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Scary question


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Hi, does Halloween get celebrated (houses decorated etc) in the same way as the UK? We have lots of decorations which the kids want to keep but don't want to bother keeping and shipping them if we won't use them. Thanks

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Where abouts are you going to? I can't say Halloween is particularly celebrated where I live and although the shops have a few Halloween things at that time of year it isn't anything like you get in the UK. It can't hurt to bring the stuff though.

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It's celebrated but not like UK ! It's light when the kids knock ! In Perth I had a fair few knockers ! In Brisbane I bought lots of goodies not one knocker !


In uk I dressed my house had a butler that talked people came from miles look at my house lol loved it ! My son has all my stuff now but he's moved from mine last year ! So I reckon there was a few disappointed kids and parents last year haha :)

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