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Any one done The Pearsons English Test Yet?


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Guest The Pom Queen

Things have changed so much since we got the visa and I didn't even know there was an alternative. Hopefully someone will come along soon and advise.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I found it far better than IELTS, to begin with, It is far more interesting and interactive, it doesn't take 2 separate days for the completion but only 3 hours, you handwriting doesn't matter as it is a computer based test, you can erase and re-write with ease, you won't have to count the words when you write as the word counter runs around the corner, in case if you miss out on any of the module somewhere during the test, you can always recover your points in the next module, when you hear and write, you get score for both, similarly, when you read and speak, you get scores for both, you can easily redeem your mistakes and the scores come within 4 days and mine came the next day in lesser than 12 hours.


Most of all, I found it easier than IELTS, for some reason I was not able to get the score I needed in writing, I tried three times in IELTS but the same result and then I opted PTE and I nailed it in the first attempt.


I hope it clears all of your doubts! Oh!! Its cheaper too, lemme know if you need to know anything else.


If you want to practice PTE, you can visit TCYonline.com



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@lovejarora Thank you soooo much, I was really hoping for an answer like that!!! :smile:


Thank you also for explaining it so thoroughly!! So could I ask........ Are you saying that if you dont do well in one section ie: writing, it wont ruin your overall score if you do better in the others?? I really hope this is the case.


Thanks again... I showed your post to my hubby and I he looked very relieved at it!! He is just shocking at spelling!!!!!

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Thanks adele,


What I am saying is, all the sections are not bound to their nature, in PTE you get scored out of 90 so about 60 marks would be to the related module whereas the remaining 30 would relate to the subsequent modules.


To further explain:-

The test begins with speaking where the first Task is Read aloud, so all you have to do is read it aloud in the microphone, now here you get scored for reading and speaking as they check your pronunciation etc, later on in this section, you will have to listen to a lecture and repeat it in your own words, in this task, you get scored for listening and speaking.


And this goes on in every section, whatever tasks makes you do multiple things, you will get scored for them. So, yes, if you loose a couple of marks in speaking section it won't be the end of it, you can recover them in the later sections.


For more information, you can check out the PTE Scoring, they explain in detail about each and everything.

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Thanks Adele,


What I meant was, if you miss out on something in one module, you will still have a chance to recover.


To further elaborate :- The test begins with the speaking module and let's say you didn't do as well as you wanted, in the traditional IELTS you are done, there is no recovery however, in PTE you will still have a chance to recover a little bit. For example :- Speaking starts with Read aloud, where you have read the given paragraphs aloud, now it doesn't not only gets scored for speaking but also for reading. Similarly, they give you a lecture that you have listen and then summarize it in your own words once in writing and once in speaking...now, when you have to listen and speak - then you will be scored for listening and speaking, when you have to listen and summarize then, you get scored for listening and writing.


I hope you get the gist, for more information, you should check the marking criteria of PTE, it explains everything in detail.


Also, I forgot to mention that PTE gets scored out of 90 whereas, IELTS out of 9 Bands but, 65 in PTE equals to 7 Bands in IELTS.


I hope it helps! Do let me know if you need to know anything else.


Good luck!

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I found it far better than IELTS, to begin with, It is far more interesting and interactive, it doesn't take 2 separate days for the completion but only 3 hours, you handwriting doesn't matter as it is a computer based test, you can erase and re-write with ease, you won't have to count the words when you write as the word counter runs around the corner, in case if you miss out on any of the module somewhere during the test, you can always recover your points in the next module, when you hear and write, you get score for both, similarly, when you read and speak, you get scores for both, you can easily redeem your mistakes and the scores come within 4 days and mine came the next day in lesser than 12 hours.


Most of all, I found it easier than IELTS, for some reason I was not able to get the score I needed in writing, I tried three times in IELTS but the same result and then I opted PTE and I nailed it in the first attempt.


I hope it clears all of your doubts! Oh!! Its cheaper too, lemme know if you need to know anything else.


If you want to practice PTE, you can visit TCYonline.com



@Ozmaniac sent me in this direction, and this has given me some hope.


