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UPDATE: Flights are booked!!


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So I just wanted to update my journey as so many of you have helped with tough decisions, plus I'm so excited, I feel like I just need to shout from the roof tops, mixed with utter terror of what lies ahead!


following my threads from earlier in the year, we made the tough decision to rehome our dog. He has gone to a lovely couple who already have a dog and were looking for a companion for him. To be honest, I think he's better off with them as he doesn't have a 2 year old bullying him now! He settled very quickly and with no problems and I'm 100% sure it was the right decision for us.


My husband has been in touch with many many recruiters and has 2 jobs lined up. He is pretty certain of them, but both employers want to meet him before securing the positions. This is the feedback he has had from most of the recruiters. We were hoping he'd secure work before we landed but it seems that that is just not going to happen. But it certainly looks positive!


I had my baby (number 2) almost 4 weeks ago and we decided we would go when he reached the 6 week mark. So flights have been booked for 21st October! I can't believe that we're finally doing it! It feels like this is all we have talked about for the last year and now it's weeks away! We've the freight booked on 19th, the house is being cleaned and handed back to the real estate agent on 20th and then we fly 21st! Tight schedule with a 2 year old and 6 week old but hey ho!


To top it all off, we became citizens last night! I know some people think it's wrong that we got our citizenship and we're leaving, but it's strangely satisfying, a kind of full stop at the end of the story! It's great that we share the same nationality as our children, we have something to show for our time here, and we won't be closing the door entirely........!

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I know some people think it's wrong that we got our citizenship and we're leaving, but it's strangely satisfying, a kind of full stop at the end of the story! We have something to show for our time here, and we won't be closing the door entirely........!


Exactly what we are looking to achieve.


Good luck for the next chapter.

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So glad to see you're on your way. I totally understand the citizenship thing, we did the same and I am proud to have an Aussie passport, strange as that may seem.


At the time the way I looked at it was I had been so certain that moving to Australia was the right thing so how could I now be certain that moving back was - it was, at least for now anyway!


With Aussie children it is critically important as they may choose to move back and you wouldn't want your movement restricted. For us it's a double edged sword as my son is Scottish so getting citizenship gives him an easy way back as an adult but i would not have denied him that (even though I secretly hope he doesn't!)


I can't imagine organising this move pregnant and with a newborn so hats off to you.

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We actually took a risk and booked it all before we got his passport!!! Was beginning to panic but we got his passport Friday afternoon!!!! Now to pack......!


Heading back to Lincolnshire!!!


Just packing the house up now! Proving difficult with 2 kiddies!! Just want to be on the plane so it's finished and I can sit down!!

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Congratulations and all the best for the move. We moved back and it's the best thing we could have done, no doubt.

Don't worry what people think of you gaining citizenship, it doesn't mean you have to eat vegemite or watch Aussie rules, loads of people do it for convenience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Luck to you all,And You Did The Right thing Getting Citizenship.never burn your bridges. Hope you have a Beautiful white XMAS.And you'll see all the Trees go from bare, to blossom.That's what really got me the beautiful trees,overhanging the narrow country lanes, and patch quilted fields.

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  • 2 months later...

So glad to have read this post. I am in a very similar position. No. 2 is arriving at the end of March and we have decided to return to Scotland end of May. My big worry was getting the new babies birth certificate and passport in time, so from your post, I take it it is doable. I don't even know where to start with the move it seems so overwhelming. Did you ship much back? I was thinking of leaving 2 weeks before Hubby so that he could tie up all the losse ends. Possibly shipping all are small things and start from scratch again. any tips you have would be fantastic!

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So glad to have read this post. I am in a very similar position. No. 2 is arriving at the end of March and we have decided to return to Scotland end of May. My big worry was getting the new babies birth certificate and passport in time, so from your post, I take it it is doable. I don't even know where to start with the move it seems so overwhelming. Did you ship much back? I was thinking of leaving 2 weeks before Hubby so that he could tie up all the losse ends. Possibly shipping all are small things and start from scratch again. any tips you have would be fantastic!


Welcome to PIO natz83 - this is quite an old post so the OP may no longer post.


We moved back to Scotland in 2013 after 5 years in Perth - we wanted to get citizenship before we returned and then needed passports, Australia is very efficient in issuing passports (we paid for fast track) and got them very easily.


