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Australia Working Holiday Visa Changes

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

​Volunteer work under the Working Holiday visa programme will no longer count as eligible work to qualify for a second visa, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, said today.

Currently, young adults aged 18 to 30 from partner countries may holiday and work in Australia for up to 12 months and may extend their stay in Australia by a further 12 months if they undertake at least three months work in certain agricultural, mining or construction roles in regional Australia.

Minister Cash said the changes address a concern that some employers are exploiting the second Working Holiday visa initiative by encouraging Working Holiday visa holders to work for less than the minimum wage.

“The current arrangements can provide a perverse incentive for visa holders to agree to less than acceptable conditions in order to secure another visa,” Minister Cash said.

“This Government is resolutely focused on upholding visa integrity and preventing exploitation - these changes will remove the incentive for visa holders to accept substandard conditions.

“The reform will require those seeking to apply for a second Working Holiday visa holder to produce an official payslip from their employer, demonstrating they have completed their regional work component.

“I recognise that the majority of operators are doing the right thing, however it is unacceptable that some employers have been exploiting vulnerable young overseas workers and damaging the reputation of this important social and cultural exchange programme.

“As is the case with all visa programmes, it is essential that integrity in the Working Holiday visa programme is maintained so as to prevent exploitation and ensure public confidence in the system is upheld.

“In recognition of the many legitimate and worthwhile agencies that employ volunteer workers to deliver valuable community services, Working Holiday visa holders will still be able to perform volunteer work should they wish to do so. The work will simply not count towards eligibility for a second visa.”

These changes will be phased in by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection over the coming months.

Further information regarding changes to the Working Holiday visa programme will be made available on the Department’s website at http://www.immi.gov.au.

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Guest The Pom Queen

This is yet another change that I don't think has been thought out properly.

I agree something needed doing to stop backpackers being taken advantage of BUT can't they see that this is a negative move for all parties concerned.

Farmers are already struggling to make ends meet, they can't afford to take on staff and if they could why would they choose a backpacker who they have to train up only for them to move on a few months later. They will either struggle to do the work themselves or hire locals. This in turn means there are going to be less places for backpackers to do their rural work for their second year visa.

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Where did you find this? I have not been able to find any reference to this anywhere. It could be another beatup like the "Pay for PR" that appeared a couple of days ago which was never going to happen but the media took it up for a story. There are many aspects of this visa that includes the tit for tat with the UK - we remove the possibility of 2 years, the UK will reduce our visa to a year. Its not something that is going to happen overnight just because of a 4 Corner story.

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Guest The Pom Queen
Where did you find this? I have not been able to find any reference to this anywhere. It could be another beatup like the "Pay for PR" that appeared a couple of days ago which was never going to happen but the media took it up for a story. There are many aspects of this visa that includes the tit for tat with the UK - we remove the possibility of 2 years, the UK will reduce our visa to a year. Its not something that is going to happen overnight just because of a 4 Corner story.


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This is a bit misleading. The change seems to be that VOLUNTEERING like WOOFING will no longer count towards the 2nd WHV but working as fruit pickers etc will - as you are employed. Its misleading as all the media hype in the past couple of days has not been about the volunteering aspect but the fruit picking - which is not affected by this release.

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Guest The Pom Queen
This is a bit misleading. The change seems to be that VOLUNTEERING like WOOFING will no longer count towards the 2nd WHV but working as fruit pickers etc will - as you are employed. Its misleading as all the media hype in the past couple of days has not been about the volunteering aspect but the fruit picking - which is not affected by this release.

No, the issue is farmers have been providing free accommodation and food in exchange for backpackers volunteering their services and the farmer signing off. A lot of the fruit farms up here don't pay cash but ask for volunteers. Now the only other way I think it may work is if the accommodation and food is classed as a payment? That I have no idea?

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This is yet another change that I don't think has been thought out properly.

I agree something needed doing to stop backpackers being taken advantage of BUT can't they see that this is a negative move for all parties concerned.

Farmers are already struggling to make ends meet, they can't afford to take on staff and if they could why would they choose a backpacker who they have to train up only for them to move on a few months later. They will either struggle to do the work themselves or hire locals. This in turn means there are going to be less places for backpackers to do their rural work for their second year visa.


That's what my thoughts are too. I just thought instantly that there's just going to be less jobs for people on WHV's. And I presume things like WWOOF won't be eligible either so less people might use that as an option and people needing volunteers will lose out too. It's a lose lose situation really.

Maybe they knew this and it's secretly a way for them to get more employers to employ local people (which is fair of course).

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The conditions are generally too poor for locals to take up. The argument could be that back packers will do it for far less. Anyway the exploitation needs to stop. Those farmers/growers doing the right thing shouldn't be tarnished by those that don't.

The additional argument being now that so many additional WHV's are in the country than a few years ago, in times of declining jobs and high youth unemployment, can we afford to grant a second year?

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presumably what prompted the change:


Four Corners investigation reveals exploitation and slave like conditions on farms supplying Aussie supermarkets




I just watched that, these kids are being treated so badly. If people in authority know what is stopping them clamping down on these Labour Hire companies, are they registered? They should be paying tax. I know the main companies are just as bad using these workers when they know whats going on but I noticed that all the Labour hire companies who are exploiting the young Asians are all run by Asians as well, and they all looked well dodgy! Shafting their own people.


I dont think I put the right link on sorry, it was the link by Alan Collet I meant, dont know if they are the same.


Anyway these companies have been reported? Why dont immigration check them out?

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This completely sucks. I understand some farmers are knobs to backpackers but most probably aren't and I've heard some really good reports about places that do accom and 2nd year visas in exchange for work. Now it's just going to be even more pressure on people finding work, the farms are going to lose out on the help and people are much less likely to even bother staying 2 years now. I definitely reckon I'll just be booking a return flight now because the work for accom was my plan incase I did want to do 2 years

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Even back in the 90's horror stories of treatment was doing the rounds then. But there was word through the grape vine which farms treated workers well and which not. I can only imagine with the massive growth in back packers numbers from a greater assortment of countries the competition is high and treatment harsh or exploitive in a number of cases.

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