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This creature, this 'thing', is the first law officer?


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As each day passes, I find myself more and more gobsmacked at how awful this government is. I shouldn't be amazed but I am.


They are actually beyond a caricature of bad government.


Off the top of my head, their credentials after 2 years:

Stopped the mining and carbon tax, yippee. But I'm still waiting for my $550, and emissions have gone up ever since

Stopped the boats (another topic of discussion)

Scrapped all funding for environmental groups and refugee legal support, reduced funding for indigenous and homeless services

Disbanded the Immigration Health Advisory Group

Disbanded the Climate Commission

Refused to spend any money on public transport infrastructure, whilst prioritising roads and threatening the Victorian govt over the East West link

Introduced new laws to imprison whistleblowers, sack public servants who criticise the govt

Done nothing in response to a Greens senator being spyed upon whilst visiting Nauru

Vilified Sarah Hansen Young

Vilified the head of the Australian Human Rights Commission

Introduced metadata retention to spy on EVERY Australian

The most biased speaker in the history of parliament

Introduced TPVs

Introduced a 'wind farm commissioner'

Banned a parliamentary vote on gay marriage, thereby lagging behind even Ireland

Slashed billions from foreign aid

Picked an LNP supporter as Royal Commissioner to crack union heads


Any I've missed?


-Poor people don't drive cars

-If you want to buy a hugely overvalued house in a false economy housing market then all Australians were told to 'get a good job'

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But for all that, most of us continue with our lives. We see what is happening on the news and in Canberra, but we carry on doing what we always do. My life changes little whoever is in Government.


Its not the present I am so concerned with (although there is much that concerns me I can assure you), its more some of the crap being done now with very shortsighted vision and that will have a huge negative impact on the coming generations. I dread to think the world our grandkids are going to be born into or grow up in. Dread it.


Don't get me started on the state of things today and how we are pretty much destroying the planet and not giving a ****. Yes, you, me, the neighbours. We may talk the talk but honestly, I know people who empty the contents of their fridge the moment stuff reaches its use by date and waste so much food its not funny, who wash towels and tumble dry them after every use, who buy new clothes each season because its 'fashion' without thought to the environment and those who are paid crap all to make them, who pop antibiotics for a cold because it lasted longer than a week and they could not cope with that. Ignoring antibiotics overuse for viral infections is a real problem and their effectiveness could be ruined in a short time. Doctors who prescribe them for a cold!


The list is endless. My posting here does nothing to change a thing. Hence me posting crap all on politics. Now, I'm off my box and going back under my rock. I will not be enticed back out to give more airtime/type time to a bunch of windbags sitting in Canberra.

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Its not the present I am so concerned with (although there is much that concerns me I can assure you), its more some of the crap being done now with very shortsighted vision and that will have a huge negative impact on the coming generations. I dread to think the world our grandkids are going to be born into or grow up in. Dread it.


Don't get me started on the state of things today and how we are pretty much destroying the planet and not giving a ****. Yes, you, me, the neighbours. We may talk the talk but honestly, I know people who empty the contents of their fridge the moment stuff reaches its use by date and waste so much food its not funny, who wash towels and tumble dry them after every use, who buy new clothes each season because its 'fashion' without thought to the environment and those who are paid crap all to make them, who pop antibiotics for a cold because it lasted longer than a week and they could not cope with that. Ignoring antibiotics overuse for viral infections is a real problem and their effectiveness could be ruined in a short time. Doctors who prescribe them for a cold!


The list is endless. My posting here does nothing to change a thing. Hence me posting crap all on politics. Now, I'm off my box and going back under my rock. I will not be enticed back out to give more airtime/type time to a bunch of windbags sitting in Canberra.


I think you made your feelings quite clear when you said this current govt is a total disgrace, and I fully agree.


I don't see Bill Shorten as that much better but even he would be welcome relief after Abbott!

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So many disappointed ex Liberal voters deciding to vote elsewhere this time. I can see the Independents such as Nick Xenophon (I've met him, bit of a band-wagon jumper but seems a nice guy) and Greens such as Scott Ludlum benefiting bigtime in any election called soon - and there are rumours that this could be VERY soon as Murdoch is encouraging his puppet to call one quickly!



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Its not the present I am so concerned with (although there is much that concerns me I can assure you), its more some of the crap being done now with very shortsighted vision and that will have a huge negative impact on the coming generations. I dread to think the world our grandkids are going to be born into or grow up in. Dread it.


