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White goods included in rentals?and renting without a job!


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We will be renting in the Central Coast NSW. Just wondering if it is common to have fridge/freezer etc included like it is in the UK? Also how difficult is it to secure a rental without a job? We will have savings but neither of us are likely to have jobs when we arrive, has anyone found this a problem?



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In my experience, the only white goods you'll get in a rental is the tumble dryer. The lack of a job won't be that important as agents will appreciate you've only just arrived. If you were renting in the UK then make sure you get a reference from your landlord/agent as that will carry a lot of weight.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I've rented in Victoria and Queensland and dealt with numerous agents and I've never seen white goods left in a rental, the closest is a dishwasher and obviously the oven.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Thank you. Who chooses the tennant though, the agent or the landlord?

The agent will have some say but it is suppose to be the choice of the owner. Just make sure you present yourself well at the inspection.

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Realistically the agent chooses the tenant on the landlords behalf. They will not recommend to the landlord somebody they do not like or trust. Turn up early to viewings, chat pleasantly with the agent and always spend a decent amount of time viewing questions.....be positive.


White goods, usually you provide fridge, freezer and washing machine, everything else supplied.



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