Do you have a house to sell? That was what drove the time scales for us, we chose to stay in a holiday rental for 4 weeks after the house was sold to tie up the loose ends, it worked perfectly - we could pay final utility bills, close bank accounts/credit cards, sell our cars etc. etc. so when we were back in the UK there was nothing left to deal with (moving out we had a lot of stress dealing with that sort of stuff back in the UK, staying in a rental with no internet and only an expensive PAYG mobile to make calls back to the UK on)


Not sure I'd leave two weeks before hubby though, especially with two small children to travel with but you may be better at coping than me!


The 'ship everything' / 'ship nothing' question divides people - I'm in the ship everything camp perhaps because the stuff we couldn't bear to part with is a fair quantity anyway. It depends on the quality of the stuff you have and how suitable it would be for a typical UK home - most of ours had been shipped out so it fitted just fine and even though it was cheap and cheerful it definitely worked out cheaper to ship than replace (I literally worked out the cost per square meter to ship against replacement cost to decide what to take!).


Do start a thread of your own with your questions as you will probably get more responses that way and join the MBTTUK group - send a message to @The Pom Queen and she will add you. There are sticky posts there with good tips and lots of us who have returned or in the process.

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So glad to have read this post. I am in a very similar position. No. 2 is arriving at the end of March and we have decided to return to Scotland end of May. My big worry was getting the new babies birth certificate and passport in time, so from your post, I take it it is doable. I don't even know where to start with the move it seems so overwhelming. Did you ship much back? I was thinking of leaving 2 weeks before Hubby so that he could tie up all the losse ends. Possibly shipping all are small things and start from scratch again. any tips you have would be fantastic!



Good luck with the planning! My personal view on shipping - take it all with you.


I know the idea of packing everything seems overwhelming. But just think, how easy will it be to trek all over town shopping for new furniture, crockery, cutlery, pots and pans, kitchen utensils, bed linen, towels, white goods, etc etc - with a new baby?


Of course there is always the dilemma of how to manage till your stuff arrives. If you can stay with family till then that's great, or maybe you can borrow some essentials to tide you over, otherwise it's a case of booking into a holiday flat for a couple of months.

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So glad to have read this post. I am in a very similar position. No. 2 is arriving at the end of March and we have decided to return to Scotland end of May. My big worry was getting the new babies birth certificate and passport in time, so from your post, I take it it is doable. I don't even know where to start with the move it seems so overwhelming. Did you ship much back? I was thinking of leaving 2 weeks before Hubby so that he could tie up all the losse ends. Possibly shipping all are small things and start from scratch again. any tips you have would be fantastic!


Hi, I have plenty to share with you regarding our journey! I've just moved into our rental and we are waiting to be connected to the Internet so I'm relying on 3G and my phone to type this message! I just wrote an essay for you but my lovely 2 year old just deleted before I could send it! I should be connected at the end of the week so I can share my journey with you then!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We're finally connected to the Internet and back into some kind of routine! Now let me update you all and give you the information that you've asked for!


In terms of migrating with 2 young children (one being a newborn) it wasn't that bad once we'd got all the relevant paperwork. For a newborn (if you want it quick) you need to apply for the birth certificate at the civic centre and request it be priority processed. This costs $110 and takes about 5 days. There's no option on the form or the website, but if you go down to the centre you'll see why as that place is chocca everyday and I guess if they advertised a priority service it would take even longer. Depending on your state depends on the waiting times but if you apply the regular way then averagely you're looking at about 30 working days for a certificate to be issued (in case you have the time to wait!). If you were a permanent resident at the time of birth and don't have a stamp in your passport to prove your residency status you will need to apply for the baby's citizenship certificate. There is no priority service and takes about a week, all of these are processed in Sydney and there is no way around it. The passport office won't accept the email letter confirming your residency status. Once you have the birth certificate and proof of your residency/baby's citizenship you can apply for the passport. You can pay for the priority service which takes about 3 days including delivery and you can choose to pick it up or have it posted. Be warned-we requested all of our passports be collected from the central office but mine and my husbands was delivered to our home address!


