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If Labour manages to win the General Election...


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Where do you think the money has to come from if people want a decent NHS> UNDER A GOOSEBERRY TREE...... The tories raise money from taking it from the poor whilst protecting bankers bonuses....we need a rise in national insurance for a better health service and everyone who has been asked agrees with paying a little more for a better health service


I thought the bankers bonuses go back to the previous parliament.

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I obviously haven't been asked about a rise in my NI Contributions... (considering National Insurance doesn't actually solely fund the NHS it seems many are also mis-informed).


I think we pay enough taxes, the NHS like most government bodies is massively inefficient with the money it has.


And whoever said the Tories punish the working man to benefit the rich...


Actually a OECD report stated that the NHS is one of the most cost efficient health services and has one of the overall better outcomes for patients also, it is a piece of tory propaganda that it is a failing organisation which they propagate in order to justify privatisation by stealth because they are privatising it little by little under the guise of supposedly making it more efficient, nothing to do with giving it's business friends access to make profits out of treating you, businesses don't do anything unless they can see a profit in it and if they can get their hands on controlling big parts of the NHS then we will see how much they can make from having a monopoly position and how few staff they can get away with having in order to maximise profit.

One of these outfits recently had to withdraw from running a hospital because they couldn't make a profit and meet CQC standards so your ni contribution is cheap when you consider that it also funds pensions and a number of other social provisions.

What i would consider to be a more relevant question is why is a small country like the uk still strutting the world stage running off to wars in the middle east just like we have been doing for the last 200 years and why have we got nuclear deterrents and nuclear submarines like we are some kind of world imperial power, we have people living in penury and we cannot look after our mentally ill but we can bomb the **ck out of iraq and Afghanistan and play games shadowing Russian subs.

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Guest Amelie
cameron is being slated in the opinion polls over here as being very poor tonight.



Really? By whom? Only, I'm watching Sky News, viewing the polls here in the UK as well as reading comments on Facebook and it seems that Milliband came off worse. Cameron overall did well. Nicola Sturgent came across very well also. It looks like UKIP are rising….

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Really? By whom? Only, I'm watching Sky News, viewing the polls here in the UK as well as reading comments on Facebook and it seems that Milliband came off worse. Cameron overall did well. Nicola Sturgent came across very well also. It looks like UKIP are rising….

Not true, the polls have sturgeon top with miliband second and cameron 4th behind farage

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Guest Amelie
Not true, the polls have sturgeon top with miliband second and cameron 4th behind farage


….well, I don't know where you are reading your polls from, but the results are not the same as what I am reading…..

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[h=1]latest results

Ed Miliband narrowly beats David Cameron in snap poll after leaders' debate[/h]

Guardian/ICM post-debate poll shows Miliband winning by a whisker over Conservative leader - by 25% to 24% – with Farage in third and Sturgeon pushing Clegg into fifth place

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here are the results from all the sources.



[h=3]Ed Miliband narrowly beats David Cameron in snap poll ...[/h]report24.co.uk/.../ed-miliband-narrowly-beats-david-cameron-in-snap-p...





38 mins ago - An always tense, sometimes disjointed and occasionally cacophonous seven-way TV leaders' debate saw Ed Miliband just shave ahead of his rivals,according ...



[h=3]Ed Miliband narrowly beats David Cameron in snap poll ...[/h]www.demanjo.com/.../ed-miliband-narrowly-beats-david-cameron-in-sn...





3 mins ago - A snap poll for ITV television carried out by polling firm Comres showedCameron, Miliband and the leader of the anti-European Union UK Independence Party, ...



[h=3]Election debate 2015 LIVE: Cameron and Miliband face ...[/h]www.telegraph.co.uk › News › General election 2015

30 mins ago - Election 2015: David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nigel Farage, Nicola Sturgeon and the other party leaders go head to head in the live debate on ITV - follow latest ...



[h=3]Miliband narrowly beats Cameron in snap poll - Newstral.com[/h]newstral.com/en/article/.../miliband-narrowly-beats-cameron-in-snap-poll





17 mins ago - News that are related to the article The Guardian: «Miliband narrowlybeats Cameron in snap poll» from papers and blogs.



