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This creature, this 'thing', is the first law officer?


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I was able to vote in an Australian election for the fist time at the last federal election. I found the process laughable and a travesty of true democracy. None of the candidates are worth voting for so I have decided never to vote again until Australianoliticians grow up, stop bickering like kids and do something good for the country. They make UK politicians look responsible! I'm glad the LNP got their arses kicked in Qld and can't wait for The same to happen to Abbot and his gang of vicious, nasty, spiteful, petty, vindictive , privately educated, psychopathic bullies


What exactly do you find 'laughable' and 'a travesty of true democracy' about the last federal election? Apart from the system of voting, it's mostly a carbon copy of the UK, for the very good reason, that our 'Founding Fathers' used the UK (and the US) as examples of how to design a constitution.

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I hought you were smarter than that. There wasn't a spending problem, there was a lack of revenue problem just like there is for

the current govt. all in Hansard too


You are right. Economics and budgets were never my strong point, but I do know that Howard and Costello bequeathed a surplus to Krudd and Juliar, so what happened to it?

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There seems to be a theme here: vindictive, spiteful, nasty.


I've certainly never known a govt like this one. Even in Howard's and Thatcher's eras there was at least a semblance of responsible governance but this mob couldn't give a $hit about that


This is why we Liberals love him, and even if Abbott is booted out, we dream of Morrison, not another yesterday's man like Turnbull.


Wait until the run up to the next election starts and Murdoch and 2GB really start to get stuck into the ALP and remind us of what happened under Krudd and Juliar!

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This is why we Liberals love him, and even if Abbott is booted out, we dream of Morrison, not another yesterday's man like Turnbull.


Wait until the run up to the next election starts and Murdoch and 2GB really start to get stuck into the ALP and remind us of what happened under Krudd and Juliar!



You love him because he is vindictive, spiteful and nasty? What a delightful person you must be!

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...who, interestingly, was on the panel which awarded the Rhodes scholarship to Rabbott....mysteriously the only one of the candidates who had not completed an Honours Degree and, moreover, a candidate who was not even eligible as he was not, at that time, an Australian citizen.


It's all about jobs, jobs, jobs.... "for me mates, you suckers!" :tongue:....oh....and those cheap Chinese workers we can bring in under the new Free Trade Agreement.


Drawing a long bow there. Over thirty years ago, a judge on the Rhodes referees panel approves Tony Abbott's selection for a Rhodes scholarship, and now Abbott 'repays' that judge by appointing him to head the Royal Commission into Trade Union Corruption?


I'm surprised no journalist has investigate Tony Abbott's Rhodes Scholarship 'con?' How did manage to con so many people, first at Sydney Uni, then at Oxford. It's beyond me.


Glad to see you are resurrecting the 'Yellow Peril' / 'White Australia' policy too.

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Que? Julia Gillard never employed Craig Thomson.


His employers were (1) the health union of which he was an official and subsequently (2) the voters of his electorate


He was an MP in her party, and she was PM, and she KNEW he was corrupt, yet she still kept him because she needed his vote.

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You love him because he is vindictive, spiteful and nasty? What a delightful person you must be!


I vote Liberal. I voted for Tony. How could I be anything else, the 'most hated man in Surry Hills, no Sydney, dammit, New South Wales.


I hide my vindictive, spiteful and nasty nature but doing 'nice' things as a front, like paying ten quid yesterday into the appeal for Jimmy Greaves' post stroke treatment, picking up a mobile phone the other day and putting behind the counter of the pub, and last week I went out of my way to help an old guy with his shopping, even sitting him down to wait whilst I went home for my car.


But I still vote Liberal, and I'm proud of it. If nothing else, Abbott 'stopped the boats' which he said he would, and he dropped the carbon tax, which he also said he would, so whatever dickhead decisions he has made since, that is why I will vote for him again. That, and the plain fact that if the Greens and the other lefties want something, I don't want it, and vice versa.

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I vote Liberal. I voted for Tony. How could I be anything else, the 'most hated man in Surry Hills, no Sydney, dammit, New South Wales.


I hide my vindictive, spiteful and nasty nature but doing 'nice' things as a front, like paying ten quid yesterday into the appeal for Jimmy Greaves' post stroke treatment, picking up a mobile phone the other day and putting behind the counter of the pub, and last week I went out of my way to help an old guy with his shopping, even sitting him down to wait whilst I went home for my car.


But I still vote Liberal, and I'm proud of it. If nothing else, Abbott 'stopped the boats' which he said he would, and he dropped the carbon tax, which he also said he would, so whatever dickhead decisions he has made since, that is why I will vote for him again. That, and the plain fact that if the Greens and the other lefties want something, I don't want it, and vice versa.