Flying was relatively easy. We flew with Etihad. We decided to pay for our daughters seat even though she wasn't quite 2. Having flown previously with her and not paying we were generally given an extra seat, but on busy flights we have had to share 2 seats, so we didn't want to run the risk of having 2 seats between 4 of us. We were given 46kg each and 23kg for my newborn! Couldn't believe that we still struggled to keep to the weight allowance despite shipping our entire house back to England! We arrived at the airport late (!) with 7 suitcases, 4 carry on, 2 car seats and a stroller! It was a tad ridiculous and we were running to the gate to catch the flight on time!


We flew a little later than I would have liked. Previously we've flown through the night and my daughter has slept the whole way whereas this time we flew early hours and so by the time we got on the plane my daughter was past it and hardly slept. My newborn thankfully slept most of the journey in the provided bassinet. It was hard with my daughter as she was too big for a bassinet but to small to sleep in her seat! We did 2 legs straight through with no lay over arriving in UK at lunch time. If you can establish breast feeding, that makes it a lot less painful as it helps to pop the ears and it provides comfort! My god, re-telling it all now seems like so long ago!


Our furniture arrived in the country on 2nd Dec, just 6 weeks after it left Aus! We weren't even in our own house! We moved in 22nd Dec with all our stuff, so we had a chaotic Christmas but were in our own space, and didn't have to worry about borrowing/buying furniture to make do until or things arrived which we weren't expecting until he new year!


We are 100% happy with our decision to return back to the UK! It is lovely being home with our young family and having our parents around to shower them in attention and to help out with everyday tasks! Something I felt my daughter has missed out on over the last 2 years. Hubby found work after about 6 weeks and started this week. He has had a lengthy paternity leave which was wonderful and the added bonus of having the whole of Christmas and new year off!


Im happy to answer anymore questions if I can, in case I've missed out anything here!

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Hi LostmyWay


very intrigued reading your post about your journey and reasons for returning to the UK. After being in Oz for 8years my husband, myself, our 2year old and newborn decided to move back to the UK to gain family support. Fast forward 7months and a renovated house later we feel lost and homesick from Australia. We miss our lifestyle, our friends, the weather and what we used to do. Our famiilies are busy and lives have moved on whilst we have been gone, we feel lost. Can anyone relate? We are looking into moving back in the future but also can't afford the eastern suburbs in Sydney where we left. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks Katie

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Hi LostmyWay


very intrigued reading your post about your journey and reasons for returning to the UK. After being in Oz for 8years my husband, myself, our 2year old and newborn decided to move back to the UK to gain family support. Fast forward 7months and a renovated house later we feel lost and homesick from Australia. We miss our lifestyle, our friends, the weather and what we used to do. Our famiilies are busy and lives have moved on whilst we have been gone, we feel lost. Can anyone relate? We are looking into moving back in the future but also can't afford the eastern suburbs in Sydney where we left. Would appreciate any advice. Thanks Katie


hi Katieoz,


one thing i have have learned from my experience is everyone' experience is unique! We are actually 'ping pong poms' having moved back to the UK in 2011 and instantly hating it and so moving back to Aus 7 months later. I was instantly happy to be back in Australia but then starting our family is when I started to feel homesick again. 2 things I have learnt....1) is the time we spent in UK pining for Aus meant that we had changed and Aus had changed, just in the short time we were away, so when we returned we didn't return to what we knew. I found that since about 2011 we've just been chasing yesterday! 2) we returned to England the second time at the absolute perfect time unlike in 2011. All our friends have young families and we have just slotted straight back into life as if we'd never been anywhere, whereas in 2011 all off our friends were at totally different stages of life! So really, timing is everything!


To answer your question we moved back to UK in 2011 because I wanted a baby and we decided that we wanted our family involved in that. The truth is when we got back to England my husband was not ready to have a baby and so we yearned for our carefree life back in Aus. We got back to Australia and my want for a baby only increased and so our carefree life became all about getting pregnant and then quite quickly all about our daughter. All of our friends were childless and so we were very much alienated from them. So fast forward 3 more years and 2 children I guess the reason we came back this time was for the original reason we came back in 2011, we wanted our families involved in our children's lives....so again timing is everything!


i am sorry to hear that you are feeling homesick for Australia. I do know what it is like to have the expat curse, I'm so thankful that this time it's worked for us because it gets tiresome! There must have been reasons as to why you came back to England? Are they still valid/true? Do you think you will go back to Aus? Good luck with your journey!

