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My kingdom for a job!!!

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After 8 months back here in Perth, still no sign of a job. Over 300 applications and 20 odd interviews......nothing. Living on Centrelink is a B***h!


I have a WA MR driving licence, A Forklift licence, 5 years WA experience,(keep getting told I need RECENT WA experience), and 8 years of supervisory and middle management experience in the UK and still no luck!!!


The feedback I'm getting is as follows:- No recent WA experience, too old,(at 41), no tertiary qualifications to back up my management experience and finally, and its the most annoying one, my accent, which for my sins, is RP due to a private education in the UK, though I could probably switch on my native Cotswold accent if I tried:biglaugh:.


I am a citizen but even that doesn't seem to help!


So, if anyone knows of any food manufacturers that are recruiting at the moment in WA please let me know! (Although I have approached all of the ones I can find on the net based here in Perth, and before anyone says it I cannot move elsewhere in the country for family reasons.



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Do employers actually say you are too old or they don't like your accent ?


Or is that what you think they think ?


They would be breaking the law if they discriminated on the basis of those factors.


To answer your question, its direct feedback, I have been told too old by three potential employers, over the phone, and one potential employer said my accent was a problem in the sales role I applied for, again, over the phone. Try proving discrimination on the basis of a phone conversation!


To be honest, discriminating on the basis of accent is not illegal as it's not a protected characteristic unlike age, sexual orientation, sex, disability, race or national origin!

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I'm not at all surprised ... I was out of work for 10 months , I too have an accent and at the time was 47 yrs old .. I experienced rampant discrimination . It's alive and well in the recruitment area ... It's an absolute disgrace and while the avenue of complaint is there , it's hellish hard to prove anything at the end of the day .. Potential employers are hardly likely to fess up to discrimination are they ... I eventually found employment with NSW health , they actually welcomed an older person like me , something I've been very grateful for ever since ...


Dave C

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I have been in Perth for nearly two years. Served enforced no work restriction, but studied Cert 4's in WHS and T & A, then applied for partner visa in July 14. Like you, I have applied for hundreds of jobs, only 3 interviews, and feedback suggests problems are lack of WA experience, temp visa (I can understand this) and I get the impression my age 50 is going to be a problem. I am registered with the recruitment agents, and although polite and friendly have given me nothing. Am I right in thinking there a general bad vibe regards work in Perth at the moment? And will a permanent visa be in vain for me?

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We're making arrangements to move to Perth end of Feb we're both coming up 47 admin/secretary and painter decorator. Should we be worried about finding work I don't think we'd cope 8 months out of work!

Can't say for painter and decorater but I would say you could struggle for admin. I do knows lots of wives of tradies who thought an admin job would be easy to get but have struggled.

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After 8 months back here in Perth, still no sign of a job. Over 300 applications and 20 odd interviews......nothing. Living on Centrelink is a B***h!


I have a WA MR driving licence, A Forklift licence, 5 years WA experience,(keep getting told I need RECENT WA experience), and 8 years of supervisory and middle management experience in the UK and still no luck!!!


The feedback I'm getting is as follows:- No recent WA experience, too old,(at 41), no tertiary qualifications to back up my management experience and finally, and its the most annoying one, my accent, which for my sins, is RP due to a private education in the UK, though I could probably switch on my native Cotswold accent if I tried:biglaugh:.


I am a citizen but even that doesn't seem to help!


So, if anyone knows of any food manufacturers that are recruiting at the moment in WA please let me know! (Although I have approached all of the ones I can find on the net based here in Perth, and before anyone says it I cannot move elsewhere in the country for family reasons.




Could you look and apply for lesser skilled jobs purely to get in some Aussie working experience. It may mean you don't get your ideal position straight away but if you can hack it for 6 - 12 mths, it would give you Aussie experience.


Cal x

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Sorry that you are having no luck getting a job. The same thing happened to my husband a highly qualified and experienced IT manager. He finally succeeded by taking off some of his work experience from his CV and going for less senior roles than he had been applying for. Once he got the job he slowly revealed his experience which has now been acknowledged by promotion. It's a tough road but an income is better than no income.


The other thing you can do is to remove early work experience and any reference to your age on your CV. Your age is none of the employer's business.


With regard to an RP accent, don't try to change it. It doesn't matter what UK accent you have, people will notice it and possibly discriminate against it. In fact, have an RP accent and have received both criticism and compliments for it in equal measure. Most Aussies can understand it and you will feel more comfortable speaking naturally and not having to think about your accent all the time.


Good luck with it all, it's tough but there are jobs out there.

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I do have plenty of W.A. experience,(I first moved here in 1995), but after talking to other aussies who have been overseas for a while it seems that the lack of 'recent' WA experience is just a way of filtering people as times get tougher. I talked to an agent today who I hadn't registered with before and they said they were sure they could help with casual stuff until I find a full time job in my field so fingers crossed.


Companies tend to view overseas experience with a bit of suspicion for some reason, unless its gained at board level and comes with a reco, or you are well connected in some other way.


That's the way it goes I suppose.



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I do have plenty of W.A. experience,(I first moved here in 1995), but after talking to other aussies who have been overseas for a while it seems that the lack of 'recent' WA experience is just a way of filtering people as times get tougher. I talked to an agent today who I hadn't registered with before and they said they were sure they could help with casual stuff until I find a full time job in my field so fingers crossed.


Companies tend to view overseas experience with a bit of suspicion for some reason, unless its gained at board level and comes with a reco, or you are well connected in some other way.


That's the way it goes I suppose.




Check out wow careers, Masters Home Improvements were looking for forklift drivers at their Baldivis store. Not sure if positions are filled or not? They don't worry about accents, they have lots of different nationalities working in their stores!

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