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Are the wheels falling off the Abott govmint bandwagon?


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They stopped the boats and the carbon tax remember. I don't care about any other promises they broke.


The Murdoch Press and media is not turning against Abbott. They are criticising him certainly but hardly calling for him to be replaced. I hope he takes the hint next year to turn things around.


I'm not interested in what Fairfax or the ABC says about Abbott. They hate him whatever they do. They hated him before the Gen Election. Nothing has changed. Lib voters ignore what they say.

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From what I have read about the new jets they are more advanced than the Euro fighter which is saying something



Tina2, If your friends have a investment property maybe they should think of cashing in on the property boom and getting money in the bank to live off ,just a thought if they are struggling so much

PC that is exactly what they are currently doing. Sad part is the money was to be given to the grand kids for there education. With Abbotts changes no hope of the kids going to uni now, as our friends are as you said going to live of what ever they get for the house.

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Leave it out! The ALP Govt practically bankrupted us with six years of misrule. Even if Abbott is one term PM a new ALP govt will have to be nasty. Who pays for pensions with an aging workforce? And they want unlimited refugee intake. Who pays for that? Forget the mealy mouthed handwringing? Who pays?

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Once upon a time... in a big pie factory...


.. wealthy lords, knights and nobles classes never wanted any serfs and peasants to have their piece of the fat pie ... except some of the peasants now (who hold some degree of the vote) want to think they will have that pie.. if they ascended to the next level.. of new money.. to find that those under them now want that pie too .. and those foreigners from the other poorer pie factories who didnt live in that pie fiefdom wanted to move in for that piece of nice pie as well.. and thats just not on.... and the ones at the top of the food chain.. the fat pie eater-owners just rub their hands in glee .. whilst the frustrated ex peasants to new nobility are made to dream of being that fat pie eater.. and would do anything to get there... including voting for the pie masters... even believing their amazing vision..so the vicious pie cycle continues ... until everyone lived happily after all ... amen... right?



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"They stopped the boats and the carbon tax remember. I don't care about any other promises they broke."


But it's not voters like you, or for that matter Harpo who decide elections, it's the 20 or so percent of swinging voters that do, and they will care about all the promises the Libs broke, one of the reasons Labour got kicked out was the carbon tax broken promise, not because of the tax, but because of the lie.

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"They stopped the boats and the carbon tax remember. I don't care about any other promises they broke."


But it's not voters like you, or for that matter Harpo who decide elections, it's the 20 or so percent of swinging voters that do, and they will care about all the promises the Libs broke, one of the reasons Labour got kicked out was the carbon tax broken promise, not because of the tax, but because of the lie.

Excuse me! I didn't (couldn't) vote in 2013.


I sure as $hit AM going to vote in 2016! I look forward to putting the LIEBS dead last, followed by the PUPs. Not sure that counts as a swing, from 0 to 1.

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Leave it out! The ALP Govt practically bankrupted us with six years of misrule. Even if Abbott is one term PM a new ALP govt will have to be nasty. Who pays for pensions with an aging workforce? And they want unlimited refugee intake. Who pays for that? Forget the mealy mouthed handwringing? Who pays?


Come on everybody, answer MARYROSE question. Who pays? Anybody as long as it's not you, right?

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Excuse me! I didn't (couldn't) vote in 2013.


I sure as $hit AM going to vote in 2016! I look forward to putting the LIEBS dead last, followed by the PUPs. Not sure that counts as a swing, from 0 to 1.


but being a loony leftie your vote would only go one way whatever argument the other side put forward, however swinging voters want to be convinced by one side or the other, now with that in mind, who would believe anything Tony Abbott says.

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O would some power the giftie gie us to see ourselves as others see us.......




one of the most vital sentences in this article is

"Big investments in human capital — via education and training — as well as infrastructure are the only way to raise productivity and promote job growth in the long run."

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but being a loony leftie your vote would only go one way whatever argument the other side put forward, however swinging voters want to be convinced by one side or the other, now with that in mind, who would believe anything Tony Abbott says.

If by that you mean someone who can spot a fraudster, someone completely out of their depth, someone lacking in basic empathy for the suffering of others, someone like Abot from a mile away, then yes, I am a loony lefty.


