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Please help me choose the right visa, i need to stay here.

Ollie Keeler

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Hey everyone :D heres the situation..


I am currently here in Australia on my 2nd year working holiday visa with 9 month remaining. My dads cousin lives here (my second cousin i believe) and I'm currently working for there own business, driving trucks. I need to no what is the best visa to go on and how to go about sorting it out, as truck driving isn't on the occupation list. i am very desperate and determined to stay here as I've fallen in love with the place!!

I haven't really got the money to go and see an migration agent as they are very expensive. :wacko:


My mum and dad are desperate to come out to so can his cousin sponsor them to come here? does that mean i can stay here to if they can sponsor them?


Any help would be an advantage as I'm at a dead end and not sure what to do next.


Much appreciated.


Ollie :wink:

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hi Ollie. just a quick reply. i think the only visa that allows for a first cousins to sponsor is 489, which is point-tested. that means your occupation has to be at least in CSOL. good luck Ollie.


Hey everyone :D heres the situation..


I am currently here in Australia on my 2nd year working holiday visa with 9 month remaining. My dads cousin lives here (my second cousin i believe) and I'm currently working for there own business, driving trucks. I need to no what is the best visa to go on and how to go about sorting it out, as truck driving isn't on the occupation list. i am very desperate and determined to stay here as I've fallen in love with the place!!

I haven't really got the money to go and see an migration agent as they are very expensive. :wacko:


My mum and dad are desperate to come out to so can his cousin sponsor them to come here? does that mean i can stay here to if they can sponsor them?


Any help would be an advantage as I'm at a dead end and not sure what to do next.


Much appreciated.


Ollie :wink:

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Being sponsored by family in Australia is a thing of the past, only visas left are 489 which needs occupation on SOL not CSOL as stated above. And the 489 is only a provisional visa.


Your dads cousin can not sponsor them as no suitable visas.



Best option would be return home re-train and qualify for your own PR visa, and after 2 years living in Australia if your parents can pass the family balance test, they may be eligible for the Parent Contributory visa which currently costs $100,000 for a couple.


Your dads cousin for sponsorship is a dead end.

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