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Making that heart wrenching decision :(


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Hello everyone


We're leaving for Darwin at the end of may and for months now, I've been working non stop to try and raise enough cash (After saving for holiday accommodation, flights etc etc) to take our pet cat, Clive along with us.


We've had quotes ranging from £3000 to £5000 but the recent company said the prices were going up AGAIN and melbourne was going to be the only place for quarantine and they would cut the days done from 10 to 3 BUT the price is going up.


We have enough money to sort ourselves out and get started but £3000 for the cat is going to kill our budget. (The cat costs more than our flights being a family of 4!!!)


Its sooooo expensive and completely unfair that it looks like we have to leave him. My two little kids are totally in love with the cat, like most cat owners will agree, its not just a cat, he's OUR cat, he's part of the family.


My husband and I just can't work enough hours in the day to pay for him! :(

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Sounds rough. We are taking our dog to Sydney. £3000 plus extra bits for various vet visits. Seems like you are Paying more to get to Darwin.


Maybe beg and borrow and take the cat?


We are taking out dog but rehoming our 3 cats and 2 hamsters. It's expensive isn't it?


Feel a bit bad, but read many places that cats can often take being moved to Aus badly. They run off, get lost. Get bitten by snakes and spiders. For that reason we thought it was probably not ideal. Especially as our eldest cat is 18!

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I feel your pain. We left both our cats with the in laws after they raised the price last year. Heart wrenching. They'd had everything needed from the vet and we had even paid the deposit to the company transporting them when the in laws offered to take them. Fortunately the company were fantastic and we didn't lose the deposit after cancelling.


I li now get regular cat piccys and they are so happy. I also genuinely think that they wouldn't have coped out here with the heat and not being able to roam.

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I know what you mean, we got quotes for our cat, and it's ridiculous the cost of it….BUT we just have to take her, I know that our eldest daughter (8) who is already struggling with the idea of moving away from her friends etc, would just hate it if we didn't take her with us.

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We left an 18 year old cat when we moved to Perth - it wasn't the plan, we could afford to take her and we had spoken to a pet transport company before we even applied for visa's - if I'd thought we couldn't take her we would have delayed the move until she'd passed on but when it came to the crunch our vet advised against her flying and my best friend offered to foster her, we paid for her ongoing vets bills and made sure my friend was not out of pocket and we got regular updates, photos etc. When her time finally came, my friend had her cremated and we got her ashes.


Moving back though we brought our Aussie cat with us and I have to be honest, if it wasn't for my son I may have re-homed her. Though my OH probably wouldn't have let me! I did at one point say it was either the cat or his car that got brought back and he did choose the cat (& knowing how much he loved his car that was a big deal!)


It isn't easy but you will miss your cat more than she misses you - try to find someone who will let you know how she is and when we went back for a visit we were able to see her (she lived another two years after we left).


Hugs xx

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We are paying 5500 pounds to take our massive dog to aus, which is a MASSIVE amount of money for us. We thought about re homing him but couldn't do it. I can totally see why people do though, the costs involved are ridiculous!

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I'm in the same position right now, we are looking to move over to Melbourne by November this year and up until recently we had my parents taking our border collie Kai in when we left, but they have recently changed there minds after having him for a few days whilst we were on holiday. The problem is he doesn't settle well when not in his own environment and he can whine and pine for us when we aren't there so they don't think they can take him long term.


It just makes this move all that bit more complicated, not to mention expensive, as we are now going to have to try find somewhere pet friendly to rent pretty much straight away and from looking on real estate websites over there it doesn't seem that there are very many out there. We have been given quotes of around the 3000 pound mark but then have to factor in the cost of quarantine when he arrives. We are saving and can afford it but it does take a large chunk of the savings that we could have been using for something else.


I guess it just comes down to how much you want to have your pet with you and if you can find someone you know who will take care of them should you decide to leave them behind.


If anyone on here lives in Melbourne and knows of any pet friendly rental sites could you please let me know about them so I can start looking for places to live when we make the move over.


Thanks in advance.


Chris Tully

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I'm in the same position right now, we are looking to move over to Melbourne by November this year and up until recently we had my parents taking our border collie Kai in when we left, but they have recently changed there minds after having him for a few days whilst we were on holiday. The problem is he doesn't settle well when not in his own environment and he can whine and pine for us when we aren't there so they don't think they can take him long term.


