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The WA economy


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Hello sand gropers,


As I have stated on another thread we are considering the possibility of becoming ping pongers!


With that in mind we would return to our home and pretty much our old lives in Baldivis. I suspect I would have good chance of securing work via my old boss albeit at a different employer. Although going to work for him again would be fantastic I'd like to get a gauge of the current level of opportunities and market activity from people involved in Oil & Gas and mining at present. I did notice a bit of a slow down when we were leaving early this year in both sectors, what is the reality on the ground at present.


All views welcome

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If you're talking about Barrow Island depending on which profession you do it's still there and still ramping up. Projected work for some trades for 2 years. After that maintenance. Some trades have already finished and moved on to the next project.


Thanks for the insight.


I'm keen on town office or Kwinana strip based stuff however the FIFO based activity is a good indicator of whats what in and around town.


FIFO is still a last resort for us having done it for several long spells over the years, these days I'd only consider it as a 6-12 month stop gap.

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Sorry, don't know anything about the oil n gas sector.


But jeez...you will be surprised with Baldivis. New estates springing up all over, they just keep going.


the extended shopping will be finished early next year.


We looked at the area for friends a couple of years back, two years on, its grown so much.

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Sorry, don't know anything about the oil n gas sector.


But jeez...you will be surprised with Baldivis. New estates springing up all over, they just keep going.


the extended shopping will be finished early next year.


We looked at the area for friends a couple of years back, two years on, its grown so much.


Yeah when we left in April they were well on with development, our neighbours in Baldivis were saying the other day that library is now finished and the shopping upgrade is coming on.

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I work on the Kwinana strip, and work here is certainly slowing down alot. We've recently let a number of people go from the support staff, and the feeling is its more widespread. It really depends of your field. We did recently recruit an experienced engineer, and had 80+ CV's vs. a handfull a year ago. Alot have load of experience within oil / gas and were being let go, due to projects being shelved.


I would check the local websites for jobs,and ask your boss what the opportunities and wages are, as I expect they have also levelled out.


Sorry to not be more positive, but with WA costs being so high, were not really competitive



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The WA economy is on the down after a long period of boom. Hardly unusual with the boom to bust cycle. Just this boom was prolonged, so many don't know and are ill prepared for the coming bust.


I have ben accused of being a doom monger and asked when the doom will take place. For anyone with an iota of economic savvy the process is underway but does not unfold over night. This passing boom was so substantial and took time to reach its peak that the downhill process takes time to unfold as well. The question being not if, but how hard the decline will impact a resource reliant state that WA is?

I do have rather strong conclusions on that. As tea leaf reading is looking a rather profitable cottage industry that I am establishing on the side, I'm afraid payment will be required to learn more. Far cheaper than some' dodgy financial specialist', as well as a higher degree of accuracy.

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I work on the Kwinana strip, and work here is certainly slowing down alot. We've recently let a number of people go from the support staff, and the feeling is its more widespread. It really depends of your field. We did recently recruit an experienced engineer, and had 80+ CV's vs. a handfull a year ago. Alot have load of experience within oil / gas and were being let go, due to projects being shelved.


I would check the local websites for jobs,and ask your boss what the opportunities and wages are, as I expect they have also levelled out.


Sorry to not be more positive, but with WA costs being so high, were not really competitive




Thanks for the insight albeit the outlook is far from ideal at this stage.


It's interesting that people are coming from upstream O&G to the Kwinana strip for work, I seem to remember this time last year the traffic was generally traveling in the opposite direction.


I'll be talking with my old boss over the next week or so to get a an idea of opportunities, I suspect wages will have calmed down a bit. There was no way they could keep going up at the rate they were forever.

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The WA economy is on the down after a long period of boom. Hardly unusual with the boom to bust cycle. Just this boom was prolonged, so many don't know and are ill prepared for the coming bust.


I have ben accused of being a doom monger and asked when the doom will take place. For anyone with an iota of economic savvy the process is underway but does not unfold over night. This passing boom was so substantial and took time to reach its peak that the downhill process takes time to unfold as well. The question being not if, but how hard the decline will impact a resource reliant state that WA is?

I do have rather strong conclusions on that. As tea leaf reading is looking a rather profitable cottage industry that I am establishing on the side, I'm afraid payment will be required to learn more. Far cheaper than some' dodgy financial specialist', as well as a higher degree of accuracy.


I'd say you are a realist rather than a doom monger.


I suspect mining is being hit a fair bit harder than Oil & Gas, I can see another upsurge in the recruitment of O&G professionals when the big LNG projects get close to production. There is perhaps a readjustment of the WA economy that was inevitable as during my five years in Australia the resource sector seemed to be out of control.


I'll keep a close eye on the market and put the feelers out.


Thanks for your input, it's an interesting subject for many thinking of making the move to WA.

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Hello sand gropers,


As I have stated on another thread we are considering the possibility of becoming ping pongers!



Hey buddy, we're in the same situation. Seem to be ping ponging somewhere beginning next year (if we do). :)

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I read this article today http://www.staffingindustry.com/row/Research-Publications/Daily-News/Australia-Improvement-showing-in-the-job-market-32252 which is saying things shouldn't get any worse now and should start picking up again over the course of the next year. Fingers crossed.


Interesting read hopefully the market picks up for all sectors. I often wonder if Oil & Gas jobs are lumped in the mining sector?

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I've just been contacted by an agent looking for an RBI specialist Perth based, she has explained the market is slower than last year in O&G but in a much better shape than mining.


All the guys that I'm in touch with from my time at Woodside are still gainfully employed via the same service provider however much like where I am in Aberdeen at present the message is very much cut costs. I don't think the usual 3-5% pay rise will be heading their way and perhaps the project people may find themselves surplus to requirements but it would seem the core maintenance teams are to be left intact at current levels, for now.


Keeping an eye on my specific discipline Inspection & Integrity Management via jobs boards shows only a handful of roles, there were a few new roles that appeared last week.


It's hardly boom time but it's also a far cry from what's happening in mining.

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