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Repeating a grade in primary school - not ready for High School

Marie Jo

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We moved to Australia 2 years ago and my eldest daughter moved into Grade 4. At the time I was considering Grade 3 or Grade 4 for her. We are now moving to a different area of Melbourne and my daughter is due to start in the new school in January. She is due to start in Grade 6 but I am considering her repeating Grade 5 in the new school as I feel she wouldnt be ready to start in High School in 12 months. She has just turned 11. In Europe she wouldnt be starting secondary school until September 2017 whereas here it would be January 2017. 9 months earlier is a long time at that age. Just wondering has anyone else done that? Or what age do most kids start High School here? Just thought with the change of school it might be a good idea to repeat a year, so she has 2 years in the new primary school before changing school again to High School. Any feedback would be great for anyone else who has moved to Australia and experienced this? Thanks.

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We moved to Australia 2 years ago and my eldest daughter moved into Grade 4. At the time I was considering Grade 3 or Grade 4 for her. We are now moving to a different area of Melbourne and my daughter is due to start in the new school in January. She is due to start in Grade 6 but I am considering her repeating Grade 5 in the new school as I feel she wouldnt be ready to start in High School in 12 months. She has just turned 11. In Europe she wouldnt be starting secondary school until September 2017 whereas here it would be January 2017. 9 months earlier is a long time at that age. Just wondering has anyone else done that? Or what age do most kids start High School here? Just thought with the change of school it might be a good idea to repeat a year, so she has 2 years in the new primary school before changing school again to High School. Any feedback would be great for anyone else who has moved to Australia and experienced this? Thanks.


How does your daughter feel about it? Do you think she is not ready emotionally or academically? There are pros and cons to consider. Have you checked it's actually possible?

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Or what age do most kids start High School here? .


In states where High School starts with year 7, most students would be 12....or 11 going on 12. So I think that repeating would mean that she was a year older than her peers. If you are concerned it is something which should be discussed with the school but, unless she has particular developmental issues, I'd be surprised if it was recommended.

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In some areas the children seem to start very late at high school ( Park Orchards, Donvale is one). Mostly though they seem to start High schools at 12. Having said that one of my grandchildren started at 10 and is going into year 11 at a week past her 15th birthday which I think is a bit on the young side. My grandson is due to start High School in January and he will be a week past his 13th birthday but most of the other kids in his current grade are the same or older. So I guess a lot depends on where you live and what your child is up to physically and emotionally. Given that girls tend to develop earlier I would be reluctant to hold a female student back unless there were really compelling reasons.

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What happens in other countries is irrelevant if you are living and staying in Australia. If she's "just" turned 11 then her age peers will be in yr 6 next year and she will be right in the middle of the age range. It's usually advisable to keep kids with their age peers and schools don't really like to keep kids out of their social cohort if they can possibly help it. She's got a whole year before HS and you never know what maturing she might do next year in an environment where she is one of the seniors with additional responsibilities.

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A lot can happen in 12 months with kids - I wouldn't worry about it. TBH I think it is far riskier holding her back a year than moving her up with her age group. I would only hold her back if she had educational difficulties which meant that her learning was more akin to the year below.

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Move to Adelaide - kids don't go in to high school until year 8 here :tongue:.


Slightly more seriously I would talk to the school and see what they think. My son was due to start high school in the UK at the point we left and I did feel he was a bit young but I'm sure he would have managed if we had stayed. As it happens we moved here and he went in to year 5 (he was one of the youngest in the year and he's now one of the oldest) and did another 2 and a bit years in primary school and was more than ready for high school when he started at the beginning of this year. I am happy with the way things worked out as I believe this was the best thing for him and I can understand your concerns. However I would advise not holding your daughter back unless the school and your daughter also believe it would be the best thing for her. A year more of primary school might just be enough for her to be ready to move to high school.

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