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Living in Perth

Guest LandL

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Like alot of people I think after using the fantastic advice from the forum when i was applying for my visa to calm my nerves I drifted away but i came back today for a little read and decided to make a post as there doesnt seem to be much about Perth! Weve only been here 6 weeks but it has felt like forever! Backstory .. I am out here with my better half, both 27, felt like gaining some life experience. Sponging off my fantastically generous aunt until we find jobs!


Thoughts so far .. hot .. and then cold .. and then hot again! Spring is a bit temperamental apparently! Having said that my definition of 'cold' has changed from shivering in the house with a woolly jumper on to having to put trouser on :laugh: I am prepped for what is apparently going to be a HOT summer!


So far our interaction with bugs has been limited. My aunt told me within the first week about a skit an australian comedian does about you having your own personal fly the instant you arrive in oz. So true! Annoying little buggers! Mozzies dont bother me much, just the same back in the UK in the summer. Cockroaches scare me every time but purely because they always fall from places and scuttle around alot!


In terms of costs, eating out is definitely more expensive, and grocery shopping is a wee bit more but I cant say Im seeing a vast difference. No experience of bills etc. yet but im hoping Perth is slightly more reasonable than places like Sydney sound! I had no illusion coming out here that I would be saving vast amount of money, but it would be great to afford a teeny flat in the CBD without going broke :confused: We also didnt really realise how much you need a car if you are living anywhere but the CBD .. a little extra cost we didnt 100% plan for!


On the job front .. no luck so far. My better half is a consultant and has applied for about 7 jobs so far and is getting very disheartened. It is so hard when you are waiting for your visa for so long to not imagine how perfect life will be when you finally get to oz, getting the perfect job straight away etc. We in no way thought it would be easy .. but its never nice to keep getting 'no's. We are now looking at temp agencies just to stop us going stir crazy! I am a secondary teacher and have only just managed to register, and school is out for the summer in 4 weeks .. oops! Keeping my eyes peeled for work in 2016 and ive signed up to an agency so fingers crossed.


We've been using our free time to do some exploring. As a laugh we brought a guide book back in the UK and actually its been great as a starter for finding places to have a mooch around. Perth city is just stunning to look at from the river and the parks! And we love the laid back lifestyle, the ease of the public transport .. and the fact that they drive on the left!


Gosh this a long post! Anyway .. i would love to hear about anyone elses experiences living in Perth.. costs/things to do/things not to do!

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Having landed in Perth 3+ years ago, you have to take the rough with the smooth.


some find it easy, others harder to find their feet.


jobs seem hard to come by, seeing lots of posts from people asking for jobs. I've never had any probs getting jobs till coming here, but just managed to pick up some work here and there. And I am willing to do a lesser job, just to bring the bucks in.

life in general a Doddle, great weather, makes everything seems brighter. So far not found it any more expensive.


v easy to get a mortgage for a decent house thru the goverment schemes, with no savings. Even like us in our forties.


Love the UK, but Aus has def given us a better lifestyle

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Guest Guest66881

Great post my friend, it is tough but that should be expected really. Just keep doing what you are doing and something will either pop up or you get that phone call/email reply with a job offer, like FOC said please make another entry as you go forward here in Perth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have noticed that a LOT of Poms move to Perth. Seems to be a huge ex-pat community there. I have always wondered why.


Perth is one of the most isolated cities in the world. Over 2,000 to the next city of Adelaide (if you can call Adelaide a city - more like a big country town)


I wounder how many new arrivals struggle with that sense of isolation.


PerthPoms (a sister site to this one) has a Facebook page. Perhaps by following that you will get some assistance on the job front.


It may be a case of taking a job (any job) just to get money and experience. Once you have worked in Perth this will look better on your resume in the future. Then you can get a job in your specialized field later down the track.

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I have noticed that a LOT of Poms move to Perth. Seems to be a huge ex-pat community there. I have always wondered why.


Perth is one of the most isolated cities in the world. Over 2,000 to the next city of Adelaide (if you can call Adelaide a city - more like a big country town)


I wounder how many new arrivals struggle with that sense of isolation.


PerthPoms (a sister site to this one) has a Facebook page. Perhaps by following that you will get some assistance on the job front.


It may be a case of taking a job (any job) just to get money and experience. Once you have worked in Perth this will look better on your resume in the future. Then you can get a job in your specialized field later down the track.


When you're living in a city with urban sprawl to rival LA (probably 100km North to South) you don't exactly feel isolated! For us the 'isolation' factor hit more the longer we stayed, for the first few years there is plenty to explore a drive away but once we'd been to most places a few times we started to want more and it's expensive to get anywhere else, even within Australia when you're a family. Bali is the go to place for Perthites but it never appealed to me, saw it as the Southern hemispheres Costa del Sol, I know like Spain there is more to it than the 18-30 set getting drunk but then the prices go up accordingly!

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The problem in Perth now is that there's an army of very well qualified unemployed people chasing any and every job. Mining engineers working in call centres etc are displacing the people who only have experience in these jobs, and so it goes on. Maybe some of the people who came to Perth in the last 5 years will decide to return to where they came from whether it be overseas or interstate, you won't last long without an income that's for sure. It's not a recession officially in Australia but, in Perth at the moment, it certainly looks like all the other ones we've had.

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Guest jetandspade

MAybe Perth is not the best place to live. I would be interested to know what is happening to the local economy. Perth has been so expensive. A larger city like Melbourne, Sydney or Brisbane would be better.

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