I've received my 6th devastatingly disappointing result in the IELTS test.

Please see the spread of my test results below:


Listening | Reading | Writing | Speaking


1. L8, R7, W8, S9

2. L8, R7.5, W7.5, S9

3. L8, R7.5, W8, S9

4. L9, R8.5, W7.5, S9

5. L9, R9, W7.5, S8.5

6. L8.5, R8, W7.5, S 9


As you can see, I'm now having issues with the essay after initially struggling with the reading module. I've been advised to look at the plethora of training materials available and have purchased numerous preparation material (mostly the Cambridge IELTS books). I feel that I'm at a point, where I need feedback on my actual essay, so that someone can point out exactly where I’m going wrong, instead of any tutelage or preparation work. My livelihood is based and judged on my ability to communicate accurately and clearly both in verbal and in written form, so there’s nothing else I can do to practise my writing skills.


Test 5 and 6 are within the time bracket allowed for a remark request, but I fear that it will be money wasted, if I do not get actual feedback on why I scored a mere half mark off what I need.


Of course, the IELTS is only interesting in milking every penny from you (sour grapes talking I'm sure), and will not give you feedback.

I’ve spent in excess of £1000 taking tests costs and 12 trips' worth of fuel and parking into consideration, I feel that I'm owed at least that much ... but NO, they don't give a sh!t.


May I ask @lovejarora, what "band" were you aiming for in the IELTS, and what did you score in PTE? (I'm assuming band 8 - given your writing style and use of language here on the forum?)

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Hello Supercow,


I can see you were bullied by the IELTS, I also, had the same problem, I was aiming for 7 in each but I couldn't score 7 in the writing.

1st test - R8 L8 W6.5 S8

2nd test R8 L9 W6 S7.5

3rd test R9 L9 w6.5 S8


I got sick of it and decided to go for PTE instead, I practiced PTE for about 10 days and just went for it. Although, I was not 100% satisfied with my performance and was a little worried but, I was surprised by the results.


L87 R84 W76 S90


Your scores and english seems to be better than mine, so, I would strongly suggest you to go for PTE instead of IELTS as it s a lost cause now.



Lemme know if you need any help, for PTE sample tests and practice you should visit TCYonline.com


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Hello Supercow,


I can see you were bullied by the IELTS, I also, had the same problem, I was aiming for 7 in each but I couldn't score 7 in the writing.

1st test - R8 L8 W6.5 S8

2nd test R8 L9 W6 S7.5

3rd test R9 L9 w6.5 S8


I got sick of it and decided to go for PTE instead, I practiced PTE for about 10 days and just went for it. Although, I was not 100% satisfied with my performance and was a little worried but, I was surprised by the results.


L87 R84 W76 S90


Your scores and english seems to be better than mine, so, I would strongly suggest you to go for PTE instead of IELTS as it s a lost cause now.



Lemme know if you need any help, for PTE sample tests and practice you should visit TCYonline.com



Sorry for the delay in response, and thanks for your feedback. I'm sure I'll have some more questions, but for now this will do. I'll book my test for a week or two's time.

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Average of 8 for 189 would make me a very happy boy :)


just go for pte... buy their preparation book available on their website and practice. i went for it & after some prep i got my req score. not scoring in ielts made me question my english ability but it wasnt after i got my pte result that i found ielts was just a big flaw to begin with and lots of ppl are frustrated with its outcome.

best of luck

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Does anyone know if ANMAC now accept PTE? On their website they only mention IELTS and OET. I only took the IELTS last week, but I am not very confident that my writing part will reach the score I need. I didn't really like the set up of it all (especially the way the staff treated the test takers, I think the 'power' had gone to their head a little!!). I think the PTE will be much better suited to me, but it's no good if ANMAC don't accept it...

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  • 2 weeks later...
for PTE sample tests and practice you should visit TCYonline.com




Hey bud, the site doesn't seem all that legit? I've not been able to create an account, as their recaptcha solution seems to be dead.

Just browsing it, I can seem to find any reference to PTE either?

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