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Need to move back to UK we believe....


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Hi Marenmatt1


I have found a lot of discrimination here. Especially during interviews. I also feel a bit rejected as I am Australian born. My accent is a bit mixed up now, but never the less, I am quite surprised at how difficult it is to get a job.

It looks like we will have to take the chance and hope for the best in England. The move back wouldn't be such a concern, it's the fact we have a toddler that we are worried about making the wrong choice.

Sorry to hear that the same work situation is up in Brisbane. Best of luck with your move plans.


Left 18mths ago from Brisbane after 10 years after finding many of the same problems re work, discrimination and lack of social life, we are older so no problem with children and on balance liking it better than Brisbane, lots more jobs than Brisbane and in general, than Australia, for qualified people

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We have been here 8 years. Neither of us has had a permanent job, always casual. We were both highly skilled in our respective careers in the UK. We were unable to secure any work in those areas, despite holding high qualifications form the UK. I took the view that I would not spend any more money on Australian qualifications, when the advertised roles asked for exactly what I already had. It has been an interesting learning experience for us and now we have decided to head back to the UK.


We have enjoyed it here, but found that despite our best efforts we need more than Australia can offer us.


You have my sympathy, similar experience with even greater years of experience, sorry for the english, back in the uk now and wife had a senior job in 3 months.

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Thanks. We feel that it is now or never for us. We are in our late 40s' and have already started the job search despite not going back until August this year. At first we were reticent about our prospects but having looked on various jobsites and read so many positive comments we really do feel that for us at least it will be the right decision. I am not going to be negative about Australia, suffice to say that it does not fit with our future goals and aspirations. Good luck to everyone making the long trip home.

PS I hope England win the Ashes and the Rugby World Cup this year!!!

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Hello LostMyWay - I'm a Nurse & my hubby an Electrician. We went back for a holiday last November and before we went there was an advert popped up for Nurses in my old job and they were having a recruitment drive whilst I was there, so I applied to see what would happen, anyway long story short - got offered an interview and offered a job on the spot, they've said I can choose my hours and I've just to get in touch when we finally get back as they have me on the back burner so to speak. My hubby just enquired at a place he used to work at as a Contractor as he still knows a lot of the people there and he went for a chat whilst we were there too, then has had telephone interviews whilst back in Australia and offered the job too - in fact they rang him the other night to see if he could start on the Monday after we land back!! What does your HB do? It's definitely a good feeling to know there are jobs to go to. Good luck with your move ?


Hi Huggy75, I am also a nurse and my husband is an insurance broker. I will have just had my 2nd baby when we move back so I would ideally be looking to not work for a year or so when we get back so we've agreed it's very important for hubby to find work before we go back to take the pressure off! I know that our areas of work is very different, for example moving here I secured work almost a year before we landed in Aus and hubby was told to wait until we moved because people would want a face to face interview! That was 5/6 years ago now so I hope that things have caught up and he is able to find work this end, else we will have to decide whether to take the plunge and risk it all or close the door and settle here! I've heard good things on PIO regarding the UK economy and employment and we've definitely seen an increase of advertised jobs in insurance in our hometown compared to 3 years ago, so I'm quietly optimistic!! I'm hoping worst case will be hubby flying back for interviews without me to secure the work?!

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Hi Huggy75, I am also a nurse and my husband is an insurance broker. I will have just had my 2nd baby when we move back so I would ideally be looking to not work for a year or so when we get back so we've agreed it's very important for hubby to find work before we go back to take the pressure off! I know that our areas of work is very different, for example moving here I secured work almost a year before we landed in Aus and hubby was told to wait until we moved because people would want a face to face interview! That was 5/6 years ago now so I hope that things have caught up and he is able to find work this end, else we will have to decide whether to take the plunge and risk it all or close the door and settle here! I've heard good things on PIO regarding the UK economy and employment and we've definitely seen an increase of advertised jobs in insurance in our hometown compared to 3 years ago, so I'm quietly optimistic!! I'm hoping worst case will be hubby flying back for interviews without me to secure the work?!