It just makes this move all that bit more complicated, not to mention expensive, as we are now going to have to try find somewhere pet friendly to rent pretty much straight away and from looking on real estate websites over there it doesn't seem that there are very many out there. We have been given quotes of around the 3000 pound mark but then have to factor in the cost of quarantine when he arrives. We are saving and can afford it but it does take a large chunk of the savings that we could have been using for something else.


I guess it just comes down to how much you want to have your pet with you and if you can find someone you know who will take care of them should you decide to leave them behind.


If anyone on here lives in Melbourne and knows of any pet friendly rental sites could you please let me know about them so I can start looking for places to live when we make the move over.


Thanks in advance.


Chris Tully


aye it's hard. we are taking our dog who is nearly 4, and it costs over £3k to Sydney. We haven't kept an exact tally, as some of the cost was in vets charges over here - but flight and quarantine was about £3k - plus all the various jabs and blood tests on top. It does seem harder to find a rental with a pet. it looks almost impossible, but many on here said they have pets and it's possible, and they have done it.


I think prep in advance, try and get you dog as calm as possible, (maybe train him to handle being apart from you more now?) Try and get good references for the dog. Landlords would want to hear that the dog is well behaved, won't trash the place and wake the neighbours by howling all night. You might need to pay more deposit and might need to pay extra cleaning costs when you move on. Basically if you can prove the risk is very low, and agree to cover costs for damage and cleaning so the property can be re-let, it might be ok.


It isn't the easy way, but dogs are like one of the family.. so if you love your dog, you'll find a way to make it work.

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aye it's hard. we are taking our dog who is nearly 4, and it costs over £3k to Sydney. We haven't kept an exact tally, as some of the cost was in vets charges over here - but flight and quarantine was about £3k - plus all the various jabs and blood tests on top. It does seem harder to find a rental with a pet. it looks almost impossible, but many on here said they have pets and it's possible, and they have done it.


I think prep in advance, try and get you dog as calm as possible, (maybe train him to handle being apart from you more now?) Try and get good references for the dog. Landlords would want to hear that the dog is well behaved, won't trash the place and wake the neighbours by howling all night. You might need to pay more deposit and might need to pay extra cleaning costs when you move on. Basically if you can prove the risk is very low, and agree to cover costs for damage and cleaning so the property can be re-let, it might be ok.


It isn't the easy way, but dogs are like one of the family.. so if you love your dog, you'll find a way to make it work.



I know that we will work it out someway, and those are some great ideas thanks. Our dog is very well behaved and hasn't ruined anything in the 5 years we have had him as rescue dog. He's knocking on 12 years old now which makes the decision that bit tougher as with his age we don't know how he'll handle the move, but our vet seems to think he'll be fine as he is very healthy.


thanks for the tips.

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I know that we will work it out someway, and those are some great ideas thanks. Our dog is very well behaved and hasn't ruined anything in the 5 years we have had him as rescue dog. He's knocking on 12 years old now which makes the decision that bit tougher as with his age we don't know how he'll handle the move, but our vet seems to think he'll be fine as he is very healthy.


thanks for the tips.


Great - go with your gut. We fly on 2nd July, so if we get time i'll do an arrival / 1st 4 weeks report. I'll mention issues getting a rental with a dog if we can offer any decent insights.

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It does seem harder to find a rental with a pet. it looks almost impossible, but many on here said they have pets and it's possible, and they have done it.


Harder yes, but not impossible - if you use domain.com.au and realestate.com.au the listings usually have a flag to say whether the landlord will accept pets or not, so you just include that in your search criteria - which you can save, and get emailed to you daily.

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I'm in the same position right now, we are looking to move over to Melbourne by November this year and up until recently we had my parents taking our border collie Kai in when we left, but they have recently changed there minds after having him for a few days whilst we were on holiday. The problem is he doesn't settle well when not in his own environment and he can whine and pine for us when we aren't there so they don't think they can take him long term.


It just makes this move all that bit more complicated, not to mention expensive, as we are now going to have to try find somewhere pet friendly to rent pretty much straight away and from looking on real estate websites over there it doesn't seem that there are very many out there. We have been given quotes of around the 3000 pound mark but then have to factor in the cost of quarantine when he arrives. We are saving and can afford it but it does take a large chunk of the savings that we could have been using for something else.


