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Britain is now most powerful nation on earth


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I know it a couple of years old but it does make you feel proud of being British :cute:


The empire is gone and we no longer rule the waves. But Britain is once again the most powerful nation on earth, according to a new survey, when it comes to "soft power". From Danny Boyle's inspiring Olympic opening ceremony, to 22 No 1 albums overseas, to Andy Murray's long hoped-for first Grand Slam title, Britain projects more positive influence around the world than any other nation.

For the first time, Britain has beaten the US to the top spot in an annual survey of global soft power. Coined by a Harvard academic in 1990, the term describes how countries use attraction and persuasion, rather than coercion or payment, to change behaviour.

Monocle magazine's annual "Global Soft Power" survey, published tomorrow, ranks nations according to their standard of government; diplomatic infrastructure; cultural output; capacity for education; and appeal to business.

The top five spots went to Britain, the US, Germany, France and Sweden. The list is calculated using a matrix of 50 factors that indicate the use of soft power. Some are empirical – such as the number of cultural missions, Olympic medals and foreign students a country can claim; others are more subjective – with countries ranked for the quality of their cuisine, architecture and business brands.







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I know it a couple of years old but it does make you feel proud of being British :cute:


The empire is gone and we no longer rule the waves. But Britain is once again the most powerful nation on earth, according to a new survey, when it comes to "soft power". From Danny Boyle's inspiring Olympic opening ceremony, to 22 No 1 albums overseas, to Andy Murray's long hoped-for first Grand Slam title, Britain projects more positive influence around the world than any other nation.

For the first time, Britain has beaten the US to the top spot in an annual survey of global soft power. Coined by a Harvard academic in 1990, the term describes how countries use attraction and persuasion, rather than coercion or payment, to change behaviour.

Monocle magazine's annual "Global Soft Power" survey, published tomorrow, ranks nations according to their standard of government; diplomatic infrastructure; cultural output; capacity for education; and appeal to business.

The top five spots went to Britain, the US, Germany, France and Sweden. The list is calculated using a matrix of 50 factors that indicate the use of soft power. Some are empirical – such as the number of cultural missions, Olympic medals and foreign students a country can claim; others are more subjective – with countries ranked for the quality of their cuisine, architecture and business brands.








Are you even British?

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The UK still a player on the world stage, whether that's more or less than in the past Im not sure and not that bothered to be honest. Always proud to be British myself of course:cool:


Quite surprised living here at how much/often Australia compares itself to UK in a lot of aspects - sport, economy, science etc.


This is not reciprocated, bit of an older/more successful brother syndrome going on I think. I thought the 'New World' thing would be stronger and maybe getting more that way, Aus needs to look to Asia etc rather than comparing itself to UK/Europe.

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I havent laughed this much in ages.... well maybe not since the mr bean movie..:laugh::laugh::laugh: ... now 'Global Soft Power' ... what a load of ermm..'Soft xxx ' ....now to put that ' Soft yacht rock' on an imagine a 'Great' ermm 'Britanny' ...

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What saddens me is the endless, desperate endeavour engaged by the British to try and prove they're still important in some way. It's embarrassing. It's not 1815, or even 1915 any more. In fact it was over for Britain as a serious power by 1895 when both the US and Germany had overtaken it in terms of economy and it was downhill from there. The whole of the 20th Century for Britain was about the management of decline. Now they talk of reducing the British Army to 60,000 (the Australian Army is 30,000 and Australia has only a third of the population of Britain), and with the annihilation of the armed forces due to bankruptcy we now get all this desperate waffle about how we're a "soft power". No one's listening. The 21st Century is about the Pacific, Chinese expansion, US holding on in that theatre, resources in Africa and Australia.


The Royal Navy only has 29 more ships than the RAN - that is just unthinkable when you look at the histories of the two nations. It won't be too long before the RAN is more powerful than the RN, not just because it has to be in this century but because Australia can afford it. It's shocking. In 1914 - just 101 years ago - the RN had 450 ships, today it has 77. China has 495 ships. Britain has very little power, which is a bad thing for the world, but there it is.

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