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I am so glad to read this post it coul almost be identical to what I will be posting two years from now

We moved to Australia in 2012 and within two weeks of being here had my first "I don't want to be here" moment. Sadly my other half really had no intention of ever going back to the uk once he got here. Fast forward 4 years and I still have the desperate longin to go home feeling. I also now have a two year old. Other half has agreed in two years (christmas 2017) we will go home also back to Lincolnshire! The plan for us is get citizenship and hopefully baby number two and head back to the rolling fields of home as a family of four having had some big adventures along the way and the opportunity if we ever feel the need to return in the future. Two years seems forever away and I'm counting the days. I would have loved to be going sooner but the compromise with the other half was if I wanted another baby we do it here and stay longer.

would love to know how you are finding being back in Lincolnshire (which part -we are from Lincoln) now that the dust has settled and the excitement of leaving Australia has passed.

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I am so glad to read this post it coul almost be identical to what I will be posting two years from now

We moved to Australia in 2012 and within two weeks of being here had my first "I don't want to be here" moment. Sadly my other half really had no intention of ever going back to the uk once he got here. Fast forward 4 years and I still have the desperate longin to go home feeling. I also now have a two year old. Other half has agreed in two years (christmas 2017) we will go home also back to Lincolnshire! The plan for us is get citizenship and hopefully baby number two and head back to the rolling fields of home as a family of four having had some big adventures along the way and the opportunity if we ever feel the need to return in the future. Two years seems forever away and I'm counting the days. I would have loved to be going sooner but the compromise with the other half was if I wanted another baby we do it here and stay longer.

would love to know how you are finding being back in Lincolnshire (which part -we are from Lincoln) now that the dust has settled and the excitement of leaving Australia has passed.


Hi! Have you been home since you had the baby? If not you might find a trip home and seeing what you're missing out on makes your hubby think about bringing forward the plans? We agreed we would holiday home before making the decision and flew home twice in 2014 with our daughter and each time was magnificent, it cemented it and made us want it even more! We had a lovely life in Aus and I wouldn't change it for the world but I am so pleased to be home now! Just seeing my children lavished in the same unconditional love from all my family is just like nothing else!


we're from the Sleaford area, just moved to Metheringham, so not very far from Lincoln! I'm loving being back in the 'shire'! It's a beautiful county! We've had thick frost this week and it's just beautiful seeing the farm lands covered in white! Just driving to the Drs this morning was like driving through a post card, not like the faceless and endless suburbs we've been used to! When I think about Australia I must admit I get very nostalgic about the life we had but honestly, apart from the people, there is nothing I miss, and even those people don't equal the family I've gained back from moving home! The power of FB and email, I still chat to good friends almost weekly so it doesn't feel like I'm not seeing them!


So now the dust has settled this is life....My children see their grandparents almost daily, all of our old friends here have young families too so I am busy catching up with them in between seeing 'nanny' and 'grandma', we have babysitters on tap who are more than desperate to have some time with the kids, we've had a few nights out which has been lovely! My weekly shop has gone from $200 p/w to £60, my rent from $2020 pcm to £625, my hubby's wage is enough to give me the option of when I go back to work and how much I work! Life is peachy!


Anyway, best wishes on your journey and I hope you and your hubby come to the same decision and it's a seamless one for you!

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I'm jealous! I miss the beautiful countryside so much.

since we have been here I've been home twice and am headed back again in April. First time was when our little boy was 4 months we went as a family then but the last and next times is just me and my son. Other half won't go for a holiday as he knows eventually we will be moving back there anyway. He knows financially it makes sense moving back, Sydney is so expensive compared to Lincoln. We have really struggled since being here but since we got our PR visa we can finally claim child care rebate at least which has been great and for once we are doing the sensible thing and putting it into savings for our move back home. My partner hates the British weather and thinks that will make him depressed when we get home!! Lol I hate the Aussie weather far too hot for me. We both know though that with a little boy and hopefully another baby in the future we need to be around family and friends. My mum is getting old and no longer feels she can face the journey here. I have so many friends back home that I miss and we are all at the stage in our lives of having kids it's where we need to be.

i certainly don't regret moving to Australia we've had some adventures and done some amazing things here but I think most of all it's made me realise where my home is and how much I love England.

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