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Moving to Perth with a young family - advice please!


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Hi there,


This is my first time posting. We are a family of five (3 year old twins and 1 year old) from Ireland considering moving to Perth. I have so many questions I don't know where to begin! My brother in law and his fiancé have been out there for four years so we are initially planning to join them until we find our feet. So I'm generally looking for advice on the following:


Jobs & potential salaries : I'm a secondary school teacher and my husband is a joiner

What visa type?

Cost of living

Cost of renting

Best suburbs for schools and young families

Education options

Registered Childminder costs



I'm sure I've left plenty out but these are the key areas for now. We've also read that Australia could be heading for a recession and are wondering if it's a sensible time to make the move??


I would be extremely grateful for any advice or help!


Erin ?

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Hi and welcome to the forum.


I think your first stop would be to read the Immi website or contact an agent to see if either of you qualify for a visa with your skills and if so, what type and which of you is best to use as the main applicant. Some visa's take longer than others to be granted,some require you go to a certain State.


Personally i wouldn't worry too much about your other questions until you get this sorted and know 110% Perth is the State your going too, also with jobs things change and if you dont get a visa for at least a year lots of things may be different then.

On saying that we have a few members already living there so they may be along soon to give you a bit of info on the place and which parts are their favorites.


Lots of luck with everything


Cal x

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It's great to hear you have family there already - having somewhere to stay until you get on your feet will save you several thousand dollars and make the process so much easier!


As others have said,your first step is to find out whether you can even qualify for a visa. Just wanting to emigrate is not enough, unfortunately! Even if you qualify, your husband needs to check whether his qualifications can be recognised in Australia and how much it will cost. In some trades, it's quite a process and you have to accept work at much lower rates for up to a year while you're retraining, which could have a big impact on your budget. I'd also be a bit worried about his employment prospects - there was a big influx of tradesmen into WA for the mining boom so now it's winding down, here's likely to be a glut unless they've all left the State!

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Thanks everyone for your replies. Have been in touch with immigration and we are on the Sol list and eligible for a visa - as to which one I'm not sure yet as an agent is to call and go through everything.


Benj1980 I would be grateful for any advise on teaching in Perth - I presume there is a GTC equivalent to register with? How did you go about getting a post, what is the salary (understand if you wish not to disclose) to determine affordable -I've been teaching for 8 years, what is the teaching like in comparison?? Many thanks

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If you look on the WA Education website salaries are on there and directly linked to years experience much like the UK. For five years experience I would be on $85k for example. (I haven't checked recently!) For migration purposes you will need to go through AITSL to get your qualifications assessed and then TRBWA when you have your visa to register to teach in WA.


Not or sure if you're Irish or British qualified as a teacher but there are a few benefits such as not having to prove your English ability for AITSL.

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