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Are we kidding ourselves ?


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Amen sister.


Bristol, you are back in glorious England, during the 'glorious' summer, long daylight hours and all.


The amount of time you spend on here is, quite frankly, astonishing.


Well not really, the combined time is quite short and besides I work from home and have my tablet next to me so it's not like I would be doing anything else.

It's just interesting that the question never gets asked of those in Australia, funny that ;)

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Well not really, the combined time is quite short and besides I work from home and have my tablet next to me so it's not like I would be doing anything else.

It's just interesting that the question never gets asked of those in Australia, funny that ;)


no need to explain .,, if people were living the dream as they say they wouldn't be on here neither ! You do what you want with your time and don't let anyone tell you what to do ! I'm not trying put people off from moving here and I don't hate Australia ! But I do still think UK is fab but that's me and you by sounds of it . Lol . Nobody tells me what I can and carny do ! I am me and I will do what I like ! That's the same for everyone ! I'm just saying chels is putting his point across that it's all milk and honey ! Maybe a few years ago but different today ! ! people can come here I don't want put them off ! It all depends what you do ! And when you came ! And I don't want anyone lose their money ! Risk they take people say of course it is but for people with families would anyone want be in that predicament . No nobody would and nobody would be happy if they were ! You carry on bristolman I think you are quite funnie actually :)

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no need to explain .,, if people were living the dream as they say they wouldn't be on here neither ! You do what you want with your time and don't let anyone tell you what to do ! I'm not trying put people off from moving here and I don't hate Australia ! But I do still think UK is fab but that's me and you by sounds of it . Lol . Nobody tells me what I can and carny do ! I am me and I will do what I like ! That's the same for everyone ! I'm just saying chels is putting his point across that it's all milk and honey ! Maybe a few years ago but different today ! ! people can come here I don't want put them off ! It all depends what you do ! And when you came ! And I don't want anyone lose their money ! Risk they take people say of course it is but for people with families would anyone want be in that predicament . No nobody would and nobody would be happy if they were ! You carry on bristolman I think you are quite funnie actually :)


Haha, I'm not bothered by what people say, it's funny in fact. There are lots of people in Australia who are here as much as me and more as I never post on the weekend but it seems to be different for them. Oh well it's all part of the cliquey nature of these forums. If it makes them happy that's fair enough lol

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Yes, I'm here quite a bit. I only discovered the forum last November and didn't start posting until January.


I am one of the forum members who is very happy here in Australia but I wouldn't knock the UK because I was happy there too. Mind you, from the age of 19 until 25 when I got married, I lived in 4 different countries and after we were married we did a lot of travelling around Europe and Scandinavia. I moved to Australia when I was 30 years old. No regrets whatsoever. Life is too short for regrets.

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Yes, I'm here quite a bit. I only discovered the forum last November and didn't start posting until January.


I am one of the forum members who is very happy here in Australia but I wouldn't knock the UK because I was happy there too. Mind you, from the age of 19 until 25 when I got married, I lived in 4 different countries and after we were married we did a lot of travelling around Europe and Scandinavia. I moved to Australia when I was 30 years old. No regrets whatsoever. Life is too short for regrets.



You our don't need explain jock in tas people do what they like ! Don't be put off by people thinking why are you on here ! ! It's nothing do with anybody else what you do with your time ! Life is too short to live with regrets ! I won't get them 3 years back ! I'm so peed of about that actually lol ;)

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I don't come on a lot these days but when I sneek a look, it's nice to see bristolman, jockin and Shelly. Why do members come on here and rubbish others??


If you actually listen to what they say, it's positive and you can learn. And why judge them, they help others, have good opinions and life experience, and they are not doing anything illegal. Respect could be nice, huh.

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I don't come on a lot these days but when I sneek a look, it's nice to see bristolman, jockin and Shelly. Why do members come on here and rubbish others??


If you actually listen to what they say, it's positive and you can learn. And why judge them, they help others, have good opinions and life experience, and they are not doing anything illegal. Respect could be nice, huh.


I don't know, I have a bit of a stalker but I ignore every post he makes, he just makes himself look silly and it doesn't affect me. Why do they do it, I don't know ?

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Oh that is worrying. Say what you think. You need support. You do come and post a lot, but that is not a bad thing. Maybe it is helpful to society rather than all the negative. Communication is always good. And you are positive.


Come out and say what is not right. Not for drama, or wrong, it will help you, and the "stalker" who might need to talk. Petals and our moderators will help. Please speak. We are all human end of day, that is in common at least. Help each other.

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Hell im happy. :-) I think you guys need to re-read my posts..... I am not conceited either. Saying about earnings, cars n **** is about simply what i have acheived here that was not possible in U.K. Prior to mining i was in a business which folded due to 2008 GFC. Nearly lost everything and had to start from scratch. Rather than wallow in pity, i dusted down, got in mining through sheer persistence (survival to feed, house and support family kinda kick in...) and mining is my saviour. :-) I work and worked damn hard. Real hard to afford lifestyle. Australia gives this U.K is much much harder for that. I do not mean to disrespect others and i apologise if thats the case. never an intention. Defensive? Me? LoL, never in my life. Really. Never. Anyone who knows me would find that incredibly funny :-)

Finally, me needing help....... Hmmm another funny one that. My life has been pretty well about helping others..... Here in Oz and in U.K. I am a giver not a taker. But i do live my life and i enjoy it :-) One tends to when they have experienced pain.....

