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to use migration planner or not ?


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Hi, We are just completing our application process and we were in two minds whether to use an agent or not as the vast majority of the process is very simple and I didn't feel the cost represented value for money. In the end I decided to get ourselves to the point where we were decision ready. So I completed my IELTS and all of my skills assessment and was at the point where we just needed to submit the EOI. I think that the last part of the process would also be easy enough as it is just form filling but the issue is it's very easy to make a slight mistake that could cost you thousands. We managed to get an agent to take it over from the EOI stage at a much lower cost and that for me represented value for money because although still wife pricey it wasn't as much as the entire process and it gave us peace of mind knowing it was being dealt with by an agent and they would complete the process properly or they would be liable for their mistakes as they were MARA registered.


as for picking one, just ensure they are MARA registered you can find a list on the MARA website, we used immigration2oz but there are many agents who are also registered and will do just as good of a job.



Good luck with your search

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We are looking to hopefully migrate to Perth but would like to know people's experiences on whether to use a migration agent or not. If so could people please recommend a good agent to use


All the registered migration agents who regularly post on this forum are OK.


I suggest you consult a RMA for an assessment of your prospects, even if you do not engage an agent to manage your case.


Make sure you consult a registered migration agent, not an organisation that retains the services of a registered migration agent as a 'consultant' which is sometimes no more than deceptive window dressing and clients have cases dealt with by unqualified, incompetent unregulated, unaccountable staff.

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Hi Gemmae31 - to throw another perspective into the mix, my husband and I completed our visa application entirely on our own. That said, I think we had a very straightforward case (skilled independent 189) and didn't have any problems. There is so much advice available on the Australian website (and in online forums) that it can be a simple process. We applied in September 2015 and our visas were granted (direct) in October 2015 - so it certainly can be done! Best of luck!

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Once upon a time I would've said, who needs a migration agent? If you qualify to migrate, just do it. If you don't qualify, a migration agent will make no difference.


I don't think that now. The forms have got so much more complicated and the scarey thing is that Immigration is completely unforgiving - make one little mistake and they'll reject your application, and you've lost your money. Migration is going to cost you several thousand pounds anyway, I don't think it's worth risking that for the sake of avoiding a fee.

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I would have a read around and see if you feel like you can complete it all yourself, you can always speak to a migration agent and get their opinion before instructing them, just ensure they are MARA registered.


I did everything for me and my partner by myself, but I am a very detail person generally so I double checked everything as well as spending hours on here reading different scenarios - even if i knew it would never affect me. In the end I got a direct grant in 7 calendar days, so super quick.


If you have a simple case and are certain of the points you can claim then it makes doing it yourself easier, however be 100% sure on what points you can claim if you go solo. I initially thought I had more points than I did from experience, but after reading around and other advice I went with the lower option, I made the gap up by sitting the English tests to get more points there. This was the only area I had uncertainties through my process.

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Just a quick comment.


The skilled migration program has been pretty static in its processes for the last few years.


You can be pretty sure that things will change at some point - Government Departments have a tendency to make changes in an effort to "improve." At such a time having an agent that is able to quickly discern the way the wind is blowing and the consequences of what is being altered can make the difference between migrating and not migrating.


Good luck!

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I think it like this. You are planning a major life changing event. A process that is incredibly expensive, highly complex and with more pitfalls than you can imagine. Don't you think that using a proffessional would be wise in such circumstances?


The other thing I will add is that the majority of people who post disaster stories asking for help because there visa has been rejected didn't even know they had a problem until it was too late. A very expensive mistake.

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