[h=3]Ed Miliband narrowly beats David Cameron in snap poll ...[/h]www.onenewspage.co.uk › UK





11 mins ago - Guardian/ICM post-debate poll shows Miliband winning by a whisker over Conservative leader - by 25% to 24% – with Farage in third and Sturgeon pushing ...



[h=3]Miliband narrowly beats Cameron in snap poll after leaders ...[/h]inagist.com/all/583755301024739329/





34 mins ago - Miliband narrowly beats Cameron in snap poll after leaders' debate | Politics | The Guardian Guardian/ICM post-debate poll shows Ed Miliband winning by a ...

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Guest Amelie
latest results

Ed Miliband narrowly beats David Cameron in snap poll after leaders' debate



Guardian/ICM post-debate poll shows Miliband winning by a whisker over Conservative leader - by 25% to 24% – with Farage in third and Sturgeon pushing Clegg into fifth place


Of course the Guardian would say that…the Telegraph gives an opposite view….it's actually very mixed but Nicola Sturgent was stronger.

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….well, I don't know where you are reading your polls from, but the results are not the same as what I am reading…..

here you go....


[h=3]Ed Miliband narrowly beats David Cameron in snap poll ...[/h]report24.co.uk/.../ed-miliband-narrowly-beats-david-cameron-in-snap-p...





38 mins ago - An always tense, sometimes disjointed and occasionally cacophonous seven-way TV leaders' debate saw Ed Miliband just shave ahead of his rivals,according ...



[h=3]Ed Miliband narrowly beats David Cameron in snap poll ...[/h]www.demanjo.com/.../ed-miliband-narrowly-beats-david-cameron-in-sn...





3 mins ago - A snap poll for ITV television carried out by polling firm Comres showedCameron, Miliband and the leader of the anti-European Union UK Independence Party, ...



[h=3]Election debate 2015 LIVE: Cameron and Miliband face ...[/h]www.telegraph.co.uk › News › General election 2015

30 mins ago - Election 2015: David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nigel Farage, Nicola Sturgeon and the other party leaders go head to head in the live debate on ITV - follow latest ...



[h=3]Miliband narrowly beats Cameron in snap poll - Newstral.com[/h]newstral.com/en/article/.../miliband-narrowly-beats-cameron-in-snap-poll





17 mins ago - News that are related to the article The Guardian: «Miliband narrowlybeats Cameron in snap poll» from papers and blogs.



[h=3]Ed Miliband narrowly beats David Cameron in snap poll ...[/h]www.onenewspage.co.uk › UK





11 mins ago - Guardian/ICM post-debate poll shows Miliband winning by a whisker over Conservative leader - by 25% to 24% – with Farage in third and Sturgeon pushing ...



[h=3]Miliband narrowly beats Cameron in snap poll after leaders ...[/h]inagist.com/all/583755301024739329/





34 mins ago - Miliband narrowly beats Cameron in snap poll after leaders' debate | Politics | The Guardian Guardian/ICM post-debate poll shows Ed Miliband winning by a ...

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Guest Amelie

Sorry…but unless the headlines are playing reverse psychology…It's incorrect…I've just watched Sky news paper reviews and the reviewers comments, and all have agreed that Milliband has not come across well.



Where are you based Perthbum?

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Sorry…but unless the headlines are playing reverse psychology…It's incorrect…I've just watched Sky news paper reviews and the reviewers comments, and all have agreed that Milliband has not come across well.



Where are you based Perthbum?


I am on all the news sources and have just posted the reactions, miliband came across better than cameron...look again below.


[h=3]Ed Miliband narrowly beats David Cameron in snap poll ...[/h]report24.co.uk/.../ed-miliband-narrowly-beats-david-cameron-in-snap-p...





38 mins ago - An always tense, sometimes disjointed and occasionally cacophonous seven-way TV leaders' debate saw Ed Miliband just shave ahead of his rivals,according ...



[h=3]Ed Miliband narrowly beats David Cameron in snap poll ...[/h]www.demanjo.com/.../ed-miliband-narrowly-beats-david-cameron-in-sn...





3 mins ago - A snap poll for ITV television carried out by polling firm Comres showedCameron, Miliband and the leader of the anti-European Union UK Independence Party, ...



