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Flying with 2 year old - bring car seat on board?


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I have just booked flights for the family to travel home once baby #2 arrives next year. We'll have the infant in a bassinet (hopefully) but the toddler will have her own seat. We have the opportunity to bring a car seat on board to strap the toddler into, but has anyone actually done this and what would you recommend? I'm not sure if it's a good idea or not.




  • familiar to her
  • may help her sleep??
  • straps her in tightly
  • safer in case of turbulence




  • bulky to carry through transit
  • takes up more space on seat
  • may not be suitable. I can't figure out if our Safe 'n Sound Compaq fits Emirates' criteria




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I should mention this will be a long haul trip. 14 hours, 2 hour stopover, 8 hours. So I'm keen to make it as pain-free as humanly possible!


Separately, how efficient is Dubai Terminal 3 at transiting? We've got 2 hours and I'd like to use the G Force pool/gym for a shower/swim but it might be tight. By myself I probably would have enough time but with a toddler and an infant I'm not sure we'll be able.

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I'm kinda dreading this trip, but I suppose that means that anything that is better than awful will be a bonus!


I doubt they would let you take it on board.


Tbh it wasn't that bad for us. Just take lots to entertain them. You can often charge things on the plane, often takes UK plug and USB. Lots of low tech stuff, colouring books etc. The staff even took ours off our hands for an hour tobshowvthem off to the rest of the crew.

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We didn't with ours; we just accepted that at some point they'd end up sprawled all over us and having a great sleep. The bassinet seats are a pain in that the armrests are immovable in most of those seats. If you get the row of four the 2 year might be able to get a kip a bassinet too (depends on the crew).

Don't forget to have bottles of water for take off and landing, little ears totally struggle with pressure changes, and drinking water throughout the take off and landing may help.

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We didn't with ours; we just accepted that at some point they'd end up sprawled all over us and having a great sleep. The bassinet seats are a pain in that the armrests are immovable in most of those seats. If you get the row of four the 2 year might be able to get a kip a bassinet too (depends on the crew).

Don't forget to have bottles of water for take off and landing, little ears totally struggle with pressure changes, and drinking water throughout the take off and landing may help.


Always take an empty water bottle with you. Sometimes they don't let you take water on board, even if bought in the transit lounge. But just ask a hostess nicely if she will fill it, works every time.

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Thanks, good tip.


Yeah I was aware of the immovable armrests, which makes me lean towards the car seat because she has comfortably slept for long periods in that. I'll check with Emirates. If it's not suitable for use in the cabin then that solves the issue.



Even if they say yes, plan for them to change their minds. The people on the plane make the rules.

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I should mention this will be a long haul trip. 14 hours, 2 hour stopover, 8 hours. So I'm keen to make it as pain-free as humanly possible!


Separately, how efficient is Dubai Terminal 3 at transiting? We've got 2 hours and I'd like to use the G Force pool/gym for a shower/swim but it might be tight. By myself I probably would have enough time but with a toddler and an infant I'm not sure we'll be able.


You will need the two hours just to transit. By the time you've got off the plane, through security, found the gate to reboard - especially with kids in tow, you'll be lucky if you have time for the loo never mind a shower.


And be warned, coming back to Australia you get TWO security checks, one with the xray machine, one by hand at the gate.

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I wouldn't bother. Its a long time to be sat in a car seat. They are better off having the full size seat to themselves - they can lay down on it and go to sleep and it gives yourself a bit more room. My daughter was 1.8 months and we flew to south east asia and australia and back again and she was fine, she was actually a dream - no trouble at all in the nearly 50 hours of flying we done last summer.

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