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UK Mail


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Hi all don't know if this has been broght up before as I cant see anything about it. Myself and my Family are looking to leave the UK on the 5th Dec. On every site I have seen online about emigrating that has a checklist of things to do it says to redirect mail. Whats the best way to do this. I am looking to keep My joint bank account open here in the UK and keep a hold of my UK Credit Card incase of emergencys to start with anyway.


How do I redirect my mail to OZ are the only options to my parents address or via the post office.???



Thanks for any assistance.

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Hi all don't know if this has been broght up before as I cant see anything about it. Myself and my Family are looking to leave the UK on the 5th Dec. On every site I have seen online about emigrating that has a checklist of things to do it says to redirect mail. Whats the best way to do this. I am looking to keep My joint bank account open here in the UK and keep a hold of my UK Credit Card incase of emergencys to start with anyway.


How do I redirect my mail to OZ are the only options to my parents address or via the post office.???



Thanks for any assistance.


Royal Mail will sort it all for you, once you've applied and paid a small fee. I consider it be a small fee anyway, for what is a really good service for 12 months. Check this out... https://www.royalmail.com/personal/receiving-mail/redirection?PSID=Google_PPC&cid=RD0815_GAR_SM_143

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Your bank should be ok to send mail from them to you in Aus. We gave our Aus address to our UK bank before we left and get bank mail sent to it just fine. Also makes online shopping in the UK easy from Aus.


The he rest we got sent to my parents who either sent on the important stuff or binned the crap. We notified everyone we could think of so there wasn't much and it got less over the year redirect.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Royal Mail will redirect your mail to your Australian address, but which address? No point in redirecting to your temp accommodation and you won't know your permanent address for several weeks. So I'd say the best option (which is also much cheaper!) is to arrange a redirection to your parents' house and ask them to post things on (not individually, ask them to collect everything up and send it on, say, once a month).


As soon as you've got a permanent address in Australia, notify everyone you can think of, including your bank.


BTW you're doing the right thing keeping your UK bank account. Unless it's going to cost you too much, I'd keep your UK credit card too, as long as you can. You never know when they will come in handy (if nothing else, they're very handy when you go back on holiday).

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I cancelled most things and had the essentials (tax, finance, DL) re-addressed so they are sent to my parents' house. They either keep stuff safe (bank statements mostly) or open and email me re. the content.


I used the Royal Mail re-direct service a few times in the past - it's never particularly reliable and I had my details used to apply for finance / ID fraud on one occasion, very shortly after I gave the RM all the details that would be needed for said type of fraud. Plus they knew I'd be moving house of course!

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