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Hello Everyone


Having a real dilemma, not sure whether to stay in NSW or move to Melbourne. we have never rented a house until moving here a year ago, and I hate it..and doesn't look like it's affordable to get on the property ladder here in NSW, in a nice area. Always owned our own home.


Really hard to make friends here, never mind get a job. My kids are grown up, so I don't meet people through school connections..Had enough too be honest


Any advice would be helpful

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Have you been to Melbourne ,checked out areas and found somewhere affordable near where you can get work? If so then go for it and see if it makes you feel any better, if not then be very careful about jumping from the frying pan into the fire.


Do you do sports or activities? my closest friends are a mixture of other kids parents and ones ive met via weekend activities. It is hard to find good friends but don't put pressure on yourself to make and find good friends in a few months (even a year) , that wouldnt happen in the uk and it doesnt happen here either. Friendships take time to build and often your hear migrants who have only been here a few months beat themselves up because they have no strong friendships, i think its easy to forget how long those 'good friendships' you left behind actually took to build.


Lots of luck with everything and i hope things pick up for you soon

Cal x

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Hello Everyone


Having a real dilemma, not sure whether to stay in NSW or move to Melbourne. we have never rented a house until moving here a year ago, and I hate it..and doesn't look like it's affordable to get on the property ladder here in NSW, in a nice area. Always owned our own home.


Really hard to make friends here, never mind get a job. My kids are grown up, so I don't meet people through school connections..Had enough too be honest


Any advice would be helpful


Why do you think it will be any easier to settle, get a job, and make friends, in Melbourne, which is almost the same size as Sydney. It might be cheaper to rent a home in Melbourne, but whether you will make friends easier, I don't know. You might be moving into an 'out of the frying pan and into the fire' situation.


I can see how living in the burbs well away from the sort of life you might have had in the UK, could be soul-destroying. Are you in Penrith itself, or well away from the centre? Do you have any specific interests or hobbies? If you do, then look for a club that caters for them. How about doing some volunteer work, something I keep saying I shall do, but have not so far.

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Thanks for your email. We have been to Melbourne heaps of times as our son lives there, and I have a lovely group of friends of there. We have been away from the UK for over 10 years as we have been living in New Zealand, so its not that im missing the UK as this is not the case. I just cannot believe how expensive NSW is, problem being my hubby's job is here, son in Melbourne and daughter in New Zealand.

Sydney is lovely down by the harbour, but out in the affordable suburbs its awful and I hate it


I really hope things sort them selves out as well, as i can't stay here

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Hey MaryRose


I have just replied to the other lady Cal, our son lives in Mlebourne and I have a very good set of friends there. it is much more affordable than Sydney to live in a nice area. I hate Penrith, its the pitts of a place. I don't own a car here, and my husband is always away with his job. Im not into going to the gym and that sort of stuff. I do however enjoy horse riding mind, my daughter owns 2 horses in New Zealand which I miss very much...Fed Up

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I can imagine being stuck in Penrith with no car and no friends would be depressing. You are right, Sydney is ridiculously expensive and many people despair of getting on the housing ladder.


Melbourne would be slightly cheaper (Sydney is dearest, Canberra is next, Melbourne third), and the public transport system is better. The fact that you have both friends and a son there makes a move seem like a no-brainer to me, if your oh can get work. I wouldn't hesitate if it was me!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hello Everyone


Having a real dilemma, not sure whether to stay in NSW or move to Melbourne. we have never rented a house until moving here a year ago, and I hate it..and doesn't look like it's affordable to get on the property ladder here in NSW, in a nice area. Always owned our own home.


Really hard to make friends here, never mind get a job. My kids are grown up, so I don't meet people through school connections..Had enough too be honest


Any advice would be helpful



Hi Living in a different place to your kids sucks. On the other hand difficult to move as you need to be near OH job. Have you thought about joining a choir - google one voice - I did that and I met some lovely people - you don't have to sing well - its amazing the sound a good conductor can get of a group of randoms getting together - I would highly recommend it even though it might take you out of your comfort zone. Good luck - hope it gets easier

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I lived in Sydney for couple of years when I first came to Aus, long time ago. I had friends but still found it a difficult place to live as a newcomer. Moved to Melbourne and have never looked back, completely different lifestyle here and in fact when I moved to Melbourne a friend of mine who was born and bred in Sydney came to and she still lives here after all these years. She will not return to Sydney to live despite having family there.

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