industry is not going to get better any time soon and I believe WA is

not even neat at bottom yet and I had to consider our options.


So after months of fruitless job hunting, we agreed to start looking at roles back in the UK. We didn't know what would happen. But, with a month, I had 4 interviews and 2 offers. The writing was on the wall.


Will we ever come back to Oz? I don't know. I doubt it.


I do wish every one staying though the best and good luck.


Hi VeryStormy,


Can I just ask how long you gave it to make it work financially? The reason I ask is that my OH is working but I'm not. Finding it very hard to even get an acknowledgement from places I apply to, let alone an interview. I could easily get work back in London so that me and my husband would be financially on an even keel again, but I'm just wondering how long you gave it before you decided to start looking at things back in the UK?



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And I was in no way saying you had but, what I was trying to say is that there are many us who would not consider a move back regardless of financial reasons. Many of us bought in cheap areas with low mortgages managable even if the worst happened and even if those mortgages couldn't be paid would rather rent here than move back. Despite my OH earning an exceptionally good wage at present we know it's not forever and we have not overstretched ourselves and many of my friends who run in the same circle are happy living a modest life on a modest wage. Maybe being working class we are just more happy with our lot. Whilst my OH is earning a great wage we have squirrelled away savings for that rainy day in case we don't have work which seems to be a concept that's a bit old fashioned nowadays.




Have you been in a position in the last ten years when he wasn't earning a spectacular wage? Until you are there you can never really be sure.

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Have you been in a position in the last ten years when he wasn't earning a spectacular wage? Until you are there you can never really be sure.



Yes for all of our life together right up until about 2.5 years ago and before that 4 years as a Divorced Single Mum of two on £10,000 a year, no maintenance and before that on a lower than average wage.

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Yesterday we took our belongings to the move cube depot as they don't bring cubes as far south as us and we had to take it to them.


I chatted to the chap running the depot and he said they are run off their feet with poms returning to the UK and he couldn't believe how busy they are as this is normally their quiet time. Apparently normaly at this time they would fill one container a month. But, they are filling several a week.


I also called a second hand store to see if they wanted our last bits and pieces. They said they have emptied 15 houses of poms leaving the country in the last few days and have no room for anything.


We were told the same at the shippers when we left Brisbane 4 years ago. The bloke seemed quite surprised how many Brits were returning home, I can't recall numbers but it even surprised me.

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Did you not read her post?


Yes I did - and there was no mention of how long her husband had been on a good wage - hence my question. Did you?


I have gone from a high wage to a lower wage, and whilst I thought there were many non monetary lifestyle benefits - it can be hard to adjust. I chose to do it. I imagine having it forced upon you would be harder. Just because you have done it hard previously doesn't necessarily mean that everybody would be okay doing it again. Although obviously some would.

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