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I have recently bought a go pro hero 4 and I need to buy accessories to go with it, I have seen some comments about lenses do I need these for the picture to show clearly when underwater and for the colours to be correct? Has anyone bought one of the cheaper go pro accessories and which brand do you recommend? I want to buy a 3 way stick, a floater stick and the hand strap but they are soooo expensive to buy genuine ones but if all of the others are flimsy I would rather fork out for a new one and just choose one of them...decisions


Thanks :)

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I have a hero 4 and love it. I've only used it properly this week on holiday apart from a few motorbike rides, just testing it out, and it's been faultless.


Personally I'd only go for the official gopro accessories. I have a friend that almost lost his because an aftermarket clip cracked and sent the camera down the street at 70mph, luckily the case took the brunt of it and the camera was fine (case was knackered though)


Don't know much about the lenses, but I do know that a red filter is needed to get the full effect while scuba diving for example. But if you are just swimming in general or snorkelling just a few feet down then the colour loss is not really noticeable. Reds are the first to go if my outdated scuba experience is anything to go by, followed by the rest of the light spectrum in order. (Remember ROYGBIV?)


If you're doing any serious diving and using the gopro then I'd recommend using a good dive lamp rather than filters.

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You can get some good second hand go-pro accessories. Try gumtree. They tend to be a bit of a fashion thing and a lot of people bought go-pro's on a whim and may use the camera sometimes but a lot of the accessories never get used. My son has had cameras, tripods, just about every go-pro accessory you can imagine and I bet he hardly uses it now. He sold a load of camera gear hardly used. Bought a really nice camera and lenses, tripod that he still has and never used and sold them to a workmate for half price.

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I got a few go pro accessories off eBay!! I got a pink floaty thing but used the proper go pro screw for it. I thought about getting a go pro POV pole but my selfie stick with a mount on it does the justice and it was only about £10!! Get a proper SD card and make sure it's 10 speed class else your videos will be corrupt.


What mounts you need and accessories depend on what you want to use the go pro for! I mainly use mine for when I'm doing trips and going in the sea snorkelling etc!!

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Other than a waterproof case the go pro should give you perfect pics underwater subject to all limitattions that any camera has used underwater. No other lenses are required as it has a really wide field of view and I would guess that like any normal camera, stick another piece of glass in front of it and you are degrading the image. I had one when I was kayaking.


This is the wide view with the camera only a few ft behind. I mounted it on a cheapo monopod (less then 20 bucks) from ebay sat in a rod rest. Shooting into the sun so vid isn't as good as it could be. Turn your sound on for some class music :-)

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