[h=3]Election debate 2015 LIVE: Cameron and Miliband face ...[/h]www.telegraph.co.uk › News › General election 2015

30 mins ago - Election 2015: David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nigel Farage, Nicola Sturgeon and the other party leaders go head to head in the live debate on ITV - follow latest ...



[h=3]Miliband narrowly beats Cameron in snap poll - Newstral.com[/h]newstral.com/en/article/.../miliband-narrowly-beats-cameron-in-snap-poll





17 mins ago - News that are related to the article The Guardian: «Miliband narrowlybeats Cameron in snap poll» from papers and blogs.



[h=3]Ed Miliband narrowly beats David Cameron in snap poll ...[/h]www.onenewspage.co.uk › UK





11 mins ago - Guardian/ICM post-debate poll shows Miliband winning by a whisker over Conservative leader - by 25% to 24% – with Farage in third and Sturgeon pushing ...



[h=3]Miliband narrowly beats Cameron in snap poll after leaders ...[/h]inagist.com/all/583755301024739329/





34 mins ago - Miliband narrowly beats Cameron in snap poll after leaders' debate | Politics | The Guardian Guardian/ICM post-debate poll shows Ed Miliband winning by a ...

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Guest Amelie
you said cameron had won?



Yes, from the discussion….but as I have asked before and keep asking about these polls…who and how do you vote on these polls? Who is voting on the 5 or so polls? Milliband has basically shown himself to be so incompetent that he throws comments and ideas and ends up with being so confused with his own argument…not good.

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just in


Rolling coverage of the ITV leaders’ debate, with David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg, Nigel Farage, Natalie Bennett, Nicola Sturgeon and Leanne Wood, with reaction and analysis, and the poll results as they come in



  • Snap poll suggests 25% thought Miliband won
  • Cameron on 24%, Farage on 19%, Sturgeon 17%, Clegg 9%
  • On forced choice between Cameron and Miliband vote split 50/50
  • Leaders quizzed on the economy, NHS, immigration and the future of Britai


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Guest Amelie
just in


Rolling coverage of the ITV leaders’ debate, with David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg, Nigel Farage, Natalie Bennett, Nicola Sturgeon and Leanne Wood, with reaction and analysis, and the poll results as they come in



  • Snap poll suggests 25% thought Miliband won

  • Cameron on 24%, Farage on 19%, Sturgeon 17%, Clegg 9%

  • On forced choice between Cameron and Miliband vote split 50/50

  • Leaders quizzed on the economy, NHS, immigration and the future of Britai





I am watching SKY News now…and that is inconsistent with your poll 'information'…sorry

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looks very close.













[h=1]Who won the Leaders' Debate? Here's the data to tell us...[/h]



[h=2]With the 7-way Leaders' Debate finished, we look at what the data says about who won[/h]


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Polling organisations have scrambled to interview the public on who they thought was the winner of tonight's debate, and the results are VERY mixed.

[h=3]Ed Miliband wins first poll[/h]Ed Miliband won by a whisker in the first poll - with a quarter of viewers saying he'd performed best. Cameron followed closely behind.

icm-snap-poll.png[h=3]Cameron and Miliband - it's a tie[/h]ICM also asked viewers of the leaders' debate who they thought had performed better between Cameron and Miliband. The public were split 50%.

Our own Mirror/Survation poll also found the two main party leaders drawing: Cameron and Miliband were favourites with a quarter of viewers, closely followed by Farage.

David Cameron - 25%

Ed Miliband - 25%

Nigel Farage - 24%

Nicola Sturgeon - 15%

Nick Clegg - 6%

Natalie Bennett - 3%

Leanne Wood - 2%

These two polls reflect the nationwide polls which have put Labour and the Conservatives neck and neck for a while now.





































Liberal Democrats










Question asked: Who would you vote for if the election was tomorrow?

[h=3]Sturgeon wins according to YouGov[/h]YouGov’s poll shows radically different results. The SNP’s Sturgeon was the clear winner here at 28%, followed by Farage at 20%.

[h=3]And then there's even more confusion[/h]The COMRES poll shows a three-way tie between Miliband, Cameron and Farage. With Sturgeon just a point behind them.

Our Survation poll found that Natalie Bennett was the worst performer according to 23% of viewers.

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