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How to get parents to australia?


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Hi guys,

just wondering if anybody has ever managed to sponsor their parents to come over?

and how much it would cost?

They are 50 and 52.

Thanks for all the advise .


Try the Brand NewParent Visa Thread . Just type in parent visa top right of page. Lots of advice and support from members. Look at the latest pages first as they will be more up to date.


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Hi guys,

just wondering if anybody has ever managed to sponsor their parents to come over?

and how much it would cost?

They are 50 and 52.

Thanks for all the advise .


Hi Zoedan24,

There are visas for parents. If its a permanent one you're after then there are a few things to consider first. Like how many siblings do you have? 50 % of your parents offspring must be permanently settled in Australia. This includes step children and grown up adult children.

If your parents satisfy the criteria then the next news is a little hard to swallow.......the visa will cost in excess of $40,000 each and will take the best part of 2 years.

Hope this helps and for further help go to the Brand New Parent Visa thread on here. You will find on the home page in Migration Issues. Also look on the Immigration website.

Good luck, Val

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Hi guys,

just wondering if anybody has ever managed to sponsor their parents to come over?

and how much it would cost?

They are 50 and 52.

Thanks for all the advise .


If you and your parents satisfy the relevant criteria, be prepared to budget about AUD $120k.

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We have tried for this visa, but the balance of family worked against us. Our daughter lives here, we have a son who lives in the USA,but two sons in England. Even though they are both in their twenties & have their own lives, unless one moved to Australia we cannot get in.

But if your parents do qualify, yes it will cost $120k. But as we were told by an agent if they come over here on a tourist visa & apply it will cost around $6000. While the visa is being processed they can apply for bridging visa until it comes through.

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We have tried for this visa, but the balance of family worked against us. Our daughter lives here, we have a son who lives in the USA,but two sons in England. Even though they are both in their twenties & have their own lives, unless one moved to Australia we cannot get in.

But if your parents do qualify, yes it will cost $120k. But as we were told by an agent if they come over here on a tourist visa & apply it will cost around $6000. While the visa is being processed they can apply for bridging visa until it comes through.

That only applies if the parents are old enough to be eligible for an onshore Aged Parent visa. The OP's parents are much too young - the minimum age is currently 65.

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Your parents will want to consider their finances very carefully too because at that age they are going to struggle to get a decent superannuation pot for their retirement and their UK pensions may not go very far. They are young enough to work for another 20 years but there is a subtle ageism in Aus and getting jobs when you are over 50 gets harder and harder. But if they are very well heeled they should be ok.

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That only applies if the parents are old enough to be eligible for an onshore Aged Parent visa. The OP's parents are much too young - the minimum age is currently 65.

And you wouldn't want to bank on that visa being around for long either as the government axed it in the budget but we're then forced to reinstate it for the short term.

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They are young enough to work for another 20 years but there is a subtle ageism in Aus and getting jobs when you are over 50 gets harder and harder. But if they are very well heeled they should be ok.


Getting a job in your early forties is tough enough!

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Wow I don't see how they can justify that cost :-( we are looking at having kids in the near future but didn't want to be away from parents/grandparents at the same time like the aus lifestyle and not just working to survive but really miss family. Now that I know how much it would cost to get them over here it just seems unrealistic with shattered emotions :-/

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At present your parents are a long way off even being old enough to qualify for a parent visa anyway, so no real point trying to justify the cost of that. Their chances of getting a visa beyond a tourist one is pretty slim to be honest.


As long as they pass the Balance of Family Test and their offspring is settled -usually 2 years - they can apply for the CPV at any age if they are willing to pay the Contributory cost. Not sure why you say their chances of getting a visa are slim?

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At present your parents are a long way off even being old enough to qualify for a parent visa anyway, so no real point trying to justify the cost of that. Their chances of getting a visa beyond a tourist one is pretty slim to be honest.


As long as you satisfy the Balance of Family test and your offspring is settled - usually 2 years permanent residency - you can apply for a parent visa at any age. I don't know why you say their chances of getting a visa are slim? If they satisfy the criteria they stand as much chance as anyone. The only downside is paying the contributory cost in order to speed up the process. The cost can be split by going for the temporary 173 first. Most people need to sell their house to cover the cost of the visa, Alternatively, there is the 103 non-contributory parent visa which has just been reinstated for a short time but which is considerably cheaper. They would need to get a move on before the government close it again. Yes, there is a long waiting list and it may take some time but I don't think it is anywhere near the time stated on the website and when it is closed again there will be no more new applicants. They could cover themselves by applying and then see where they are further down the line - nothing to lose except the initial VAC.


If all fails, the OP may be interested to know that parents can visit for up to a year in any 18 month period, which may not be of use now, but probably later.

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Ummmm not sure why you feel the need to repeat my post again and again... I've already replied.[/quote


Yes my apologies. Something went wrong there. I was in the middle of writing my reply and had to break off - didn't realise it had posted and when I came back had to log in again.

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