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Moving bk to UK or stay for passport? What do I need to think about and advice please


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Generally I would say - belt and braces and get citizenship however if the bonus is a bit more financial security by releasing your super rather than have it dwindlingly languishing in a foreign country that you have a 50/50 chance of ever wanting to live in again I'd probably say take the money and draw a line. Sometimes having a choice down the track is just more of an agony - there's something liberating about drawing a line.


Hi quoll. I just think whats the good in having it if I don't want to live away from all my family. we are all told you have to get PR but why cant it be you just enjoy living in another country for a few years then go back I never intended to set up life on the other side of the world. I think your right tho not having the option may make it easier. thanks

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I would really appreciate everyone's thoughts on this ... I've been here 5 years now, PR application is nearly all in just need the last few pennies to pay for it. I know there's no rush t get it but soon as I do then quicker I can get the passport. Trouble is for the past year since my last visit home to UK I've just not got over the homesickness. I'm heading back again in 3 weeks for a visit and know I'm not going to want to leave. I know the UK has its Down sides but I feel like I've done oz now, the void of having no family around you just isn't going away, despite the beautiful beaches! I think I should wait another year or so for the passport but I just feel like I want to start my UK life again... I have a loan here so if I left I'd still had to pay that obviously but what would I need to do to set up in UK again? And more importantly what do I do? Has anyone missed the UK that much that they don't regret going bk? Do I stick it out to get the passport? Being away was fin when I was living th dream and exploring new countries every year but Tbh this country try is so expensive I'm always struggling and can't afford to go away anymore, now I'm just living and working but on the other side of the world to my family! Not feeling happy or settled is horrible... Would really appreciate people's opinions x


It does sound a bit of a bad situation you are in and hopefully, it will get better soon. For us it was always about the passport and getting that. That way we can come and go as we want and the kids have a passport, if they need it later on in life. It maybe hard to come back at the moment, but it seems such a waste to not get the passport after the years you have already spent here. It will not take too long to get it and then it is yours. You never know that a few years down the line you may want to come out again and having the passport will be such a bonus. In short, if we were you, we wuld stick it out for it. Time will fly and if you have a plan that you are working towards, you may feel better, counting down the weeks/months.


Hope this helps.

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You would be foolish not to apply for Citizenship at this stage. Even if you went home forever. Your Children or other relatives would be eternally greatful for an Ozzie relative :-)

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If you are really set on going back to the UK I would forget about the passport. You hear stories of people staying just for the aussie citizenship even though they want to go. It's seems like a waste of their life to me. I've lived in Australia for 36+ years and never considered changing my citizenship. To me where you are born is who you are and by becoming a citizen of another country you are devaluing your origins. I know people will disagree but thats their issue. I've always thought I was a fraud being proud of being English whilst living in Australia so when I move back I won't need to feel that way anymore.

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I agree with above. Forget about Australia and go home. Why worry about Australia if you never come back?? Why add in excess worry when you set to gain nothing by being in this country? You want to go home, you imply you think England is better than Australia, just forget about the extras that are doing your head in, go home 100% focussed on England and relax and enjoy. There are many people here who think you are doing a wonderful thing by going home. Just go and enjoy. All the best.

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If you are really set on going back to the UK I would forget about the passport. You hear stories of people staying just for the aussie citizenship even though they want to go. It's seems like a waste of their life to me. I've lived in Australia for 36+ years and never considered changing my citizenship. To me where you are born is who you are and by becoming a citizen of another country you are devaluing your origins. I know people will disagree but thats their issue. I've always thought I was a fraud being proud of being English whilst living in Australia so when I move back I won't need to feel that way anymore.


Am I reading this correctly that you have lived in Oz for 36 years without gaining citizenship? If so then this presumably is a one-way ticket to the UK then.