We decided we were going to take the plunge whether we found jobs or not, after all I think I would be much happier working in my local supermarket near my family than sticking it out in Aus just for a job. As soon as we mentioned it all to our families, the floods of support came in and we knew they would look after us in the interim. My hubby nearly did have to fly back sooner than me for interviews etc., but it all came good in the end. Good luck with everything, I'm sure it will all work out for you too :-)

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Hi I returned to Birmingham UK two weeks ago after 11 years in Melbourne. Mainly to be with family.

I didn't have a job on my return, found one within 3 days. (I fix refrigeration on transport).

There is all this talk of immigrants flooding the country. Most of them are unskilled. So if your hoping to return to wash cars you'll be out of luck.


Overall it has been a big drop in pay i was on $36 an hour in Melbourne + 9% super and tax breaks for work related outgoings.

Here in the UK £13 an hour plus nothing.

I did realise this before I left, its just how it is.


As everyone says on this forum, the UK hasn't changed, its still the same as ever. Same people, same food, same same. So if your a pom you'll slip back into your old UK slippers in no time. Australia will be all but a fading sun burn.


My wife is Australian, shes still in Melbourne selling the house, to use the money to get her a visa for the UK.

If your thinking of coming back, just do it !

Your overpriced Aussie house should buy you a nice place over here.

Worried about opening a UK bank account, Lloyds opened one with just my passport and a bill from my parents house in there name.

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This thread has got me even more worried, I'm doing the opposite, moving from Derbyshire to Tasmania. My partner has a good job there but I am pretty sure I will have a hard time..
listen to the alarm bells oz going into recession if I were you stay put.
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Hi , I'm in UK and loving every minute I feel on top of the world actually lol .... Having fun haven't laughed so hard that my belly aches in ages with true friends , I feel comfortable here I don't go outside under confidant I have me mojo back lol , no doubt about it Australia is heading for recession and if u have a good job and income in UK I would stay put for a while although people won't I know that too lol , it's up to each individual make their own mind up on what they thinks best for them . All I know I wish I had of stayed put I spoke to my hubby earlier he said extend ya flight and stay longer if I like the only thing is I've got to come back so whether I extend it another month it's still going rip me heart out weather I come back in 2weeks time or in a months time so may aswell just come back when I'm due lol . Australia hasn't been bad but it has something missing for sure to me anyway . But think long and hard unless u have plenty of back up money before giving up what I have or at least don't put all ya eggs in one basket and hang on to ya house :)

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Hi , I'm in UK and loving every minute I feel on top of the world actually lol .... Having fun haven't laughed so hard that my belly aches in ages with true friends , I feel comfortable here I don't go outside under confidant I have me mojo back lol , no doubt about it Australia is heading for recession and if u have a good job and income in UK I would stay put for a while although people won't I know that too lol , it's up to each individual make their own mind up on what they thinks best for them . All I know I wish I had of stayed put I spoke to my hubby earlier he said extend ya flight and stay longer if I like the only thing is I've got to come back so whether I extend it another month it's still going rip me heart out weather I come back in 2weeks time or in a months time so may aswell just come back when I'm due lol . Australia hasn't been bad but it has something missing for sure to me anyway . But think long and hard unless u have plenty of back up money before giving up what I have or at least don't put all ya eggs in one basket and hang on to ya house :)


I miss a good belly laugh! Sounds like you are having the best time Shelly!