Don't get me started on the state of things today and how we are pretty much destroying the planet and not giving a ****. Yes, you, me, the neighbours. We may talk the talk but honestly, I know people who empty the contents of their fridge the moment stuff reaches its use by date and waste so much food its not funny, who wash towels and tumble dry them after every use, who buy new clothes each season because its 'fashion' without thought to the environment and those who are paid crap all to make them, who pop antibiotics for a cold because it lasted longer than a week and they could not cope with that. Ignoring antibiotics overuse for viral infections is a real problem and their effectiveness could be ruined in a short time. Doctors who prescribe them for a cold!


The list is endless. My posting here does nothing to change a thing. Hence me posting crap all on politics. Now, I'm off my box and going back under my rock. I will not be enticed back out to give more airtime/type time to a bunch of windbags sitting in Canberra.


I've no doubt the generation that went to war in 1914, and again in 1939, worried about what kind of world they were bequeathing to their grandchildren. But then again, I bear no malice to my parents' and grandparents' generation for 'giving' us the two worst wars in the history of our planet.


I don't believe 'we are destroying the planet' and I far more scared of the effects of disease than the alleged threat of global warming.


Australia cannot and never will able to power its economy using wind and sun. It could do it with nuclear power, could have done it already, and closed down all the coal mines. Not that that would have stopped Chinese demand seeing as it is still opening a conventional power station every week.

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I think you made your feelings quite clear when you said this current govt is a total disgrace, and I fully agree.


I don't see Bill Shorten as that much better but even he would be welcome relief after Abbott!


You are 100 per cent right, BUT the previous ALP government was far, far worse, and it still does not alter the fact that the Royal Commission into Trade Unions is right to be in existence.

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You are 100 per cent right, BUT the previous ALP government was far, far worse, and it still does not alter the fact that the Royal Commission into Trade Unions is right to be in existence.


Maybe, but its pretty clear to all but rusted on libtards that this and the other RC were nothing other than vendettas from a vindictive PM.


His pursuit of the ABC, Gillian Triggs, CEFC, the Climate Commission are further examples.


Regarding Abbott, he has demonstrated time and again that he is not fit for the office of PM, with appointments such as Bronny Bishop and Dyson Heydon showing a total lack of judgement and contempt for democracy.

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Harpo, Hypothetically if you get yourself a job tomorrow and in a years time are exposed for some wrong doing in this job, should everyone blame your boss for employing you ?


Do you blame Julia Gillard for Craig Thomson's dishonesty ?

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Harpo, Hypothetically if you get yourself a job tomorrow and in a years time are exposed for some wrong doing in this job, should everyone blame your boss for employing you ?


Do you blame Julia Gillard for Craig Thomson's dishonesty ?

TBH I don't care about Julia Gillard or KRudd, they're history. I'm commenting on what's in front of me now. And what I see in this govt is bordering on evil.

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You are 100 per cent right, BUT the previous ALP government was far, far worse, and it still does not alter the fact that the Royal Commission into Trade Unions is right to be in existence.


No this is the worst in living memory. Hopefully Abbott maintains his position as he is the best thing ALP has going for it. (Not that I am in any sense or form excited about a ALP return, just the present lot must be put out of office to give this country any possible chance)

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Does Abbott (or I suspect Peta Credlin) really think the general voting public are so ignorant that just by reciting "Jobs and Growth", "Growth and Jobs", "Jobs and Growth" to every question they are asked, we will believe they are doing something...anything... about either? All talk, no action, and more and more people are seeing through the fact that anything that comes out of Abbott's mouth is a lie.


Regrettably I fear a lot of - let's call them the less-educated or perhaps more innocent - Australian voters will hear the words and think the action will follow. Some people don't deserve the right to vote!

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Abbott is a truly horrible piece of work, he and in fact his whole Government are totally out of touch with the average person as can be seen in the comments made in the last couple of years.

Except that his Govt was not responsible for the deaths of hundreds of boat people, nor the deaths of Aussie workers in the Pink Batts fiasco.

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Does Abbott (or I suspect Peta Credlin) really think the general voting public are so ignorant that just by reciting "Jobs and Growth", "Growth and Jobs", "Jobs and Growth" to every question they are asked, we will believe they are doing something...anything... about either? All talk, no action, and more and more people are seeing through the fact that anything that comes out of Abbott's mouth is a lie.


Regrettably I fear a lot of - let's call them the less-educated or perhaps more innocent - Australian voters will hear the words and think the action will follow. Some people don't deserve the right to vote!


