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Getting a credit card or personal loan when you get out there?


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Hi everyone,


My family and I are planning on moving to Australia this year, as permanent residents as we got our 189 visas. I am a nurse and currently applying for ahpra and it's looking likely that i will be referred to do a bridging course. This unfortunately is going to cost me approximately $12,000 which we hadn't originally factored into our emigrating costs, so I am thinking of getting a loan when we arrive with the banks. I already have an ANZ account, which I transfer money to regularly..what is the chances of being able to get a loan that quickly?




If anyone can offer advice, as without doing the bridging course I can't register as a nurse to work!!


Many thanks



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If you're currently earning in the UK and have a good credit history what's to stop you getting a loan there and transferring the sum to Oz?


You could transfer money back each month for the repayments.


Well, they would have to lie about the purpose and not everybody would be comfortable about that. They would have to lie because no bank would lend to someone about to emigrate.


OP, we got a car loan upon arrival in Australia, we had jobs / income to go to though.

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I had a lot of trouble getting a credit card and even a mobile phone contract, despite getting a job in 2 weeks and having $50k in cash. Seems that most institutions thnk a partner visa is temporary when it is not. Took me 6 months to get a credit card so we missed out on a huge number of reward points as we started again from scratch, buying everything brand new.

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I have had trouble getting a mobile contract cos I couldn't prove I was a student or had a job cos in middle of bridging course!! As for credit card bank told me one we arrived that no point applying for a credit card til got a job but then no problem. As for getting a loan prob same applies. If it were me I would get a loan from UK and transfer money to Oz when you get here. I don't think it matters if you lie about the reason for taking the loan as long as you are willing to pay it back. Thats what matters at the end of the day. When did you apply to APHRA? It seems to take them a very long time to say a simple no and refer to bridging course!!

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Thanks for replies and helpful suggestions , yeah I am in a chicken and egg situation really, as I won't have a job yet as I need to do this bridging course first to be able to register so I can get a job.

I think we will just keep saving and at least try to get half of the money in savings before we leave. I'm hoping my husband will have a job secured by the time we get there, so at least one of us may be able to secure a credit card with the remainder of the money needed.

Snaik - I applied to AHPRA in February. It's been about 5 weeks now, and they have received all my paperwork and has now gone onto the next stage of processing. God knows how long it's going to take for them to say no.

How long did your application take for your referral to bridging course take?

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We were able to get phone contracts straight away by proving we had PR and providing our bank statement (sold our UK house so it looked pretty good!). But we couldn't get a second phone for our son until one of us could prove we had a job.


When you fill out card application forms, it asks your salary, what proportion of bills/other loans etc you pay, so if you don't have a job, you may struggle.


and we don't get HECS or course help as we are only PR. You have to pay each semester upfront :-(

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As you have PR, could the cost of the course go on HECS/HELP?


Mind you, there will probably be waiting periods until that type of help is available.

HECS-HELP is only available to Australian citizens. PRs pay domestic fees but must pay for their tuition up front.

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I would be very careful about borrowing straight away although I did! We applied and was given a small loan to pay for 50% of our car purchase to help establish a credit record. I was offered over $150,000 for somebody newly arrived, about to start employment but still not established and still living out of a suitcase, I guess ANZ did not want to ask too many questions?


We thankfully resisted with loan now nearly gone. Believe me you will hit some ups and downs when first ariving so would try and avoid having the added pressure of loans.



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Thanks for replies and helpful suggestions , yeah I am in a chicken and egg situation really, as I won't have a job yet as I need to do this bridging course first to be able to register so I can get a job.

I think we will just keep saving and at least try to get half of the money in savings before we leave. I'm hoping my husband will have a job secured by the time we get there, so at least one of us may be able to secure a credit card with the remainder of the money needed.

Snaik - I applied to AHPRA in February. It's been about 5 weeks now, and they have received all my paperwork and has now gone onto the next stage of processing. God knows how long it's going to take for them to say no.

How long did your application take for your referral to bridging course take?


I applied last August and didn't get the letter of referral til 16th Feb!! Mind you I had to resend docs twice cos I had used a solicitor to certify. First they said just to re ceritfy identity docs which I did in the september. Then they passed it onto next office of people!! They then decided they also wanted other docs re certified!! This was in November I think. Don't think then having xmas and new year helped!! Anyway really hope yours doesn't take so long. Tomorrow is the last day of my theory component and I am looking forward to starting placement and at last see the inside of an australian hospital!! Good luck with everything. Let me know when you are heading over perhaps we can meet up for coffee sometime.

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