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Paying rent, not got keys?


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I'm after some advise please.

Basically we are moving to Adelaide in January but for peace of mind and after finding a long term rental that our friends viewed fore decided to apply for a rental, which we got! We had to agree to pay rent from last Monday as a think others applied too that could move sooner, but we were happy with this as peace of mind to have somewhere to move to on arrival.

Anyway estate agent confirmed receipt of our 3 months money and bond on Monday as agreed, but then said he had arranged a locksmith to go in and change the locks and cut more keys, so would let me know when my friends could collect the keys. It's now 4 days later and we still do not have keys for a property we are paying for. Is this normal? My husband thinks this is wrong and we should not pay rent for the time we do not receive the keys for?:confused:

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I'm after some advise please.

Basically we are moving to Adelaide in January but for peace of mind and after finding a long term rental that our friends viewed fore decided to apply for a rental, which we got! We had to agree to pay rent from last Monday ...

Anyway estate agent confirmed receipt of our 3 months money and bond on Monday as agreed, but then said he had arranged a locksmith to go in and change the locks and cut more keys, so would let me know when my friends could collect the keys. It's now 4 days later and we still do not have keys for a property we are paying for. Is this normal?


Yes, it's not unusual. You can't move in anyway, so the landlord knew he didn't have to book an emergency locksmith, and we all know it's not unusual to wait a few days to get work done. I would get your friends to ring up if they don't get them by next Monday.

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Yes, it's not unusual. You can't move in anyway, so the landlord knew he didn't have to book an emergency locksmith, and we all know it's not unusual to wait a few days to get work done. I would get your friends to ring up if they don't get them by next Monday.


Thank you :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow must be an amazing house to pay 3 months rent in advance.


Good luck with your move. Adelaide is great and I'm sure you will love it.


As long as the rental agent is a well known company then I wouldn't worry too much. I think Marisawright is right in what she wrote.

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My husband thinks this is wrong and we should not pay rent for the time we do not receive the keys for?


That would be the least of my concerns.


Even more wrong (and quite bizarre) is paying rent on a house that you are not even living in and won't be until January.


What a colossal waste of money I reckon.


It is really quite easy and quick to get a rental here. Could you not stay with your friends or in a long-term motel upon arrival, and then just secure a rental then. Offering three months rent at that stage would have you in-like-Flynn too.


And in regards to your original question: Sometimes these things take time. Real Estate agents can sometimes be slow moving creatures. And since they already have your money - no need for any hurry they may be thinking. And some locksmiths are busy. Maybe it will take a big longer than four days to sort out new keys.

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That would be the least of my concerns.


Even more wrong (and quite bizarre) is paying rent on a house that you are not even living in and won't be until January.


What a colossal waste of money I reckon.


It is really quite easy and quick to get a rental here. Could you not stay with your friends or in a long-term motel upon arrival, and then just secure a rental then. Offering three months rent at that stage would have you in-like-Flynn too.


And in regards to your original question: Sometimes these things take time. Real Estate agents can sometimes be slow moving creatures. And since they already have your money - no need for any hurry they may be thinking. And some locksmiths are busy. Maybe it will take a big longer than four days to sort out new keys.


Our thoughts were that the whole cost of visas/moving is a massive expense anyway so in the grand scheme of it, paying a little extra rent isn't a big deal, as it puts our mind at rest knowing that our children will have a home to move into straight away without having to move into a short term first (which would have cost more for furnished anyway)


Also after hearing stories from our friends that struggled to find a rental, I could do without that stress when I have 2 young girls to its it being Xmas coming up we weren't sure how many rentals would come up between now and then that we liked.

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Our thoughts were that the whole cost of visas/moving is a massive expense anyway so in the grand scheme of it, paying a little extra rent isn't a big deal.



I personally think it is a waste of money, given how quick and easy it is to secure a rental. But that is your business and none of mine.


Never heard of anyone doing this before. You are lucky that you have the luxury of doing it. I hope you like the place when you arrive. What sort of lease did you sign. Because if you arrive and find out the house is next door to a meth lab or a party house, it may cost you even more to break your lease early.


If you were to offer a real estate agent 3 months advance rent upon arrival; you would secure a rental super doopa fast.


Why did your friends struggle to find a rental. Where none about. Was it a few years ago. Or they just didn't like what they were viewing. Bit nosy of me, but interested to know why they encountered issues.


Only because I have read that from a shortage of rentals a few years ago there is now a glut. Some places have so many oversupply that they are struggling to find renters.

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I personally think it is a waste of money, given how quick and easy it is to secure a rental. But that is your business and none of mine.


