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Finally going to do it!


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Hi all! I've been thinking about this for years on & off but now I think its time to go for it. I'm 35, a midwife and a single mum of an 11 year old daughter. She's very keen & can't wait! Any advice on what our first steps should be? Can anyone recommend a good agent (& reasonable!) Just in the process of trying to sell the house to free up some capital. I'm keen to take my dog too - anyone have any idea of the costs involved?


I'm thinking Melbourne...


Would appreciate all advice


Clare & Melissa :v_SPIN:

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Guest tracy hunt

Hello and welcome to PIO, you are a very brave lady obviously. Agents......can't help you there, we didn't use one, others will put you on the right track I'm sure. As for dogs, I think it costs about £3500.00 from start to finish.

Good luck to you both


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Guest chez/ritchie

Hi and Welcome


We have an agent its 1st Contact they charged us £1,997. They have been very helpful with all the paperwork. Stared on this trail in feb 07 didn't have an agent at first wished contacted agent sept 07 visa lodged april 08. Wished we gone with from from the begining.

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Guest mandisfam

Hi and welcome, yes you are a brave lady. As to agents guess its up to the individual. We are going with an agent, Go Matilda but only because my oh has a complicated skills assessment to pass for the Australian Computer Society and just reading the forms on the website sent us to sleep.....we decided it was worth getting the help of an agent.


I have no idea how easy it would be for a midwife, but Im sure someone will be along soon who can help you.


Good luck with everything


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Guest Helaine

hi there, the agent we are using is Cheryl from Bird Migration she is absolutly brilliant and based in QL Australia,she has helped us so much i really do recomend her.

As for which visa you can either try to aply for a job first and get the hospital to sponsor you or go for perminant residencey which is slighly different, there are loads of pple that will be able to advise you.

we are also taking the dog, check out these web sites Pet Exports Ltd. UK. Pet Travel - Taking cats and dogs abroad. they quoted £1290 but i will have to do all the paper work or AIRPETS Heathrow - Pet Travel Specialists who quoted £2200 and they do all the paperwork. John Masson are a shipping company who are really good they will send a guy round to go through everything you want to take and they are very competitive priced.


Good luck with everything

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Guest dolphin2122

I am also a midwife, I have got a job through Pulse International working in Sydney. I am going out on a 457 visa and so far the fees have been minimal, it all depends on what visa you are applying for? Have you started to apply yet?



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Guest suegooderson

Hi there Tracy

We have recently moved over and brought our dog with us, Nellie a miniature wire haired daschund, costings were about 250 pounds for blood tests and medications in UK, 800 pounds for kennel fees in Oz (they are in quarantine for 30 days) and 250 pounds for flights and extras (she needed Frontline etc when she got to Oz also, although we have a very small dog and I think prices get higher the larger the dog. She did lose alot of weight while in quarantine and was very quiet for a few days after arriving, but has settled well and loves it here (especially in the swimming pool). We had a complication as they have to have blood tests to see if they are immune and do not have leptospirosis or distempter, if the lepto readings are high (due to sniffing mice or rat droppings) they will need another blood test, because of the second blood test she missed her flight and kennel space in Perth and had to fly and do her 30 day quarantine in Sydney, then another 6hr flight back to us in Perth at the end of the 30 days, so it can be quite stressful for all concerned, but worthwhile when you see them again!!

Hope this helps.

Sue X

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Guest barab

Hi there,can i ask,have you been here before? If not,have you considered coming out here for a look first to see if it's for you.I know it can be a bit pricey,but it might just give you a real feel of what Australia is really like.Good luck with everything.

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  • 1 year later...

Hoping to move to Oz next year. Can't afford to live in Sydney but would like to be within an hour of there. Can anybody recommend anywhere? I'd like to be near a decent high school, a hospital (I'm a midwife) and of course, a beach! :wub: Woollongong looks nice & more affordable? Would welcome any feedback.


Clare (37), Melissa (13) and Missy (woof!)xx :v_SPIN:

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Guest Magnetic6

Clare if your case is straightforward i'd do the visa application with out an agent and save yourself some cash.

The skills assessment for midwives with the ANMC is simple enough. Obviously i don't know your individual cicumstances but i've just gone through the process and it wasn't difficult x

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The whole process took you 7 months? Thats much quicker than I thought! I've just done my IELTS so I'm waiting for the results. I've got all the other documents ready to send to the ANMC as soon as I know i've passed. As far as I know I'm a straightforward case so I'll probably just do it myself & see how it goes. :jiggy:

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Clare if your case is straightforward i'd do the visa application with out an agent and save yourself some cash.

The skills assessment for midwives with the ANMC is simple enough. Obviously i don't know your individual cicumstances but i've just gone through the process and it wasn't difficult x


If Nat can do it, ANYONE can!:laugh:

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