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The idiots guide to moving back


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I don't know if that applies for every bank & then it might also depend on your account but when I asked mine they said we could only do it in person :(


Don't cancel them! Unless you've got British bank accounts already set up, it could take up to three months to get one - how will you manage for money in the meantime?


If your Australian bank accounts charge a monthly fee, then switch to a bank that doesn't charge. I know it's a nuisance but you will find it difficult if you have no source of funds or credit card. You can always let the account go inactive.

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I was just going to rely on cash & a travel card. I don't do net banking so it makes accessing my account from another country too much effort to bother.


Don't you have an ATM card or a credit card?


I guess if you have only a few thousand dollars in the world, then carrying it in cash and a travel card would work.

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Yep, been back 2.5 years and still have my Westpac account - doesn't cost me anything and it was handy to get tax rebate paid into - unless Westpac get iffy in the meantime it'll be there for my pension to go in.


To be honest I didn't expect such a clean break and thought I would continue business interests there and go and visit friends but I have been so busy here with work and European/US travel that it hasn't happened. medium term it still might and if I do work in Australia/NZ so I'll be holding onto the account just in case. It is registered to my UK address no problem.

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Good luck with the job applications - will your wife be moving back immediately with you too?


Assuming she is then I guess step one is deciding which assets to sell and which to ship back to the UK - if there are things you can sell now get started, otherwise get them on Gumtree as soon as you have a date. I found people were willing to pay deposits and collect closer to the day we were leaving - our bedroom furniture was collected on the day the shippers arrived for the stuff we were taking.<br><br>Your house I guess is the biggest difficulty if you need to move quickly, given the difficulties you're having is it worth starting the process now? Or would you perhaps rent it out? Would the rental value cover your mortgage?


As well as your stuff, are you going to be taking pets? I can recommend this company in Perth http://www.sherae.com.au/petlink.html - if the move may be quick you need to think about the timing of rabies jabs.<br><br>British and Australian passports up to date?


Will you need temporary accommodation in the UK - Airbnb is probably your best bet there, though there are plenty of holiday lets sites.


Getting a rental can be tough for a new arrival as you will need to pass a credit check - having a job will definitely help though but if you have not kept UK bank accounts, credit cards etc. that can be difficult. As soon as you arrive get yourself on the electoral register as that affects your credit rating.


It is worth joining Experian (30 days free) and checking what your credit rating is - I was pleasantly surprised at ours and getting on the electoral register was all we needed to get a mortgage. We did have bank accounts, credit cards and a mortgage in the UK whilst we were away though.


Get a certificate of NCB from your insurer & make sure it states years not just a percentage - there are plenty of UK insurers that will take it - we're with Aviva. Still shop around though someone mentioned on here recently that Direct Line without NCB gave them a better rate than another company with it.


Expect 'culture shock', you've been away a long time and holidays home don't prepare you for real life - there are things you will now take for granted that are different in the UK. Some things you will miss, others you will be glad to see the back of.


Be prepared for people here to think you're crazy, even in your situation there are those that will believe that they'd rather be destitute in the sun! My answer when I'm asked is 'I prefer the weather in Scotland' - said in such a way that they think I'm joking (I'm not really!) but it seems to shut most people up. If I'm pushed I say I like the people better - that seems to appeal to most people's ego's :)


I wish you the very best VS - it is a terrible shame that just as you started to actually enjoy your life in Australia - citizenship, your own home etc. things were to go wrong for you in this way. They build us tough in the NE though and pulling ourselves up by the boot straps is what we're good at. Anything I can do to help please shout - I have a house sitting empty in Middlesbrough at the moment!



Thanks so much. Excellent advice as normal.