If you haven't already done so, you should get in touch with the LNP and see if you can get paid for this - after all, why should you miss out when there is funds available? http://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2015/feb/07/tony-abbott-supporters-start-social-media-campaign-to-save-his-job


And also, post up your address and I'll buy you one of these to wear proudly




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He was an MP in her party, and she was PM, and she KNEW he was corrupt, yet she still kept him because she needed his vote.


So exactly when was this law introduced that permitted a PM to kick out an elected politician???? Because I missed that one. I think the constitutional lawyers would be interested in that one too. I don't think they know about that either.

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Haha, I love that tee. So much I had to reply so it got posted again :biglaugh:


Its like the human version of the dog 'Cone of Shame'. Classic.

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I vote Liberal. I voted for Tony. How could I be anything else, the 'most hated man in Surry Hills, no Sydney, dammit, New South Wales.


I hide my vindictive, spiteful and nasty nature but doing 'nice' things as a front, like paying ten quid yesterday into the appeal for Jimmy Greaves' post stroke treatment, picking up a mobile phone the other day and putting behind the counter of the pub, and last week I went out of my way to help an old guy with his shopping, even sitting him down to wait whilst I went home for my car.


But I still vote Liberal, and I'm proud of it. If nothing else, Abbott 'stopped the boats' which he said he would, and he dropped the carbon tax, which he also said he would, so whatever dickhead decisions he has made since, that is why I will vote for him again. That, and the plain fact that if the Greens and the other lefties want something, I don't want it, and vice versa.

Posting on an public online forum what good deeds you've done....are you trying to convince yourself that you're one of the good guys?

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So exactly when was this law introduced that permitted a PM to kick out an elected politician???? Because I missed that one. I think the constitutional lawyers would be interested in that one too. I don't think they know about that either.


MPs can be kicked out of the party. It has happened many times.


Gillard was ruling by 1 seat though which is why she kept him in the tent.

Morality of course didn't come into it when she needed him.

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people like me will be voting for the Libs again......

Why not look at more important things like the size of the national debt every Australian will be paying for...


...which Hockey/Abbott increased by more than $60 billion in 2014. If national debt is so important you'd better not vote for them either.


all because of KRUDD and Juliar's incompetence.


...all because of their competence in managing the Oz economy through the GFC without horrendous consequences for Oz.

A national debt, by the way, which was small in comparison to other countries.

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Drawing a long bow there. Over thirty years ago, a judge on the Rhodes referees panel approves Tony Abbott's selection for a Rhodes scholarship, and now Abbott 'repays' that judge by appointing him to head the Royal Commission into Trade Union Corruption?


I'm surprised no journalist has investigate Tony Abbott's Rhodes Scholarship 'con?' How did manage to con so many people, first at Sydney Uni, then at Oxford. It's beyond me.


Glad to see you are resurrecting the 'Yellow Peril' / 'White Australia' policy too.


I suppose the housing rorts going on with overseas buyers , hopefully now somewhat addressed was brought to light by Yellow Peril fears as well , and not concerns that people living here were being shafted from the market?

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I was able to vote in an Australian election for the fist time at the last federal election. I found the process laughable and a travesty of true democracy. None of the candidates are worth voting for so I have decided never to vote again until Australianoliticians grow up, stop bickering like kids and do something good for the country. They make UK politicians look responsible! I'm glad the LNP got their arses kicked in Qld and can't wait for The same to happen to Abbot and his gang of vicious, nasty, spiteful, petty, vindictive , privately educated, psychopathic bullies



I have no idea which party I'll be voting for next time. You are quite right. The WHOLE LOT of them arguing like kids. The WHOLE LOT of them are spiteful, petty and vindictive - oh, and I'll add sleazy, thieving b*stards to that list.

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I have no idea which party I'll be voting for next time. You are quite right. The WHOLE LOT of them arguing like kids. The WHOLE LOT of them are spiteful, petty and vindictive - oh, and I'll add sleazy, thieving b*stards to that list.

Don't get me wrong, the ALP are a pretty crappy bunch of mediocre lightweights but I don't think you can seriously say that ALP is as vindictive as LNP.


For starters the use of RCs: state responses to child abuse vs Unions and pink batts. One is for the good of society. The other 2 are to take out political opponents.


The ALP would never vilify anyone like the LNP did to Gillian Triggs.


The ALP wouldn't tolerate or even pick a speaker who would abuse the position like Bronny did.