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Hi , I'm in UK and loving every minute I feel on top of the world actually lol .... Having fun haven't laughed so hard that my belly aches in ages with true friends , I feel comfortable here I don't go outside under confidant I have me mojo back lol , no doubt about it Australia is heading for recession and if u have a good job and income in UK I would stay put for a while although people won't I know that too lol , it's up to each individual make their own mind up on what they thinks best for them . All I know I wish I had of stayed put I spoke to my hubby earlier he said extend ya flight and stay longer if I like the only thing is I've got to come back so whether I extend it another month it's still going rip me heart out weather I come back in 2weeks time or in a months time so may aswell just come back when I'm due lol . Australia hasn't been bad but it has something missing for sure to me anyway . But think long and hard unless u have plenty of back up money before giving up what I have or at least don't put all ya eggs in one basket and hang on to ya house :)

your so right but they will not listen.
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I miss a good belly laugh! Sounds like you are having the best time Shelly!



Thanks chortlepuss , yes having a fab time , and I love a good laugh too and the belly laughs are just the best , I'm going be a nannie again too must be something about me being back in UK , I swear they do it on purpose , went out Friday stayed me mates well we were dancing and she fell over but I couldn't pick her up for laughing I'm loving every minute and me grandsons a gem and very funnie too . My kids in brissie r having a good time too I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place , my hubbies fed up of us being apart never been apart for so long , I'll fly out to him end of June beginning of July time though and we will just keep plodding and smiling , it's a case u have too but 2 weeks on tues I think I'll be very sad but I'll pick myself up again I always do ! Still got a few friends visit this week and out next Friday staying me other mates and I drove through Ashley back to my sons and the grass and views were lovely I took the scenic route instead of a500 lol :)

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your so right but they will not listen.


Hi kirk and co it's not that I want them to listen it's up to others anyway what they decide really , i say it from my point of view what I see because I know what a good life I had in UK and I'm not saying I have a bad one in oz lol just not what I imagined I hate being apart for one . I just hate that part , and if u knew me and my hubby like my friends know us in UK we did everything together and we went out all time just remember for me I'm nearly 44 and my kids are grown up now lol :) I had kids very young I don't want be apart from my hubby , im not saying to people don't come it's up to them but ya just saying from your point of view all I know if I knew what I know now no way would I have come . But that's me and I miss most things about UK lol but a tiny niggle is saying hang on and see so maybe I need to i don't really know :) but that's because I'm here now lol :) but I suppose people think what would of it of been like if we had just have gone . Just don't get rid of ya house like my mate has and has got go back that's all :)

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I mean if u in a profession like I don't know teaching nursing and u are better off in oz then yea that's fine , Alls I know is my oh I never worried about jobs or economy before in UK that might sound really selfish of me but I never understood it and I still don't lol but I notice things and I know when something isn't sitting right with my hubby :) he's had recruitment consultants on the phone last week from Dubai and Hong Kong lol which he won't rule that out when my lad finishes school and I'll go with him for a bit but really I need lay roots for me , I just think for me I still have my home here I can move back have the garage converted into a bar a hot tub and a Bali hut have my kitchen knocked through to open plan and have a conservertary on haven't got a massive mortgage like I'd take out here and I could make my own Ozzie paradise here and have everyone I know around me at the same time lol but am I just dreaming haha my boys love it and my 22 year old I doubt very much he will nudge now he has a girlfriend and is doing great with his job in fact for my boys it's been hard to get a job initially took a long time like 2 yrs for a proper job but now he has one he's doing great and I'm proud of him stopped smoking coming up for 12 months he has and gets up at 4am and at work on time everyday and has bought his own little car I am proud and the Ozzie dream is working for me kids but for me and their dad be apart is that right ? No not to me it isn't and I miss home too lots of things for me and my hubby said the jobs fine but for us two it's **** lol carny win and I miss everyone here lots I think about really :)

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I've just come back after 4 weeks in the UK Shelly. Loved every minute of it. The countryside was looking beautiful though there was a fair bit of mild flooding in the fields as I was driving up - must have had a lot of rain. Did a lot in London and also met up with friends in the area. London was a lot warmer than Scotland - it was wet, cold and very windy there but it didn't stop me from, getting out and about. Had some great evenings in the pubs and some very nice meals - got my fill of haddock and chips :wink: As far as the cost of living goes, I found some things cheaper, others more expensive - no surprise there.


