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Sydney or Melbourne or Brisbane


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... or maybe even Adelaide?


I was so set on Sydney but now I'm not so sure. I'm really struggling to decide where to start my WHV. Anyone got any suggestions or advice?


Or even if anyone just wants to tell me where to go that would be great:wink:

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You will find more international flight options to Sydney or Melbourne though so they might be better for that reason. You might also get a bit more of a "wow" feeling at the start of the trip with Sydney especially and maybe Melbourne too. Adelaide and Brisbane are nice cities, don't get me wrong, I would be happy to live in either, but they don't have the iconic feel of Sydney that might just get your trip off to a barn storming start.

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I'd say Melbourne. Im in sydney and regret not choosing melbourne.sydney is nice at first.im not keen on it anymore.people alot more friendlier in Melbourne too (thats my opinion).good luck with whatever you choose.

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Thanks guys. Yeah I think I might start in Sydney for 2 weeks as a 'Holiday' and from there see where life takes me :). My heart was set on Sydney originally.


Stacie- I'm sticking to east coast for now, thinking of west later on in the trip :)

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You're the same as me!! I only really want to go to Sydney because I want to 'holiday' there haha!! When are you going? We booked 10 nights a while ago and glad we did as there isn't much left for September that is worth paying money for!! x

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You're the same as me!! I only really want to go to Sydney because I want to 'holiday' there haha!! When are you going? We booked 10 nights a while ago and glad we did as there isn't much left for September that is worth paying money for!! x


Haha yes, I want the holiday feeling first. I'm not going to till the beginning of January, got some saving to do first but I like to be prepared, looking to book my flights in the next two months and I'm applying for my visa on Friday-- Eeeek! the next 7 months best fly by. You excited to be off in September then? x

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I booked my flights with STA travel (one way) flying with Emirates!! So excited, going with my boyfriend so it's even better!! Yeah we can't wait - only 3 months to go.. we got our flights in December and it seemed like a lifetime away - How much do you think you'll take? I've got $2500 so far, my parents are giving me some before I go and my bf is taking about $4000-8000 just to be on the safe side until we find a job!! I'm a student so saving everything I've got haha!! I only need enough so I can sight see in Sydney, pay for accommodation, food and then to get to the job (providing we find one sooner rather than later) .. i'm not thinking about it all too much, it's so nerve wracking but exciting at the same time. People worry loads about money and going over but I normally overthink things but for this I'm not cos i'll just worry myself more haha!! Are you going on your own? (Sorry for the long post lol) x

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haha no problem about the long post, it's great to hear from someone that is going through the same!

Oh wow, I wanted to fly with Emirates but they are quite expensive around the time I want to go. The cheapest is Christmas day but the accomodation over New Year is ridiculously expensive or there is hardly any left and what is left is not great haha. So I'm looking to fly out on the 4th Jan. How much did your flight cost if you don't mind me asking?

I'm looking to take $5000-$6000 dollars, depending on how well my saving goes lol.

I'm a bit like you, I'm not bothered too much about the money, I want to enjoy every bit! I know someone who went out with about $1000 in their pocket and is still out there now(1 and a half years later) and doing pretty well. Not that i would suggest doing that... lol. He did have a struggle to start off with.

Aww and your going with your boyfriend, that's so nice. Yep, going on my own, just got bored of day to day life. Will be looking to meet new people, so we should meet up if we land in the same place at the same time :-) x

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My flight was £670, I could have easily have got one for £400 but it was over 24 hours travelling with loads of changes and this one only has a 2hr stop over in Dubai which is nice!! (and 23 hours lol) and I wanted a reliable airline! Wow, I think $2500 is little but I think it's enough to fund me for a month or so and my bf won't let me go without food or a bed so I don't really need to worry!! For me it was either I start applying for jobs as a radiographer here or go travelling.. I'm only 21 and didn't really want to get into a job then have to quit a year later to go travelling after saving up so may as well do it now!! Yeah that'd be good!! It'll come around so fast, I booked to go to Thailand at the same time (going there next month) and that's come round so fast!!! I'll be in Sydney taking selfies with the opera house before I know it haha x

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Yeah you'll be fine on $2500 :). Some people just go crazy as soon as they land lol.

Yeah I dont think I'll be going for the cheapest, anything that gets me there in less than 24 hours is a bonus. The one I've been looking at is with Phillippine Air for about £560. I've not heard much about them to be fair. I'm thinking maybe Singapore Airlines or China Southern. We'll see what prices are like when i book.

Ahh how exciting. I cant wait to be there!! if i had the money i'd go as soon as my visa was granted haha. x

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Thanks guys, I think I'm going to fly to Sydney, spend a few weeks, then go to Melbourne for a few months. Then head to Brisbane or Adelaide for winter. Definitely flying into Sydney first though :-)


Adelaide is a lot better in the warmer months. Try to go when the Adelaide Festival is on (Feb/Mar) when Adelaide is buzzing. Brisbane, Cairns etc in autumn, winter or spring. Northern NSW is lovely too.

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Adelaide is a lot better in the warmer months. Try to go when the Adelaide Festival is on (Feb/Mar) when Adelaide is buzzing. Brisbane, Cairns etc in autumn, winter or spring. Northern NSW is lovely too.


Cool, thanks for the info :smile:, I'm definitely going to fly to Sydney and then I think I'm just going to see where the journey takes me. Gonna try not to plan too much now. Things will always change haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was Sydney vs Melbourne for me, and I regret choosing Sydney as in NSW you can't do that RSA course online (I want to wait or bartend). Choose Melbourne if you plan on working Hospitality.

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Hi - i'm going in September and starting off in Sydney for 10 nights, using that as a 'base' to look for work and then going wherever the work seems to be (or if we have a job travel there) .. like Bungo said it's easier for flights!! x


hey :)


Im starting in Sydney too!! when are you arriving??



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Thanks guys, I think I'm going to fly to Sydney, spend a few weeks, then go to Melbourne for a few months. Then head to Brisbane or Adelaide for winter. Definitely flying into Sydney first though :-)



Im absolutely buzzing for my WHV from Sept! when you arriving in Sydney?




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It was Sydney vs Melbourne for me, and I regret choosing Sydney as in NSW you can't do that RSA course online (I want to wait or bartend). Choose Melbourne if you plan on working Hospitality.


Im starting off in Sydney on a 'Holiday' of sorts then I'm going to go wherever my feet take me :)

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Wherever you go first make sure you are not in Melbourne during winter (cold), or Brisbane during summer (rainy season). Melbourne is brilliant in summer with things like St Kilda Festival and the Australian Open, then I'd head to Sydney for winter.

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