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House & Land Packages

Pommie Bear

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Well, it has been a very long time since I made my last post to Poms in Oz. All previous posts were done from the UK and I am now very happily living in Perth and glad I made that move. It was all very scary at first with loads of "what ifs", but I've been here 8 months now and loving every day.


Within 1 month of arriving, I started working with Ideal Homes as a Building Consultant assisting families, individuals and couples to find their perfect house and land package. I have worked both North and South of River, so now have an abundance of knowledge throughout Perth metro. It's a great job, making peoples dreams of building their own home come true, something that is almost impossible to even consider in the UK.


If anyone is thinking of a House and Land package, please feel free to get in touch. I would love to work with any fellow Poms in Oz members.


If you want to speak to someone about your options, pm me, and I will also provide any Poms in Oz Members a discount that cannot be applied if you call Ideal Homes directly.


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Yup....the new build companies are finding it tough too.


Not so many can build now they have lost their jobs:mad:


Daughter works for a Perth house builder, a quarter of the workforce made redundant from the firm last week!


I took youngest DD round some ""display home villages" a few weeks ago, partly cos it was raining, partly cos I'm trying to get rid of her:confused:


When myself and OH did the same thing a few years ago upon arriving, you could see these reps rubbing their hands, more money!!


now its desperation in their faces:swoon:.


Would just like to know, who is going to build in my area, in all that lovely, natural habitat bushland that they've taken down. Acres and acres of it, without even filling the blocks that are already vacant and available:mad:

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Hi POI Chatter box, it's sad to hear a quarter of your daughters workforce were made redundant, I can assure you this has not been the case with all builders.


I was not trying to drum up business out of desperation, I was purely looking for another avenue beside relying on Display. Plus I was hoping to help people going through the house and land package route with information if they wanted to understand the process, it wasn't all about rubbing my hands together. It's a shame my message has been perceived this way.


As for building on natural habitat bushland, this is a decision made by the government, along with the demand of people being in love with the idea of building their dream home. So having a rant at building companies is not going to solve your issue.


I'm quite sad that such a negative approach has been taken by my message, when I wrote this message it was sincerely meant and in a positive manner. I thought these forums were for sharing positive information and for making people moving to Australia feel welcome?

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I think there are many of us on here who have built houses so there should already be a fair bit of knowledge out there. I had a massively positive experience building ours and have toyed with the idea of building another for investment purposes, but I just don't feel the time is right at this present time and prefer to keep things simple in case this predicted downturn happens or gets worse than predicted.

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Hi Que Sera, Sera, here's some inside information. Now please do not think I am saying any of this for my benefit, because I am not.


You are absolutely right, the established market has taken a bit of a nosedive over the past 12-18 months in some areas house prices have dropped by a staggering 22! The majority of this has been driven by the mining industry and the media. T


he House and Land package route isn't as busy as it was 12-18 months ago either. However, land continues to increase with every release and in some hot spot areas by up to $3,000 every release (with new releases being roughly every 6-8 weeks in some areas).


So all I will say is, if you're looking at the established market then I would definitely hold fire as speculation is, there is still about another 6 months to go before it hits rock bottom. Although I will say I am linked in with a number of Real Estate Agents throughout Perth Metro and they are all saying the same..... "the investors are starting to come out of the woodwork", which is a sure sign the tipping of scales is imminent.


On the house and land package front, now is the perfect time to be looking for an investment. After all, investments are for the long term and the bank interest lending rates are at their lowest since pre GFC.


I read some wise words recently. "Time in the market is better than timing the market".

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Hi Que Sera, Sera, here's some inside information. Now please do not think I am saying any of this for my benefit, because I am not.


You are absolutely right, the established market has taken a bit of a nosedive over the past 12-18 months in some areas house prices have dropped by a staggering 22! The majority of this has been driven by the mining industry and the media. T


he House and Land package route isn't as busy as it was 12-18 months ago either. However, land continues to increase with every release and in some hot spot areas by up to $3,000 every release (with new releases being roughly every 6-8 weeks in some areas).


So all I will say is, if you're looking at the established market then I would definitely hold fire as speculation is, there is still about another 6 months to go before it hits rock bottom. Although I will say I am linked in with a number of Real Estate Agents throughout Perth Metro and they are all saying the same..... "the investors are starting to come out of the woodwork", which is a sure sign the tipping of scales is imminent.


On the house and land package front, now is the perfect time to be looking for an investment. After all, investments are for the long term and the bank interest lending rates are at their lowest since pre GFC.


I read some wise words recently. "Time in the market is better than timing the market".


Real Estate Agents predicting an upturn in the property market. Who would have thought it.

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