Enjoy the rest of your visit!! :smile:

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I've just come back after 4 weeks in the UK Shelly. Loved every minute of it. The countryside was looking beautiful though there was a fair bit of mild flooding in the fields as I was driving up - must have had a lot of rain. Did a lot in London and also met up with friends in the area. London was a lot warmer than Scotland - it was wet, cold and very windy there but it didn't stop me from, getting out and about. Had some great evenings in the pubs and some very nice meals - got my fill of haddock and chips :wink: As far as the cost of living goes, I found some things cheaper, others more expensive - no surprise there.


Enjoy the rest of your visit!! :smile:


haha glad u enjoyed it , cost of living cheaper apart from meat , meat is dearer in UK lol petrol but we all know that , car insurance for my 22 yr old will prob cost 3 grand so he's on a winner in oz there lol , my eldest was on my insurance when he passed but it's called fronting I believe and ya not supposed to do it so my eldest tells me now anyway lol , oh I've hit the goodies isle in tesco lol and pork pies cheese and onion sausage rolls oatcakes proper bacon pork and apple sausages haha , love it lol , and clothes galore I just love the variety we have here and nice quality aswell , love the pubs we've been atmospheric and Motown which I love aswell , I could go on my hubby is waiting for me make a decision I think I carny do it though lol what if I am wrong I don't bleeding know Alls I know is I'm having fun and that's what life's about haha xx

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haha glad u enjoyed it , cost of living cheaper apart from meat , meat is dearer in UK lol petrol but we all know that , car insurance for my 22 yr old will prob cost 3 grand so he's on a winner in oz there lol , my eldest was on my insurance when he passed but it's called fronting I believe and ya not supposed to do it so my eldest tells me now anyway lol , oh I've hit the goodies isle in tesco lol and pork pies cheese and onion sausage rolls oatcakes proper bacon pork and apple sausages haha , love it lol , and clothes galore I just love the variety we have here and nice quality aswell , love the pubs we've been atmospheric and Motown which I love aswell , I could go on my hubby is waiting for me make a decision I think I carny do it though lol what if I am wrong I don't bleeding know Alls I know is I'm having fun and that's what life's about haha xx


Shelly really glad you are having a great time, but having followed my husband round the world, because of his job, that was actually more important for me than having fun with old friends. Loved get togethes, but loved him more.

In case any one thinks it's been easy, it hasn't, b tough at times.

It's a hard choice I understand, and having your family in different countries isn't easy, have worn the tee shirt, and still do, but still happily married after 44 years, and accept that our children are grown up, and are living their chosen lives where they want to be, and that I am where I want to be, with my husband and best friend.


Worried in case this came across as critical, was really only posting to sympathise, it's not easy trying to please everyone when the family is scattered. Have a wonderful holiday.

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Shelly really glad you are having a great time, but having followed my husband round the world, because of his job, that was actually more important for me than having fun with old friends. Loved get togethes, but loved him more.

In case any one thinks it's been easy, it hasn't, b tough at times.

It's a hard choice I understand, and having your family in different countries isn't easy, have worn the tee shirt, and still do, but still happily married after 44 years, and accept that our children are grown up, and are living their chosen lives where they want to be, and that I am where I want to be, with my husband and best friend.



Oh god yes lol I wud die for my hubby if out ever happened to him I'd top myself not joking love him to the moon and back and more lol i am having fun but I wud be having more fun if my hubby was here lol of course I would but he wants me have a good time and enjoy myself and what ever I decide he will go with what I decide but I am stuck because of my kids aswell lol oh well just keep plodding along I suppose but my hubbie does understand me too and I understand him lol xx don't worry I haven't took it as a criticism I know what ya saying Ramot . Like I say my friends know and people who know us that's all that matters really in fact my friends always say they wish they had what me and my hubby have together closeness although he's another state at the minute and it is crap without him the only reason I haven't followed him yet is because I carny pull my boy out of school again he's six months left and I'm counting lol :):)

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