The ALP would never moan about being lectured to by the UN



Every angle you look at this crowd, you see contempt for democracy and naked self interest.

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Don't get me wrong, the ALP are a pretty crappy bunch of mediocre lightweights but I don't think you can seriously say that ALP is as vindictive as LNP.


For starters the use of RCs: state responses to child abuse vs Unions and pink batts. One is for the good of society. The other 2 are to take out political opponents.


The ALP would never vilify anyone like the LNP did to Gillian Triggs.


The ALP wouldn't tolerate or even pick a speaker who would abuse the position like Bronny did.


The ALP would never moan about being lectured to by the UN



Every angle you look at this crowd, you see contempt for democracy and naked self interest.


The ALP are the masters of vilification. I'm sure you can find plenty of examples if you look hard enough, starting perhaps with KRUDD versus Juliar.


The ALP would not tolerate a speaker like Bronwyn Bishop? Does the name Peter Slipper mean anything to you at all?


In what way was the criticism of Gillian Triggs unjustified? Why did she wait until the Liberals were in government before publishing her report, despite the fact the worst abuses occurred during the previous ALP government?


All parties and all governments do things for 'political reasons', and the fact that things were motivated for political reasons does not in themselves mean that those things are invalid. The Pink Batts Affair deserved to investigated, as does corruption in the trade unions.


Since when was the UN 'above' the Australian government? Since when did we have to grovel to the UN?


What is your take on Juliar replacing Krudd, then Krudd replacing Juliar? Are not those two examples of a contempt for democracy involving sacking a sitting Prime Minister who won power in a legitimate election, then the party decided that the people's wishes do not count? I almost forgot 'naked self interest' too.


And worst of all, changing the immigration policy led to so many needless deaths from drownings.

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The ALP are the masters of vilification. I'm sure you can find plenty of examples if you look hard enough, starting perhaps with KRUDD versus Juliar.


The ALP would not tolerate a speaker like Bronwyn Bishop? Does the name Peter Slipper mean anything to you at all?


In what way was the criticism of Gillian Triggs unjustified? Why did she wait until the Liberals were in government before publishing her report, despite the fact the worst abuses occurred during the previous ALP government?


All parties and all governments do things for 'political reasons', and the fact that things were motivated for political reasons does not in themselves mean that those things are invalid. The Pink Batts Affair deserved to investigated, as does corruption in the trade unions.


Since when was the UN 'above' the Australian government? Since when did we have to grovel to the UN?

You should be a minister in the Abbott govt, you're way better than them at turning night into day than they are

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...which Hockey/Abbott increased by more than $60 billion in 2014. If national debt is so important you'd better not vote for them either.




...all because of their competence in managing the Oz economy through the GFC without horrendous consequences for Oz.

A national debt, by the way, which was small in comparison to other countries.


Perhaps, or was it the continuing demand from China, and/or the way that Australian banks were and are governed?

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You should be a minister in the Abbott govt, you're way better than them at turning night into day than they are


As usual, Harpo, you refuse to address my arguments. Go through my points one by one and tell me why I'm wrong. I will admit defeat if you can prove that, without relying on leftie blog sites of course.

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As usual, Harpo, you refuse to address my arguments. Go through my points one by one and tell me why I'm wrong. I will admit defeat if you can prove that, without relying on leftie blog sites of course.


You prove to me about ALP vilification


Slipper vs Bishop: 98% of her ejectees were ALP. That's bias. Couple that with her attending party room meetings, appearing on Q&A and sledging Triggs, not to mention her fund raising activities, or even her travel expenses.


This whole argument about Triggs is total bollocks. She is equally critical of both side of politics, because BOTH are guilty of human rights abuses. The vilification of her was nothing short of a disgrace, and a deliberate attempt to reflect the heat off themselves for their abuses


Unions and pink batts were worthy of investigation, but not worthy of RCs. They are both prime examples of Abbott abusing his power to take out opponents


the UN is way ahead of this govt. Let's face it, they believe in the science of climate change rather than the mumbo jumbo rightard claptrap about 'consensus centres', 'windfarm commissioners', and 'global cooling'. It is amusing though how Abbott loves to give the V's to the UN, unless it offers him an opportunity to look 'tough', like he and the other Bishop do. Doublethink? Not ARF, mate!

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The consensus is that Peter Slipper was a fine, unbiased speaker. No comparison with Bishop who was a disgrace.


Brandis needs to add a dictionary to the list of books he billed the taxpayer for: he calls environmental activists 'vigilantes' for using the law - but a vigilante is someone who does the exact opposite, i.e. acts outside the law!

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