Time for a video interval








Watch them all: the evidence was there a LONG time before September 2013

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Did he subject Juliar and Krudd to the same kind of questioning I wonder? Not that I don't like to see politicians squirm. In any case most people expect politicians to lie. Krudd and Juliar did not make any election promises to stop or start the boats as with pink batts NBN and all the other cockups. We got rid of them because they were incompetent. We MAY get rid of Abbott for the same reason but we shall have to see what happens in 2015. And even if he does turn things around the Left will continue to despise and disparage him just as they did when he was Oppoaition Leader. So we will just have to rely on Murdoch to tell us the truth!

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Same thing will happen that's been happening for my life. Libs get in, start to get economy back on track , make the right decisions. Then the " everything should be free inner city lefties" get sick of the cuts ect made to fix their mess they created in term . Libs get voted out , labor comes back in and sends the country back into dedt , we vote the libs back in to fix it. People seem to have short memories. Such is life

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Did he subject Juliar and Krudd to the same kind of questioning I wonder? Not that I don't like to see politicians squirm. In any case most people expect politicians to lie. Krudd and Juliar did not make any election promises to stop or start the boats as with pink batts NBN and all the other cockups. We got rid of them because they were incompetent. We MAY get rid of Abbott for the same reason but we shall have to see what happens in 2015. And even if he does turn things around the Left will continue to despise and disparage him just as they did when he was Oppoaition Leader. So we will just have to rely on Murdoch to tell us the truth!



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Leave it out! The ALP Govt practically bankrupted us with six years of misrule. Even if Abbott is one term PM a new ALP govt will have to be nasty. Who pays for pensions with an aging workforce? And they want unlimited refugee intake. Who pays for that? Forget the mealy mouthed handwringing? Who pays?


As all available evidence points to refugees benefitting the national economy, no-one pays. The country gains financially.


Not sure Labor are proposing *unlimited* refugee intake?

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Leave it out! The ALP Govt practically bankrupted us with six years of misrule. Even if Abbott is one term PM a new ALP govt will have to be nasty. Who pays for pensions with an aging workforce? And they want unlimited refugee intake. Who pays for that? Forget the mealy mouthed handwringing? Who pays?


You're spouting propaganda that you've been fed by a notorious bunch of liars. Have a read here http://www.crikey.com.au/2013/09/30/budget-emergency-not-if-you-look-at-hockeys-new-numbers/?wpmp_switcher=mobile and pay particular attention to this paragraph


Contrary to conventional wisdom, Coalition governments have never once delivered a year where there was a cut in real government spending. Not the Howard government, not the Fraser government, not the McMahan or Gorton governments have delivered a real spending cut. In contrast, in the last four decades, Labor governments have had five budgets, including in 2012-13, where real spending growth has been cut....In simple terms, the 2012-13 budget outcome for the Gillard government reveals record spending cuts, a low tax take and a wafer-thin budget deficit


But of course, at every turn Abbott and Hockey are telling you it's not their fault, it's Labor's fault... and regrettably there are always those for whom hearing something repeated enough times makes it true, despite the figures showing otherwise

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You're spouting propaganda that you've been fed by a notorious bunch of liars. Have a read here http://www.crikey.com.au/2013/09/30/budget-emergency-not-if-you-look-at-hockeys-new-numbers/?wpmp_switcher=mobile and pay particular attention to this paragraph


Contrary to conventional wisdom, Coalition governments have never once delivered a year where there was a cut in real government spending. Not the Howard government, not the Fraser government, not the McMahan or Gorton governments have delivered a real spending cut. In contrast, in the last four decades, Labor governments have had five budgets, including in 2012-13, where real spending growth has been cut....In simple terms, the 2012-13 budget outcome for the Gillard government reveals record spending cuts, a low tax take and a wafer-thin budget deficit


But of course, at every turn Abbott and Hockey are telling you it's not their fault, it's Labor's fault... and regrettably there are always those for whom hearing something repeated enough times makes it true, despite the figures showing otherwise



I love the way Tony repeats everything like he's talking to Primary School children. He knows his audience of supporters well...

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