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Do we need to clean kitchen equipment thoroughly


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Thinking about our packing (next Wednesday)... do we need to meticulously clean things like toaster/bread maker, microwave etc to ensure there are no food crumbs on them. I know that customs are very picky about dirt on outside things, so was wondering if they were equally choosy about ensuring there aren't any unwanted food crumbs coming in. Advice and stories very welcome so i know whether to put this on the to-do list.

Thanks :)


(ps. the toaster isn't that bad - but i can't face cleaning it properly if a good shake over the sink would do!)

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Thinking about our packing (next Wednesday)... do we need to meticulously clean things like toaster/bread maker, microwave etc to ensure there are no food crumbs on them. I know that customs are very picky about dirt on outside things, so was wondering if they were equally choosy about ensuring there aren't any unwanted food crumbs coming in. Advice and stories very welcome so i know whether to put this on the to-do list.

Thanks :)


(ps. the toaster isn't that bad - but i can't face cleaning it properly if a good shake over the sink would do!)


We brought our breville toaster, kettle, panini press, etc. i cant remember the pain of scrubbing them like crazy.


But i can remember the pain of scrubbing the myriad pairs of the ohs shoes and the 5 man tent in the bath of a third floor apartment :twitcy:

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Just give them a good clean. Shake out as many crumbs as possible and wipe the outside. Make sure you clean the vacuum well though. Remove any bags ( don't replace them so they can see there is no dust hiding) and clean any dust off. They did inspect mine, I guess that was a good thing as I often Hoover spiders!

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We never really went over the top, just shook crumbs off and emptied the vacuum and they never inspected anything. It's just the luck of the draw really whether you get inspected. It's odd how they seem worried about shoes but we have never had our shoes looked at when coming through the airport, wouldn't nasties be 'fresher' at the airport than after 2 months in a container ?

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We never really went over the top, just shook crumbs off and emptied the vacuum and they never inspected anything. It's just the luck of the draw really whether you get inspected. It's odd how they seem worried about shoes but we have never had our shoes looked at when coming through the airport, wouldn't nasties be 'fresher' at the airport than after 2 months in a container ?


Id imagine they presume any nasties on the soles of your shoes would have come off at some point in the many hours spent getting here, i.e- On the plane ,wandering around a 'halfway' airport such as Singapore etc..


Cal x

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Customs are interested in live seeds, live bugs and animals. They are interested in soil, sand and food primarily because bugs and seeds can exist in them. They are not interested remotely in food scraps left on kitchen equipment.

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