I guess it just comes down to how much you want to have your pet with you and if you can find someone you know who will take care of them should you decide to leave them behind.


If anyone on here lives in Melbourne and knows of any pet friendly rental sites could you please let me know about them so I can start looking for places to live when we make the move over.


Thanks in advance.


Chris Tully


There are very few places that actually advertise as being pet friendly, that is why you don't see them. But many that do not refer to pets at all are more than happy to consider it, just don't waste your time on the ones that specifically say no pets, thankfully those are few. Getting a rental with pets was probably my biggest worry before I moved, because I read that it was really hard. But it wasn't, not at all.

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Even if the ad doesn't state pets are allowed ,still ask the agent. I have come across quite a few occasions of agents / owners who would allow them but it wasn't until they were asked that it was agreed.


Cal x


Yes, we plan to do that. When you click 'pets allowed' in Domain/Real estate, nothing shows up, so it has to be a good idea to try and ask! I am working ont he assumption that generally everyone would prefer no pets/kids etc for their 'ideal tenant', but might bend if they had to. It will obviously make it more challenging, but i think it'll be possible (because we have no choice, it'll have to work!) ha.

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Hello everyone


We're leaving for Darwin at the end of may and for months now, I've been working non stop to try and raise enough cash (After saving for holiday accommodation, flights etc etc) to take our pet cat, Clive along with us.


Have you thought about just one of you's flying over and living in a bedsit/spare room while you get more permanent accomodation sorted? We looked at holiday lets and they look very expensive. You could probably save a couple of £K there.


We've had quotes ranging from £3000 to £5000 but the recent company said the prices were going up AGAIN and melbourne was going to be the only place for quarantine and they would cut the days done from 10 to 3 BUT the price is going up.


Really?! :(

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Don't give up yet! There may be some other options for you that are cheaper. 3000 GBP sounds like a crazy amount to transport one cat! Or does that include the quarantine costs?


We live in Germany and we could fly our two dogs from Frankfurt which I've read is very expensive. However after doing some research I found that flying them from Amsterdam is waaaaay cheaper! I contacted a lot of animal transport companies and the best quote we got is 800 EUR from Amsterdam -> Singapore -> Sydney for two dogs! One is a chihuahua and the other is around 9kg. The company is Zoologistics.


Maybe there's a cheaper option for you as well if you're willing to fly your cat from another country? I found our animal transport company from here: http://www.ipata.org/for-pet-owners/search-on-line-for-a-pet-shipper/ I contacted all of the companies who fly animals from Amsterdam and there's a whole list of them.


Where did you get the info from that you have to quarantine your cat in Melbourne? According to the Department of Agriculture website, it says: "The existing department-operated PEQ facilities leases will expire between the end of 2015 and the end of 2018, with no opportunity for extension. From this period onwards, all imported cats and dogs will have to complete post entry quarantine at the new facility in Mickleham, Victoria." http://www.agriculture.gov.au/import/future-post-entry-quarantine-arrangements


By the way, do you have a link for the 10 day quarantine reduced to 3 days?


I hope this helps! Sending you lots of hugs! xx

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  • 1 month later...

I know this is an older thread but need to add some info. We have been in Brisbane now for 8 years and have never had any problems renting with our dogs. 2 big German Shepherds. Its doable, just be up front and say all the right things.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am having the heart wrenching decision about my two dogs, both 3 years old. They are my babies and the thought of going without them breaks my heart. However, it is going to be £5000, a lot of unsettling for the dogs with long flights and quarantine then hot weather of Brisbane for them to cope with. I do have close people that would look after them but it just hurts too much thinking about it. My hubby doesn't want to take them over and I have one child that thinks they should stay here, and one that doesn't!!!! I have to start their jabs in the next week or so and therefore make a decision soon. Just don't know what to do xxx

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We are emigrating to WA in June and our cats have been our biggest worry/argument. My partner wants to leave them but I want to take them and I have been quoted around £5000 and that doesn't include all the vet charges over here. I don't know anyone who would take them and the thought of leaving them with a stranger or in a rescue centre is unbearable. I got all their jabs which were £400 just in case I could take them. We are moving in 5 weeks and I still don't know what is happening!!!

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