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Entering Oz on a tourist visa to apply for a partner visa on-shore?


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I am new to PIO and looking for some advice. I am planning to travel to Australia in the next few months on a tourist (eVisitor) visa with the intention of applying for a partner visa on-shore. My partner and I have been together for more than 3 years and we meet all of the necessary criteria. However, I am unsure of how open I should be with immigration on arrival with regards to my intention to apply for the partner visa. Does anybody have any experience of this and/or able to provide any advise?


Also, is it still the case that once I move onto a bridging visa I will be given working rights? I am worried that I might start the process and this ruling might then be changed (as they have done in the past).


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





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I am new to PIO and looking for some advice. I am planning to travel to Australia in the next few months on a tourist (eVisitor) visa with the intention of applying for a partner visa on-shore. My partner and I have been together for more than 3 years and we meet all of the necessary criteria. However, I am unsure of how open I should be with immigration on arrival with regards to my intention to apply for the partner visa.



A tourist visa is a tourist visa. If you are honest with immigration, you will be put straight back on a plane. You are expected to apply for your partner visa off-shore and be patient!


If you want to go the on-shore route, then arrive with a return ticket and don't bring things like copies of certificates etc which will make it obvious you're going to be job-hunting.

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Hi and thanks for your response. I have a few more question, if you could answer I would be very grateful.


With regards to "don't bring things like copies of certificates etc.", I take it there will be a reasonable chance that my bags could be checked/searched then?


Also, should I be as open as to admit that I am visiting my partner or should I say that I am going on holiday/ to visit friends?


Thanks again.

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You can apply for a onshore partner visa. My friend is with a Brit & he's just come over. He was advised to have a return to to the uk to avoid any questions from immigration. When you apply you will be granted a bridging visa which will come into effect when your tourist visa runs out.

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Its all about what your intention was when you entered the country.


If you enter on a tourist visa with the intention of having a holidayand leaving again, thats fine

If you then change your mind and decide to apply for a partner visa once you are here, thats also fine.


What is technically not allowed is entering on a tourist visa with the INTENTION of applying for a partner visa onshore., as tourist visas are intended for tourists.

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