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Medicals what to expect


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hello just going threw a family visa at the mo and have are medicals booked for two weeks I hear they do blood tests ect (bit screamish) also will they do these on my children 3 and 6 years ,, I'm not a lover of hospital stuf as u may guess .. Just wondering what to expect seems so daughting tHanks in advance

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I can't say what they will do differently for kids but what I had to do:


- Go in and give passport to admin doctor, confirm everything and pay

- Off to another doctor for urine test, door was left open but I didn't have to strip or anything which was odd because I could have easily had a sample in a pocket if I was a crim

- Eye tests reading numbers through a device that looked like a microscope

- Blood pressure

- Blood sample

- Off to another doctor, off with the clothes, checking for hernias, shining lights in eyes, hitting knees with hammers, strength tests (push pull the doc around)

- Off to the radiographer, xrays of the chest standing up, 10 second job


Can't imagine it will be too different for the kids, just a bit less rigorous and more 'fun'. You may be waiting around a while with 4 of you, it took me just under 2 hours for everything to be done.

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You keep your underwear on throughout, they never venture near the unmentionables and the nurse doesn't watch the weeing through the door, she just gets on with paperwork and listens out for any unscrewing/shenanigans.


They went to my groin and made me cough lol


It was very easy tho, the kids do not have blood tests or xrays. Just medical, and wee sample

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I didn't have to remove clothes other than lift top for a belly prod...n no doors open when I gave urine sample. ..I had first medical for 457 and second one a year later for 189 n both similar. Had general questions about health..X ray. .eye test...blood pressure/test..etc..We were in n out quite quickly. I wouldn't be worried abt it...The Dr did ask to see my legs to check for rashes etc n I declined stating I would rather not as hadn't shaved my legs in a while n he was ok wth that lol

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Explicitly says on eMedical etc that patients will be asked to strip to underwear only but women may have to have a breast examination if they are at risk. Agree it's dubious how some people are having half a medical, I'm glad I had a thorough one as it means I'm confident I'm not dying.

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For us the kids one was (from memory)

wee in pot behind closed door

eye test - read a chart at a distance

doc examine - no removal of clothes.

Adults - same for wee and eyes

then chest X-ray ( which nice lady then showed to us on the computer to keep kids happy)

blood test - extract small vial of blood - did not hurt at all

doc listened to heart, did blood pressure, and then strip to undies and prodded but no where near groin area.

All fairly pain free. Think for my wife she had the additional discomfort of a chest exam but did not spot the note saying she could have a female present until after.

But all in all a fairly painless,but expensive couple of hours

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I'm a recovering needle-phobe, so the whole blood sample thing was a big thing for me. I went to cognitive therapy sessions, just to be able to cope with the thing, and had my local GP prescribe me with Daizepam (Valium) for good measure ... so don't worry @Lizzie0309 , you're not the only one out there worried about the medicals :)

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Hi we had our medicals last week. I had to do a urine sample - door closed, blood test, blood pressure, eye test, stripped off to my underwear but had a gown on, male doctor but got asked if I wanted someone else present.

He just listened to my chest and had a prod of my stomach, reflex test plus twisted my legs about. Chest x ray. Height and also the most scariest part of all by far was weight being taken!

My daughter who was 4, I had to tick boxes on a form to check off milestones and her capabilities for her age, she also got weighed and height taken and also her head circumference, her chest listened to and that was it for her.

My son who was 14 had to have all that I had apart from blood test.

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