This is the second time you've come out with this gem.

People don't deserve to be able to vote if they don't vote the same way as you. Unbelievable.


The first time it was the Nationals who didn't deserve to get a vote on same sex marriage because they would vote No.


Do you really believe the things you write?

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Maybe, but its pretty clear to all but rusted on libtards that this and the other RC were nothing other than vendettas from a vindictive PM.


His pursuit of the ABC, Gillian Triggs, CEFC, the Climate Commission are further examples.


Regarding Abbott, he has demonstrated time and again that he is not fit for the office of PM, with appointments such as Bronny Bishop and Dyson Heydon showing a total lack of judgement and contempt for democracy.

His reasons for pursuing those people. However politically motivated, do not alter the fact of those people's wrongdoing.


Using your logic, if a detective who had found concrete evidence of a murder, was found to have been drink driving, then the murderer should be released.

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TBH I don't care about Julia Gillard or KRudd, they're history. I'm commenting on what's in front of me now. And what I see in this govt is bordering on evil.

So you do not care if trade unions SHOULD be investigated and you want to forget about the killings committed under the Labor Govt?

Harpo, Hypothetically if you get yourself a job tomorrow and in a years time are exposed for some wrong doing in this job, should everyone blame your boss for employing you ?


Do you blame Julia Gillard for Craig Thomson's dishonesty ?

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His reasons for pursuing those people. However politically motivated, do not alter the fact of those people's wrongdoing.


Using your logic, if a detective who had found concrete evidence of a murder, was found to have been drink driving, then the murderer should be released.


So what 'wrongdoing' are the ABC, Gillian Triggs, the CEFC and the Climate Commission guilty of?


ABC: reporting the truth

Gillian Triggs: reporting the truth

CEFC: promoting renewable energy investment

Climate Commission: advising govt based on scientific evidence

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So you do not care if trade unions SHOULD be investigated and you want to forget about the killings committed under the Labor Govt?

Trade Unions should be investigated but not necessarily by RC. TBH Abbott f45ked up by appointing a Lib sympathiser to head it, he only has himself to blame for yet another moment of idiocy.


The pink batts scheme was an excellent idea, very poorly implemented. Not sure you can describe the deaths as 'killings'.

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Do you blame Julia Gillard for Craig Thomson's dishonesty ?


Que? Julia Gillard never employed Craig Thomson.


His employers were (1) the health union of which he was an official and subsequently (2) the voters of his electorate

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. TBH Abbott f45ked up by appointing a Lib sympathiser to head it,


...who, interestingly, was on the panel which awarded the Rhodes scholarship to Rabbott....mysteriously the only one of the candidates who had not completed an Honours Degree and, moreover, a candidate who was not even eligible as he was not, at that time, an Australian citizen.


It's all about jobs, jobs, jobs.... "for me mates, you suckers!" :tongue:....oh....and those cheap Chinese workers we can bring in under the new Free Trade Agreement.

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Guest Bobajob
It's because of that list that people like me will be voting for the Libs again, even if Malcolm Turnbull is leader. Alan Jones could not have worded it better.


Why not look at more important things like the size of the national debt every Australian will be paying for, all because of KRUDD and Juliar's incompetence.


I hought you were smarter than that. There wasn't a spending problem, there was a lack of revenue problem just like there is for

the current govt. all in Hansard too

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So what 'wrongdoing' are the ABC, Gillian Triggs, the CEFC and the Climate Commission guilty of?


ABC: reporting the truth

Gillian Triggs: reporting the truth

CEFC: promoting renewable energy investment

Climate Commission: advising govt based on scientific evidence

The Truth occurred during the Labor Govt but Triggs deliberately delayed her investigation and report until the Liberals took office for POLITICAL reasons.


The ABC is supposed to be neutral and objective, but for political reasons they favour the ALP.


I read both Fairfax and Murdoch papers and I know which is left and which is right and I have no problem with that.


BUT the ABC is not supposed to offer a left wing alternative to 2 GB. It is supposed to be neutral.

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Trade Unions should be investigated but not necessarily by RC. TBH Abbott f45ked up by appointing a Lib sympathiser to head it, he only has himself to blame for yet another moment of idiocy.


The pink batts scheme was an excellent idea, very poorly implemented. Not sure you can describe the deaths as 'killings'.

A Labor rush job. The ministers involved should be tried for incompetence, even manslaughter. Four young Aussies killed for no reason.

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