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Selling car before we leave the UK


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How longs a piece of string really, so many variables, I think only you can really decide on that one. I put mine up for sale in August before flying end of November and didn't sell until start of November, took a lot longer than I expected, it's whether you can be without though or have a plan B for getting around in any interim period.,..

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A tough one. We sold our car last April, coming the other way.


Naively, we fell for the promises of online car-sales websites that we'd sell easily, for a better price than if we sold on the Classifieds or to a dealer. Haha! First of all, when we signed up, we soon found we had to pay all kinds of extra fees for "featured" listings. Then we got very few calls, and those that did call made laughable offers. I then started talking to friends and discovered several people who'd had their cars advertised on these sites for MONTHS without success!


We were over a barrel, because of where we lived we really couldn't manage without our car in the days leading up to the move. So we left it till two weeks' before, and in the end we were very lucky to sell it to a private buyer, but for a lot less than the website had led us to believe. In fact it wasn't much more than a dealer offered us.

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I plan on keeping mine til the very end and then using we buy any car.com.


may get slightly less but saves the bother and stress of either not selling or being without a car.


I used them as a back up but advertised also on Autotrader. Found a buyer who wanted my car so much that he was happy to wait a week and buy it just before we went. Got a better price than any dealer. Another tip is that webuyanycar will come back to you for a couple of weeks offering a higher price each time so worth sending your details to them a couple of weeks ahead of leaving. Whether they honour their offer price is doubtful though I suspect but, whatever you do, don't tell them that you need to sell.


3 months later they are still emailing me about my car lol.

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We got stuffed over the sale of our car as the buyer knew we were emigrating....... it is indeed a tricky balance. We are probably going to ship our car home to Oz - it is an ordinary car but v reliable and low mileage


One thing - You could advertise your car to people returning to UK on this forum - saves them a bit of hassle if the timing is right!

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One time we sold via autotrader, maybe a couple of weeks before we left but we were able to borrow a car for the last two weeks. Second time we tried one of those buy a car places but after agreeing a price and turning up they tried to rip us off by whistling through their teeth at minor wear and tear and nothing but what you would expect to see on an eight year old car. In the end we sold back to a registered dealer, they don't give a good price but they will always take it and you can drop it off at your convenience. We did same when we left Australia.

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I sold through Autotrader and ended up handing it over to a tyre-kicker who gave me only fractionally more than I would have got from a dealer. I think he could tell I was desperate to sell and took advantage. I lost even more buying a lemon when I got here. With hindsight, I should have had the car shipped.

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I sold through Autotrader and ended up handing it over to a tyre-kicker who gave me only fractionally more than I would have got from a dealer. I think he could tell I was desperate to sell and took advantage. I lost even more buying a lemon when I got here. With hindsight, I should have had the car shipped.


I really wish I had shipped when I moved back too. We bought a second run around anyway recently, so we could have made do with that whilst we waited for the shipping. It would have saved a small fortune as we bought newer and better but in fact we really liked the car we had and we never would have upgraded were it not for the move back.

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