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Breeding to improve the dogs of yesterday

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

If you ask any breeder what their goal is they will say it's to improve the breed, health, temperament, gene pool.

However I found this article today and it made me think, are breeders actually improving things. I know when I bred my cats many moons ago I spent over £45,000 importing the lines in to the country that I wanted to work with. The UK had a very small gene pool and most other breeders were interbreeding and in turn doubling up on any faults. They would breed cats with PKD, they wouldn't test for other health issues associated with the breed etc.

It is ok striving for perfection but do any of us actually think of the animal itself or do we concentrate more on what we want out of this.

We use to always say mongrels were less prone to health issues and I still stand by this.

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Guest The Pom Queen





It seems incredible that at one time the Bull Terrier was a handsome, athletic dog. Somewhere along its journey to a mutated skull and thick abdomen the bull terrier also picked up a number of other maladies like supernumerary teeth and compulsive tail-chasing.


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Guest The Pom Queen




The Basset Hound has gotten lower, has suffered changes to its rear leg structure, has excessive skin, vertebra problems, droopy eyes prone to entropion and ectropion and excessively large ears.


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Guest The Pom Queen




A shorter face means a host of problems. The modern Boxer not only has a shorter face but the muzzle is slightly upturned. The boxer – like all bracecyphalic dogs – has difficulty controlling its temperature in hot weather, the inability to shed heat places limits on physical performance. It also has one of the highest cancer rates.


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Guest The Pom Queen




The English bulldog has come to symbolize all that is wrong with the dog fancy and not without good reason; they suffer from almost every possible disease. A 2004 survey by the Kennel Club found that they die at the median age of 6.25 years (n=180). There really is no such thing as a healthy bulldog. The bulldog's monstrous proportions make them virtually incapable of mating or birthing without medical intervention.


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Guest The Pom Queen

In cats two breeds that jump out are the Persian and the Siamese.

Then you have the one that caused so much outcry years back, the poor Munchkin.



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It's all the Victorians' fault. They started off dog shows aka beauty pageants. Dogs stopped being bred for function. Most of today's crufts dogs are not fit to do the job the breed was meant to do. That's why there's a marked difference in the working form of the breed and the show type in many cases. Esp cockers, springers , labs.

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It seems incredible that at one time the Bull Terrier was a handsome, athletic dog. Somewhere along its journey to a mutated skull and thick abdomen the bull terrier also picked up a number of other maladies like supernumerary teeth and compulsive tail-chasing.



...........what we want out of the breed......!

...........I chose this one as I have one.....

...........my other dogs being rescue mongrels.........

...........the bull terrier has many characteristics I wanted.....and havving had one before....

............I looked for a breeder who chose his dogs for them.....

...........the bully is a clown......but has the ability if trained properly to be a good guard dog....

............they are loyal and a kind dog.....

.............a good breeder will encourage the good traits....and breed out the bad with selective breeding....

.............but much is how the dogs are reared....

.............in a family environment with lots of socialising and experiencing many things....

.............a wide but selective gene pool......to iliminate health problems.....

.............the new owner to train properly.......

..............so often a breed earns a bad reputation........through bad owners.....

..............my rescue dogs came with no known history..........one still I could not trust with other small mammals....

..............despite constant supervised interaction......

...............something in his genes...?

................or just a rogue dog.....?

................by growing up with smaller companions.......being exposed to other mammals.......I don't have that problem with the bully..

.................while I have always taken in the waifs and strays.......their temperaments are a gamble....

.................as I needed a dog for a purpose...........she has been everything they stand for.....

.................imo.......it comes down to owners............know your dogs capabilities......

.................if you don't know the dogs history............be prepared for potential problems.....

.................just an example of good training.....

..................I took our last......rescued bully to a dog park....

...................a small terrier incessantly bit and jumped at him.....

...................I asked him to stay which he did while I picked up and returned to the owner the over excited Pip squeak lol...

...................he could of killed it........but was trained....and brought up with smaller dogs with huge ego's...!

...................no puppy ,is a bad puppy........but all puppies have the ability to become a bad dog...

....................without training.......just as a child has the ability to become a bad adult without guidance....

.....................and beauty is in the eye of the beholder lol....!

.....................and while the old bully would of licked a burglar to death.....

......................I hope she continues to stand....as trained......and growl her displeasure.....

