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Visa's for sale!


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I have just seen the ABC press review (which is prety weak) and there was an article about cancelling the existing visa application process and simply selling the visa's to the highest bidder. The sense behind this is that you must be highly qualified and will not be dependant on the state if you can buy your way in?


Please NO! The world is trying to follow Australia's existing system which provides opportunity based on skills and demand. I believe the existing cost of the visa's are prohibitive for many never mind the suggested starting price of $50,000.


Lets hope it's an idea which has been leaked to the press but will fall over quickly with no support as in my opinion it would be madness!



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Maybe it has a bit of merit.


What if we call it a citizenship swap deal?


It could run on gumtree to reduce the cost to the taxpayer.


Citizens here could sell their passports to the highest bidder.


They would then swap passports at a neutral port. Maybe christmas island could be a goer?


It might weed out some undesirables citizens whilst allowing in a bunch of cashed up dictators/smugglers???

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The system has to be looked at somehow. There are far too many people coming out and struggling to get work. Not sure but doesn't America have huge visa fees?

Those buying would still need a skill on the SOL though. Maybe over fifties who have some collateral ?

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I hope its a "see how they like it"article. Imagine, all the crooks in the world would be descending on us. Personally I think they should manage the infrastructure for the people we currently take in and have living here and then think about increasing the population.

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There is heaps of fraud in the current system though.

Most 457s are fraudulent according to the immigration department (up to 90%).


So many people coming out on 457s when Australians are out of work and could easily do the work.

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Guest The Pom Queen

It's a terrible idea on its own. Are they still going to have guidelines ie under a certain age, no criminal history, skilled?

Otherwise without the above we are leaving ourselves wide open.

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There is heaps of fraud in the current system though.

Most 457s are fraudulent according to the immigration department (up to 90%).


So many people coming out on 457s when Australians are out of work and could easily do the work.


Something evident for a few years that I have with frequency pointed out. The deniers rather out in force as usual of course. Could it be a few are waking up to the disaster under way?The latest being of course Chinese pushing for workers of Chinese owned business to by pass present hardly strenuous requirements to allow anyone in they deem fit. Looks like under the recent free trade agreement they will be able to as well. Right to sue government as well it would appear.

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There is a visa already in place for the super wealthy. They need to invest so much to qualify but other checks don't apply. (language and so on) On the top of my head I seem to recall 500 a year come in on this. Canada in recent times clamped down on the abuse of a similar type visa. Of course most investment more than likely going into already over subscribed real estate.


Other countries in Europe have similar. Portugal and Malta for two.

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Guest The Pom Queen
There is a visa already in place for the super wealthy. They need to invest so much to qualify but other checks don't apply. (language and so on) On the top of my head I seem to recall 500 a year come in on this. Canada in recent times clamped down on the abuse of a similar type visa. Of course most investment more than likely going into already over subscribed real estate.


Other countries in Europe have similar. Portugal and Malta for two.

There is but that's huge amounts of money, this one they are saying $50,000

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There is but that's huge amounts of money, this one they are saying $50,000


I hadn't read it but hardly surprising. This government is turning the country into a bazaar. Everything available for a price but no idea about value. Things are even grimmer than I thought if that takes off.

If the only solution for survival is the constant growing of population we are in a lot of trouble. Clueless the lot. Most anyone will not find rustling up $50,000 beyond their means.

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This visa has now been quashed by the PM. It was one of a large list of "suggestions" from a committee to be used for discussion - it was taken up by the media and run with. Not a serious suggestion.


Am glad to hear that. I imagine the corporate sector wouldn't have minded. Nor the Ponzi housing industry if it comes to that. Even with a history of recent government mismanagement would any politician be daft enough to vote that in? Don't bother answering.

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