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189 Visa Lodged December 2014


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They also want 3 more work ref for oh have rang them 1 will be posting to us this week , 1 is very uncooperative and the other 1 doesn't exist any more will this effect the outcome


If they have asked for it you should give it. If you are unable to get a ref letter from a previous company what you could do is get an affidavit from one of your former colleagues confirming your work experience.

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Guys I have been contacted by a CO yesterday (5th). Unfortunately we still haven't received our PCC's from back home. It's been almost 3 months since I applied for it. Anyway the CO has asked for PCC's for both me and my wife and stated I should reply within 28 days. Should I reply to him and let him know that it is still being processed or should I reply after I get the PCC's?


Out of interest @freddy83, what countries are you trying to get PCCs for? I got an Oz one and a UK one. Oz one took 2 days from sending to receiving and the UK one took about 2 weeks to receive from application.


Could be useful contacting to see how your PCC is going.

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Apologies for gate crashing your thread guys but just wanted a tiny bit of advice as a bit confused. We were invited to apply on 9th of Jan. I'm a nurse and have already completed my skills assessment. We got married last year so have been changing names on all important documents which has delayed things a bit. Anyway, we have applied for our PCCs which should be here any day now. Once these arrive I am going to apply. All the info on the immigration website indicates that you should not book medicals until asked by CO. Yet I see quite a few people on here booking medicals after applying but before being assigned a CO. Can we do this? Or does it differ depending on the country you're in?.

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Apologies for gate crashing your thread guys but just wanted a tiny bit of advice as a bit confused. We were invited to apply on 9th of Jan. I'm a nurse and have already completed my skills assessment. We got married last year so have been changing names on all important documents which has delayed things a bit. Anyway, we have applied for our PCCs which should be here any day now. Once these arrive I am going to apply. All the info on the immigration website indicates that you should not book medicals until asked by CO. Yet I see quite a few people on here booking medicals after applying but before being assigned a CO. Can we do this? Or does it differ depending on the country you're in?.

You're from a low risk country so the processing of your application is most unlikely to be held up for ages by external security checks so you can go ahead and get your medicals and PCCs if you want to minimise the time taken to get your visa.


The reason some people should wait until sent for them by their CO is that medicals and PCCs are only valid for 12 months and if an application is held up for a long time for some reason (usually external checking for high risk applicants but that's not the only reason for delays), their medicals/PCCs could expire before the visa is granted and will need to be done again. Also, the date by which you MUST enter Australia by to validate your visas will be 12 months from the date of the first medical or PCC which means that even if they don't expire, you could end up with a very short period in which to get to Australia for the validation.

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Out of interest @freddy83, what countries are you trying to get PCCs for? I got an Oz one and a UK one. Oz one took 2 days from sending to receiving and the UK one took about 2 weeks to receive from application.


Could be useful contacting to see how your PCC is going.


Hey @jonny, The PCC is from Sri Lanka. I got my PCC from OZ within a week too. Unfortunately it takes around 3 months for Sri Lankan police to issue it. It used to be around two weeks, I'm not sure why they suddenly make it 3 months. Anyway I did check on it and I was told it should be ready within a weeks time. Hoping to get it next week.

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I know I'm being impatient but I check the visa tracker like 100 times a day and it seems to be filling up really slowly. some days there seem to be 6/7 grants given and then like today only 1? Im so close now to finding out if we will get our visa I can't think of anything else!

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Ha ha Maria I'm exactly the same - checking it so many times every day but I think that tracker is only as good as the people who use it...I wonder sometimes how accurate it is. My invite on 19th said I had 60days up unti 17th Feb to apply so I gues we will hear after that?


Have been logging into skillselect daily too - checking visa invitation rounds and Dec looks to have the lowest number of applicants for the whole year (only 1983 applied compared to 2500 each previous month)....weighing up all these things in my overactive brain!!


