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Disconnecting from Telstra-A warning!!!!


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I returned to the UK last year having spent 4 years in the Melbourne area.


A word of advice if you are considering doing the same and you are currently a Telstra customer.


Last June I arranged for the termination of my 'package' which included Foxtel, phone, and internet. A decent, if very expensive package. I decided to record my online chat on their chat page, where you exchange messages online to resolve any issues. I was assured that after the final bill was paid, my account was fully settled and that there would no longer be any account. It would be cancelled by Telstra. (A lie, but more about that later). I ensured that my responsibilities regarding any return of stuff, ie foxtel box, the small telephone box (can't recall its name) etc.I was assured that nothing needed to be returned-they were now my property. Useless in the UK, I gave them away to friends in Australia. All sorted then. Except it wasn't.

In August, THREE MONTHS AFTER DEPARTING AUSTRALIA, I saw a deduction from Telstra for $300 from my Australian bank account! I was somewhat surprised and emailed Telstra from the UK to enquire why this had occurred. They suggested it was because the Foxtel box had not been returned! I explained that I had been on the 'chat' forum to ensure that I had complied with the conditions of the contract termination but they said that unless I could give my Telstra account details, they could not assist. I gave them the transaction number from the bank transaction-which turned out to be my Telstra account number. Still they couldn't (wouldn't) help. As I could not locate the record of the forum 'chat', I was stuffed. That was, until I located the 'chat' record and emailed it to their 'resolutions' team. They stated they would 'investigate it'. (A 30 second read would be all that was required to do this). They eventually agreed to pay me my $300 back into my account that was unlawfully taken from me. 'Stolen', I call it.

I brought the matter to their attention in August, a few days after the deduction from my bank. That $300, converted into UK pounds at that time would have been worth alot more than $300 converted today. I asked that the amount they owe me be increased to the amount that it would have been worth in August. They have agreed to repay me. They have acknowlewdged their mistake (the evidence was overwhelming). I have provided all my contact numbers but they have not contacted me to arrange payment. Nine months after my initial complaint, my $300 has still not been repaid. I email them frequently with no replies.

The morale of the story? If you are coming home, ensure you take the Telstra stuff back to where it came from-even though you may not need to. Ensure your account is settled. Close your bank account!

Or.......don't use Foxtel as your provider!

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We had problems cancelling with Telstra as well. Fortunately we just had a phone line but they kept trying to bill us for it for 4 or 5 months after we transferred to another provider. Each month we would call and each month they would assure us it was fixed only for us to get another bill the following month. Telstra are fine if you are a customer but what ever you do don't try and leave.

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I had a neighbour who migrated from the Midlands and she had ongoing problems with her final UK electric bill. Never found out what happened in the end.


For us it was the nutcases at BBC TV licensing.


Even when told we were immigrating, that the tv had been packed and shipped, they sent out a few letters per week threatening us with fines, demanding immediate payment or theyd send the boys around, because we didnt have a tv licence.


I phoned almost daily for two weeks, then just shredded the letters after that.

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Word of warning for anyone coming to Australia. Do not have anything to do with Telstra. They might be a private company now but they still act like they are in government hands. Service is not something they are known for.

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Word of warning for anyone coming to Australia. Do not have anything to do with Telstra. They might be a private company now but they still act like they are in government hands. Service is not something they are known for.

I have to say I am very nervous about cancelling all accounts when leaving Australia but Telstra is the one that worries me most. Absolutely incompetent -

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I have to say I am very nervous about cancelling all accounts when leaving Australia but Telstra is the one that worries me most. Absolutely incompetent -


If you cancel it now they might just have got it sorted by the time you leave.

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