Never heard of anyone doing this before. You are lucky that you have the luxury of doing it. I hope you like the place when you arrive. What sort of lease did you sign. Because if you arrive and find out the house is next door to a meth lab or a party house, it may cost you even more to break your lease early.


If you were to offer a real estate agent 3 months advance rent upon arrival; you would secure a rental super doopa fast.


Why did your friends struggle to find a rental. Where none about. Was it a few years ago. Or they just didn't like what they were viewing. Bit nosy of me, but interested to know why they encountered issues.


Only because I have read that from a shortage of rentals a few years ago there is now a glut. Some places have so many oversupply that they are struggling to find renters.


we have very good friends out there who we trust that viewed it for us, so we know it's a nice house in a nice area. We are going to Adelaide, and the rentals get snapped up and me being a little fussy would rather know we have somewhere lined up.


They struggled last year to find something. Not sure why really, they are friends of friends So not sure of their circumstances but whenever I look at them on real estate they all go within a week of being on there.

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we have very good friends out there who we trust that viewed it for us, so we know it's a nice house in a nice area. We are going to Adelaide, and the rentals get snapped up and me being a little fussy would rather know we have somewhere lined up.


They struggled last year to find something. Not sure why really, they are friends of friends So not sure of their circumstances but whenever I look at them on real estate they all go within a week of being on there.


Rentals often get snapped up reasonably quickly here in Adelaide yes, but there are plenty around atm and I don't think its that bad to try and secure one. Some areas are much more high demand than others but still some rentals can be found. I know many people arriving here rent a short term furnished for 3-4 weeks and pretty much all of them seem to have found a rental in an area they wanted (at least to start with) within that time. I rarely have read or heard of someone not finding one. Same for our local friends who rent and have to move. They find with relative ease in the areas they are looking in.


I do think its a strange way to go about it and seems to cost a heap more in the long run but if its what you wanted and have done, fair enough. Some of those rentals you see going in a week may have only had a few people viewing and only one or two people wanting to actually rent. Or that you'd have failed to be one of those people snapping one up. I know a lovely place in a great suburb was on the rental market for 6 weeks and had 4 opens before they found someone. Was ideal for a young working couple of 2 friends sharing but they could not find anyone for it for a while. So even good places can sit around.


Arriving at Christmas everything slows or shuts down, not just the property market. Job market also can be pretty dire till end of Jan, start of Feb and take a while to pick up.

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Guest guest30085

It's the OPs money, it's their choice.


Its a huge move, why not take some of the stress away knowing they have a property to move straight into.

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It's the OPs money, it's their choice.



Well of course!


Totally their business (and money) none of my business nor anyone elses.


BUT when you write an unusual thing like that on a forum; then of course people are going to comment. Human nature and all that.


Especially if you are just offering advice that rentals are pretty easy to secure and therefore it can be done much cheaper.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's good that you've managed to secure a rental. Well Done, its a start and a base to work from.


We are emigrating next week and have tried everything to get a rental. We have been told by the lettings agents, that unless one of us has a job and can prove it, they won't rent to us. Even though we have sent them proof of money in the bank, references, police checks, etc.


Further more the school won't let us enrol the children, because we don't have a rental agreement, and to round things off, hubby can't get a job because it takes 2 - 3 months to get all the necessary work permits.


It makes me laugh when people keep saying, "ah you'll be on the beach for Christmas" if they only knew, we may literally be living on the beach!!


Good Luck with your plans x

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I worried too but it really is easy to rent here. Properties are empty, you view, apply and they let you know within a couple of days.

If successful you can move in as soon as you like. If you've rented before bring a reference from the letting agent in England. Get references from your employers in England if you haven't got a new employer here. Anything to show you are responsible. Bank statements will help too.

It's not like England where they take weeks to do anything. We ended up in a lovely 3 bed a few streets back from the beach. It took us 10 days after landing to move in.

If you've chosen schools you must live in the catchment area.

Good luck with the move

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I'm confident it will be different when your in the country. Not many people can secure a rental when your not here yet.

We couldn't get letting agents to reply to emails from England either.

Really feel for you, it is a worrying time and everyone keeps saying "I bet your excited" when really your worried sick.

All the best. It will all work out ok in the end.

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Yes we did all of the above, but several people were going for each property. The agents said without a job they weren't interested in our applications. We even offered to pay the 6 maths rental up front!!


Yes but you're not in the country yet. Most agents won't let to you unless you or a nominated representative have viewed the property. The person you replied to was talking about what you can do after you arrive

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