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Shipping dogs!

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I am starting to look at moving out to Australia as a GP. I am in contact with a great recruitment company to take care of work/visa etc


But I need advice from those who have taken dogs out to Oz.


I will be going out on a 457 visa and have been advised that currently it is taking 6-8 months to get the visa granted. My concern is, how do I initiate/know when to initiate the start of the vet checks as they are so time specific to their flights according to the Australian government website. It we start now, and the visa takes 8 months, the checks will all be done to early. Likewise if we start 2 months from now and the visa takes 6 months, we'll not get all the checks done before we fly!


This is making my head hurt! How do others with animals to transport manage?!


Any advice gratefully received!

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Bob is the expert but as I understand it, it's the rabies vaccine that you need to get done now ( NOW!) if you are possibly going in 6 months. The dog has the vaccination & then 2 or 3 weeks later the test to check it has ' worked'. This has to be 180days at least before you travel. I don't think it matters if it's longer than that when you travel.

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Those of us chewing our nails over in the 457 - Current processing times thread are expecting more like 3 weeks to 3 months! (Immi states the service time as 2-3 months.)

How come you were told 6-8 months?


This is what the medical recruitment agency are quoting, as I have to get a job offer, sponsorship and then go through the process of gaining registration from the AMC, which is a bit of a drawn out process.

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How do you cope? You post here and we all help you:)


Key things is to get the rabies work started. Get your dog a microchip/rabies vaccine now and then 3-4 weeks a rabies blood sample. Your dog cant enter Australia until 180 days after the rabies blood sample is taken, so that may work out well.


There are quite a few companies who can offer you pre travel bloods, export docs, import permit, flight, crate and be a one stop shop to make it really quite simple,

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How do you cope? You post here and we all help you:)


Key things is to get the rabies work started. Get your dog a microchip/rabies vaccine now and then 3-4 weeks a rabies blood sample. Your dog cant enter Australia until 180 days after the rabies blood sample is taken, so that may work out well.


There are quite a few companies who can offer you pre travel bloods, export docs, import permit, flight, crate and be a one stop shop to make it really quite simple,


Thanks Bob! Does PetAir offer this service?

One of our dogs is a Romanian rescue so have and rabies work done within the last 6 months so she could come to Britain, has a pet passport etc. I assume she will have to have it done again...our other dog has never had it.


Will the fact that she is originally from Romania affect her being able to go to Oz?

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Sorry for being late on this!


Yep, we can offer you a bit or a lot, whatever you choose. Your Romanian dog is fine to go to Australia, but i doubt she had a rabies blood sample, that is the keything to get in line. Any doubts and start it again.


Maybe it is worth giving us a call and we can chat through options and choices, but whatever you do get the rabies work in order!

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Bob is the expert but as I understand it, it's the rabies vaccine that you need to get done now ( NOW!) if you are possibly going in 6 months. The dog has the vaccination & then 2 or 3 weeks later the test to check it has ' worked'. This has to be 180days at least before you travel. I don't think it matters if it's longer than that when you travel.


At least 180 days before you travel, but not more than 24 months.

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Don't want to be negative but you do realise a 457 is a temporary visa and you will still need to get PR to stay in Australia. You really might as well just apply for PR now if you qualify.


if not have you checked routes to PR from 457, do not just rely on a recruitment agents spiel. Age can be crucial here too.


Not it sure I would want to spend many thousands on moving with a temp visa.

you are not really migrating on a 457 it is just a temp work visa.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @BobPetairUK ,


Looking to bring the MIL and dog out to Perth, Though I need your help with bringing out the latter.. (Yes a comedian of a Son in Law I am...)


The dog is currently in London and we are keen to know the process so we can get the ball rolling, please can you let me know what services you offer and what the time frame is plus costs.


Many thanks

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Hey Jim,

I darent ask who gets priority!

what stage are you at? has your dog started the rabies work? if no - then get that started asap - your dog needs a chip (if not already got one), rabies vaccine and then 3-4 weeks later a rabies blood sample, then your dog can enter Australia 180 days after the rabies blood sample. so this may affect your plans. If you have got the rabies work done then you need a quote. maybe email me details (breed/name/sizes/location of your dog) and we can get cracking.

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Thanks Bob, they are going back to Oz, they flew to UK 2 and half years ago but although they had their Rabies jabs they didn't require the blood test to leave Australia and had we known we would be going back again we would have had the blood test in Perth and then kept it up here! Hindsight :( ay .... but although their vaccine is still current I have had the booster done first and the blood test is on the 30th March and that is when the 180 days count down begins, which right now seems like forever! So for anyone that thinks they may ping-pom it's worth knowing that they should keep their pets up to date with RNATT whilst in the UK. I could have risked paying 110 gbp each dog to get the RNATT done first but their antibodies may have been too low and then I would have to pay for another test after the booster, seems silly to risk wasting any money not too mention the time gone by as it takes around 2 weeks for the result.


I am hoping we can use the crates they came to the UK in as they haven't changed in size or weight and do you know if there are any plans to open quarantine again in Perth?

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Hey Gazza

Things are moving along well for your dogs and yes September does seem ages away, but it will come around soon enough.

You can use the crates you have, but often if they are plastic crates it will cost you more overall. But we can give you a quote with your crates and ours, but you will need to measure your dogs and the crates too.

Quarantine is changing! DAFF have built a huge station in Melbourne, so all the pets need to go to Melbourne and then from there all around Australia. They may open in Perth again, but it is very unlikely.

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