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Just to put your mind at rest goodbye grey skies yes it is a one way ticket. This is the second time you have questioned my opinion regarding moving back to the UK. Just so you know I'm not a fool and the opinions I give are given after living in Australia for a long time. I was brought here at 11 by my parents even though I did not want to come. I have given Australia more than a good go and have enjoyed most of my time here. It as taken me several years to make up my mind to return to the UK and I will be sacrificing a lot both financially and personally to go back. If my time in the UK doesn't work then yes I will come back but it will def be reluctantly and only because my brother & sister are here. What a lot of people on the site ( especially people going from the UK to Aust} fail to see is that Australia is not a paradise to some and that their opinions are just as valid as everyone else. I hope your move to Australia goes well and you are happy with your decision to move but don't treat me and others like fools because we choose to move in the opposite direction.

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Just to put your mind at rest goodbye grey skies yes it is a one way ticket. This is the second time you have questioned my opinion regarding moving back to the UK. Just so you know I'm not a fool and the opinions I give are given after living in Australia for a long time. I was brought here at 11 by my parents even though I did not want to come. I have given Australia more than a good go and have enjoyed most of my time here. It as taken me several years to make up my mind to return to the UK and I will be sacrificing a lot both financially and personally to go back. If my time in the UK doesn't work then yes I will come back but it will def be reluctantly and only because my brother & sister are here. What a lot of people on the site ( especially people going from the UK to Aust} fail to see is that Australia is not a paradise to some and that their opinions are just as valid as everyone else. I hope your move to Australia goes well and you are happy with your decision to move but don't treat me and others like fools because we choose to move in the opposite direction.


If you want to return you will need to get a RRV so perhaps that could be part of your belt and braces approach - once it's gone an Aussie visa is gone

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Just to put your mind at rest goodbye grey skies yes it is a one way ticket. This is the second time you have questioned my opinion regarding moving back to the UK. Just so you know I'm not a fool and the opinions I give are given after living in Australia for a long time. I was brought here at 11 by my parents even though I did not want to come. I have given Australia more than a good go and have enjoyed most of my time here. It as taken me several years to make up my mind to return to the UK and I will be sacrificing a lot both financially and personally to go back. If my time in the UK doesn't work then yes I will come back but it will def be reluctantly and only because my brother & sister are here. What a lot of people on the site ( especially people going from the UK to Aust} fail to see is that Australia is not a paradise to some and that their opinions are just as valid as everyone else. I hope your move to Australia goes well and you are happy with your decision to move but don't treat me and others like fools because we choose to move in the opposite direction.


I remember you now. I have not questioned the opinion of you or anyone else about moving to the UK as I have no axe to grind. I am moving to Australia but not because I hate the UK; far from it. I believe that you said in a previous thread that you had heard from others that the UK was "stuffed" and I said that was most definitely not the case. I have provided plenty of constructive advice to people planning to return to the UK.


The comment that you made in a previous thread which I thought was foolish was your suggestion to a poster that the education of their children was not an important consideration but no matter.


I hope all goes well with your move. Like me, you must be getting pretty excited about it now it's so close. And you are arriving at the absolute best time of year with long, light summer evenings stretching on to 10pm and beyond.

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The void of having no family around you just isn't going away, despite the beautiful beaches! I think I should wait another year or so for the passport but I just feel like I want to start my UK life again...


Exactly how I feel. We have been here 2 years which has gone pretty quick to be honest. Kids are settled in school and Kindy and my wife is on the fence. I think about home everyday and am just wishing my time away until I can press play on my life again.


We are going back to UK next year for a wedding and that will be the deciding time (but for me my mind is already made up)


We have agreed that it makes sense to do the 4 years here and get the passports before heading home, mainly for the kids..and it would make life easier for us if they decided to move here when they are grown up and we are old.


I'm sure I will miss oz some days and think "what have we done" but I know for a fact that I wont think about oz/pine for oz in the UK as much as I do for the UK here...EVERYDAY!


All the best in what you decide.

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