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I am sorry maybe tired and a bit slow. I am tired, , many reasons, but not matter over anyone else. Back over your posts. Are you the stalker? Bristloman has done wonders and he gives good advice, you are to be admired. Wow, go girl. I am also a "go girl". we learn from hardship but push forwards.


You come across as very strong and don't give up. Like me. Just occasionally it is OK to step back, have a break, and say "It's about me, I need a rest". And anyone who posts on here wants to be heard, or feels for others. So we should listen to all, huh.

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I never found chels offensive not at all lol he's entitled to his opinion even if I don't agree on points he made ! I think he's just showing what people can achieve in oz all good if they better off here ! What I find absurd people saying they living the lifestyle and it's amazing money blah blah blah far better than they had in UK which is fine if it's working out for them , but how can it be a better lifestyle to be on a 4:1 rota in the middle of nowhere ! Not seeing much just a bedroom like a prison cell ! Whatever blows people frocks up ! Living the dream ... About lifestyle not money they say ... Great ! Amazing ! Fill ya boots ! Lol not offensive though ! I'm pleased for him if that's what rocks his boat ! I just shouldn't of rocked mine that's all but it's a bit tuff now lol for now at least !


Many people in the north east and Scotland work off shore too. It's not an Aussie only experience. Quite often they're away a month at a time. Yes their wife's* at home in a nice house, nice car, lots of shopping trips ....but there's no help at home with the kids, emotional support. It works for some families in both uk & AUS but I would hate it.


*sorry for the sexism but it is usually that way round. Apologies to any female rig workers!

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I am sorry maybe tired and a bit slow. I am tired, , many reasons, but not matter over anyone else. Back over your posts. Are you the stalker? Bristloman has done wonders and he gives good advice, you are to be admired. Wow, go girl. I am also a "go girl". we learn from hardship but push forwards.


You come across as very strong and don't give up. Like me. Just occasionally it is OK to step back, have a break, and say "It's about me, I need a rest". And anyone who posts on here wants to be heard, or feels for others. So we should listen to all, huh.


Oh god no, it isn't him lol My stalkers identity is of no consequence, it's just sad.

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Shellybingobingo........ 2:1 for me not 4:1. :-) 2 Months off a year too :-) Have done 7/7 and will do again in couple years. For now, 2:1 suits :-)

Many work away, here and in U.K. Forces people for one, as well as Rig workers, merchant seafarers..... to name a few. :-)

Its all relative. For some it suits, for others not. If it did not for me, i would do something else.

I feel privelidged to do what i do for BHP Billiton :-)

All good people :-)

All the best to you all on your own respective journeys :-)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm still in Auss' but would argue that it also depends on your lifestyle and how you live. I am approaching retirement an would hope to have plenty of holidays, days out, pub lunches etc. Being from the North - a pub meal, especially if you don't mind Wetherspoons will quite often average £6 with a pint. In Perth if they charged you $12, you'd think they'd forgotten to add the meal. Perth average $40 with a pint !.

However holidays are becoming cheaper with the change in exchange rate and cheap flights to Bali & the Far East.

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I'm still in Auss' but would argue that it also depends on your lifestyle and how you live. I am approaching retirement an would hope to have plenty of holidays, days out, pub lunches etc. Being from the North - a pub meal, especially if you don't mind Wetherspoons will quite often average £6 with a pint. In Perth if they charged you $12, you'd think they'd forgotten to add the meal. Perth average $40 with a pint !.

However holidays are becoming cheaper with the change in exchange rate and cheap flights to Bali & the Far East.


Absolutely we pay somewhere around £6-8 for a pub meal and that isn't Wetherspoons. Good quality pub grub.

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I'm still in Auss' but would argue that it also depends on your lifestyle and how you live. I am approaching retirement an would hope to have plenty of holidays, days out, pub lunches etc. Being from the North - a pub meal, especially if you don't mind Wetherspoons will quite often average £6 with a pint. In Perth if they charged you $12, you'd think they'd forgotten to add the meal. Perth average $40 with a pint !.



I would just make my usual caution - Perth is not the whole of Australia. Prices are different in different cities around Oz, just as they are different around the UK.


In Sydney, almost every pub has a $10 lunch special menu, and if you're a pensioner you will get a free drink with that. I can match that in Southampton in some pubs, but it will be a wrap or fish'n'chips, not a steak, grilled salmon or BBQ chicken as it would be in Sydney. Unfortunately I've become too much of an Australian and don't count sausages, hamburgers or battered anything as edible!

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I would just make my usual caution - Perth is not the whole of Australia. Prices are different in different cities around Oz, just as they are different around the UK.


In Sydney, almost every pub has a $10 lunch special menu, and if you're a pensioner you will get a free drink with that. I can match that in Southampton in some pubs, but it will be a wrap or fish'n'chips, not a steak, grilled salmon or BBQ chicken as it would be in Sydney. Unfortunately I've become too much of an Australian and don't count sausages, hamburgers or battered anything as edible!


A steak meal for us is £6 and I never have sausages, hamburgers or battered anything. I will always go for steak, chicken, lasagne or steak and ale pie.

The sausages, hamburgers etc sound like more of a Wetherspoons type menu.

It really has nothing to do with being an Australian, Brits like to eat good food too :wink:

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