Congrats @thomasvo!! happy emigration! x

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I'm not too compulsive in checking emails etc yet. I applied at the end of Dec so know I've still got a few weeks yet. Already done out medicals and requested PCC. Now it's just a waiting game. Last of the big costs visa wise. We were going to rent our house out when we left but decided to take the plunge and sell up as think it'll be enough stress moving out there without keeping a tenant in the house. So as soon as the visas (hopefully) come through, it's on the Market!! When is everyone hoping to go??

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We are planning on going in August after the kids finish their school year. We have changed our minds so many times on where to go. We always said Melbourne but half the prob with the uk is the weather so Melbourne is out now. We said NSW for a long time,maybe central coast some so not too hot or too cold but now we are thinking Queensland. Like the idea of tropical sun and rain! Honestly tho we haven't even ever been to oz so where do we start? Jobs will defo be a big factor in deciding and schools for 4 kids. where is everyone else going?

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We're aiming for the Gold Coast. Houses seem reasonably priced, weather looks good and it's a beautiful spot in a good position for the East Coast. Same here thou, just hoping I can secure work. Might have to go to the north end of works in Brisabne. We're aiming for August, end of school yr. just a bit worried as I've seen some ppl not get there kids into school in Oz till Oct, when the last term starts, when they've gone similar time. That's a long time to be sorting childcare etc. will your kids be still at school in Oz Maria?

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Ugh not going anywhere cold!!! We're going to QLD - Gladstone in fact. We visited friends last year there (first time to oz) and totaly fell in love with the place. Warm all year round and just so friendly and beautiful.

Cannot wait to get there.

Just need this 189! x

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Yes my kids will still be in school. 10y. 13y .also will ave a 16 y old starting tafe(I think if that is the correct age) and an 18 year old who hopes to be studying part time also. I know the WDU you are talking about. It put me off well and truly. It looks so grey aswell.

im done with cancelling days out cos of weather. I hate the cold. Jillyrj- people keep saying to me 'don't go to qld, it's too hot' and that is why I never really considered it. I have been to Florida in April when it was 30-40 everyday and it never felt too hot. Is it just people exaggerating? Would love your opinion as you have been there.

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Yes she is in her last year. I know what you mean about being unsure about having to do one more year in oz. they start a year later and finish a year later but from what I'm reading tafe is an option instead of doing hsc's. Daughter is 16 this march so will be looking at starting tafe end of jan 2016 as that is the start of their academic year. However I do need to confirm all of this and research some more. My daughter is adamant when she finishes her Gcses she is done with school. She hates it. Collage is what he wants so praying tafe will take her.

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I haven't looked much at schooling for older kids as mine is only 6 so we're all about primary schools. I do know our friends who moved 2years ago had a 16year old who finished her GCSE's but they weren't recognised over there. I'm not sure how it worked but she took a year out at 16 then restarted her A levels - well the equivalent anyway. She hated school in the UK but has loved every minute out there for a great OP score and now starting uni in Brissy.

School there is so totally different to the UK. So safe, friendly and supportive. Outdoor and sports focused all about teamwork etc.


as as for qld it's stunning? We went in Feb so summer month we but not the hottest (Christmas time) it was humid and hot, 39 most days, we loved it shorts and T's every day, beach and pool etc.

they have air con if it's too much but it was only on once and not my request!

We went north to rockhampton it was definitely more humid up there and sticky!

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Omg! Just checked the visa tracker and there are grants right upto 19th dec! After a slow week last week I wasnt expecting to hear anything until week begining 23/02 but I lodged on 19 dec too so literally any day now. I am so excited.


Obsessive checking continues!! fingers crossed everyone xx

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Nothing for me yet this morning? anyone else heard anything?


Wow. I was literally just writing 'Nope, not today' and got my grant through! Direct grant :D


YAY! I'm on a train so not quite believing it... but it does have the words 'Congratulations! You have been granted a permanent visa'

Yup. Just checked vevo and I'm now a resident! :biglaugh:

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