.......................then continue to let my grandson.......pull her ears and sit on her......

........................breeders......if they are good.......have an obligation to their chargers.....imo and ime....

........................to promote all that is good in the breed.......and dog owners....the obligation.....

.........................to know and train their dogs........

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Quite a few pedigree dog breeds have health problems. King Charles spaniels have heart valve issues, German Shepherds have spine and hip problems and so on. So many dogs have been inbred over the years to get "the look". My little dog is a Jack Russell x Bull Terrier. A wonderful little companion. We got him from the local dog home. I wouldn't buy a pedigree dog from a breeder when there are so many dogs waiting to be re-homed.

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Not sorry ....say no way Jose to these breeders.


please please please, adopt a rescue:wubclub:


I agree with PQ. We had a dogs from breeders when I was young (my parents choice). KC registered, proof of bloodline, fancy name etc, lovely dogs don't get me wrong.


But why do they need to change and mutilate the dogs genetics??


get yourselves a rescue dog, be kind to it, socialise it, love it, feed it.


The joy and love you will get back from the dog will melt your heart.


We don't need dog breeders. Leave dogs alone. They are lovely as they are.

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I was happy when tail docking and ear cropping were banned in Australia.


Now we just need to get them selling the poor puppies in pet shops.


wow...what a good idea...not:nah:.


these poor animals,locked in little cages, left overnight, with no airco.

c'mon Australia, get with the times. This was outlawed years ago in other counties.

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Not sorry ....say no way Jose to these breeders.


please please please, adopt a rescue:wubclub:


I agree with PQ. We had a dogs from breeders when I was young (my parents choice). KC registered, proof of bloodline, fancy name etc, lovely dogs don't get me wrong.


But why do they need to change and mutilate the dogs genetics??


get yourselves a rescue dog, be kind to it, socialise it, love it, feed it.


The joy and love you will get back from the dog will melt your heart.


We don't need dog breeders. Leave dogs alone. They are lovely as they are.



...........I agree ......so many needing homes.........and most of mine have come from rescue homes......

..........but this too has its pitfalls.......ime......

..........On the minus side, you will have no idea what kind of puppyhood your shelter dog has had. Was he a product of a puppy mill? Was he mistreated? It may show up in his adult behavior and require some re-training. Choosing a dog takes a little understanding and re-training .......

..........the reason why many return as older dogs........not everyone copes with....learned bad behaviour....

..........it's hard to retrain an older dog who has behavioural problems that often only show up later.....ime....

..........yes there are many bad breeders .......with bad practices......

..........but there are some good ones.......

..........it's about your expectations of a dog......companionship or a job to do.....

...........and many.....pure breeds......are bred with other breeds to achieve the good genetics they are needing....

..........in breeding is a different thing altogether......ime......

...........as I said before.......what I needed from the dog.....dictated my choice....

...........I could of just taken a larger recue dog......but I chose a characteristic and temperament for a reason....

...........the rescue dogs love her...!

...........any dog is a gamble..........it's about training ime.....I just shortened my odds.....!

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......as I have a lot to do with recue dogs I'd like to share this experience.......

......the little dog in photo below......second from the left......

.......came from an abused home......

.......hit.....rarely fed......and left for long periods locked in a cage......

.......he subsequently became a biter.....a food thief and storer...and antisocial...

.......weeing when stressed........

........his requirements when re homing......

........to be an only dog with no small children and lots of company with new owner....

........his habit of biting.......stealing......and weeing.......

.........meant his chances were slim.........indeed returned on many occasions.....

.........the terrier in him......assured the feisty nature.....

.........the chihuahua..........the timidity......

.........and goodness knows the other traits.....from his heritage did him no favours......

.........genetics and experience causing his problems.......

.........( one a good breeder would adress )

.........it has taken years.........to help him feel loved and secure.....though is still not trust worthy with strangers.....biting or weeing.....

..........I know the negatives of breeders.......all too well

..........but accept a good one has something to offer the dog world......

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I got my very first dog recently. He is a pedigree puppy and came from a breeder, I wanted to experience the puppy stage. He is doing well, but I don't think I have the need for another puppy stage. I would consider a youngish (few years old) rescue if I ever get another.


He is not doing too bad with his cat siblings. Tried to add cute cat puppy picture but it has not appeared.

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