We "think" we have at least one bank account still open. Will be investigating in the coming week


A lot of the other things are a bit foggy at the moment as it will depend on if I get one of these jobs. If I do, I will have to go quickly. Probably in the next few weeks. Though, at least two of the roles will provide accomodation for the first few months. If I don't get epany of the jobs, then we are probably looking at several months. If I have to go quickly - the roles I have applied for are quarry manager and are statutory roles where a quarry can not operate without someone, so they will not want to have me hanging around. But my wife will probably stay behind getting things organised for a month or two.


We we are going to look at getting the house sold next week. Though there is a friend considering making an offer which I have agreed to discount for him for a quick sale that does without the agents fees.


Renting back there I know can be hard, though it will depend on where we end up. If we end up Leicester, we think we will be ok. If we end up in the north east, I might be asking if you want a tenant for that house!


What we ship, is again going to depend a lot on the job front. If I get full relocation, I will just ship everything. If not, we will probably sell a lot.


Thanks for the heads up about rabies for the little fellow. Hadn't thought of that.


Not or worried about the culture shock as I am still very close to my friends who all think we were mad for making the move down under.

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Hey VS. I'm just going through all of this right now. The rabies shot has to be administered a least 22 days prior to flying ( I believe it lasts for 3 years ). I'm still trying to clarify if blood tests after the shot are required, I was told YES if the dog is returning to Australia within 2 yrs: NO if it's a permanent move. Also the rabies vaccine can only be administered by AQIS cert Vets, general practice vets don't normally have licences to give them... however given my location in western Syndey JETPETS can send an AQIS vet to my place to give the vaccine (all included in the overall cost of moving the dog) :smile:



Hope this helps.

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Hey VS. I'm just going through all of this right now. The rabies shot has to be administered a least 22 days prior to flying ( I believe it lasts for 3 years ). I'm still trying to clarify if blood tests after the shot are required, I was told YES if the dog is returning to Australia within 2 yrs: NO if it's a permanent move. Also the rabies vaccine can only be administered by AQIS cert Vets, general practice vets don't normally have licences to give them... however given my location in western Syndey JETPETS can send an AQIS vet to my place to give the vaccine (all included in the overall cost of moving the dog) :smile:



Hope this helps.


Thanks so much for this. I will ask at his vets as it is the biggest in the city.


Not bothered about moving him back here as long ago decided the next international move will be my last.

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Well, it is looking more and more likely we will be moving back and it may happen very quickly as I am in the running for a few jobs. So, in preparation, I thought I would ask all those who have done it to offer any practical advice for the move.


I am am making this open to pretty much any form of advice and it will hopefully also help others in the future.


Vs ,genuinely sorry to hear the news .

Above all else ,priority no1,is to choose very carefully where you live .

I cover all postcodes in the midlands.

I see shite ,and then I see the goo and very good.

I don't need to relay the bad ,we all know.

But some people have a fantastic lifestyle .

I carried out a job in twyctoss,leics the other day .

Bloke had a nice house ,car ...blah blah blah .

But he was surrounded by history ...,great views..good schools ,...a pub within walking distance.

The people in the pub govand watch Leicester tigers rugby .

All in all ,he had a decent,comfortable,contented existence ...

I have a few stories like that

And quite a few polar opposite.

Choose carefully



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Vs ,genuinely sorry to hear the news .

Above all else ,priority no1,is to choose very carefully where you live .

I cover all postcodes in the midlands.

I see shite ,and then I see the goo and very good.

I don't need to relay the bad ,we all know.

But some people have a fantastic lifestyle .

I carried out a job in twyctoss,leics the other day .

Bloke had a nice house ,car ...blah blah blah .

But he was surrounded by history ...,great views..good schools ,...a pub within walking distance.

The people in the pub govand watch Leicester tigers rugby .

All in all ,he had a decent,comfortable,contented existence ...

I have a few stories like that

And quite a few polar opposite.

Choose carefully







Fortunatly, we don't have children to think about.


Location will be very dependent on work as I am hoping to getting something signed before we go. At the moment, the most likely contenders are a couple of villages in Leicestershire, the village of Wick in Worcestershire, Worcester, Telford.

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