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Captain Obvious whinge alert!

Aunt Agatha

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I have to put this somewhere and I can't put it in the main forum in case I am labelled not worthy of my citizenship again!


But... I HATE this hot weather. HATE IT. Today I wish we could just head back to the UK right now and escape this heat. Of course I knew it would be hot and humid in Brisbane blah, blah, blah, but I really did not know how much I would dislike it and how, as I age, I hate it more and more each year.


The other nine months = lovely. Summer? Hell on earth!

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Isn't it a shame we have to hide in here to discuss this stuff. I don't actually know anyone in Brisbane who LIKES this weather and looks forward to it.They should make no pants Friday official :-)

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I have to put this somewhere and I can't put it in the main forum in case I am labelled not worthy of my citizenship again!


But... I HATE this hot weather. HATE IT. Today I wish we could just head back to the UK right now and escape this heat. Of course I knew it would be hot and humid in Brisbane blah, blah, blah, but I really did not know how much I would dislike it and how, as I age, I hate it more and more each year.


The other nine months = lovely. Summer? Hell on earth!

Hate to rub it in but it is so mild in the UK ate the moment and this forecast from BBC weather for next month is quite unusual, defiantly climate change in my book.


[h=5]Monday 3 November—Sunday 9 November[/h][h=6]Still mild but drier for some[/h]High pressure may push a little further north giving a drier spell of weather for parts of England and Wales. Weather systems will still bring rain at times though so it won't be completely dry and above average rain is signalled for northwest Scotland. Confidence is moderate to high that it will be mild in all areas. Where pressure is higher some nights will be cooler than of late but even here temperatures by day are expected to remain on the mild side.

[h=5]Monday 10 November—Sunday 23 November[/h][h=6]Staying mild[/h]Winter may be approaching but it looks like winter weather isn't.... yet. There is moderate confidence that most parts will be unseasonably mild with temperatures above average by day and night in winds from the south or southwest. There will be some rain at times although the northeast of Scotland will perhaps stay drier with plenty of shelter from the Highlands in the southwesterly flow. With that flow above average rain is signalled for the Highlands. Also some rain may drift up from the continent at times with indications of above average rain in southeast England.

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Well just to make you feel better it is shocking in Edinburgh today - not cold but wet, wet, wet. Left home just before 7am and it took me 45 mins to travel 19 miles as the rain had ground the traffic to a halt.


The thing that amuses me on here is almost all my friends in Perth were Australian, with a few South Africans and a couple of other nationalities and my FB feed would be full of 'whinging Aussies' on hot days (& we didn't even suffer too badly with humidity in Perth) - I accept some people must like hot weather, there are a few on here I really like and respect who say that and I don't think they are lying but the majority of people I knew didn't. It's as if saying you hate hot weather equates to hating Australia...well i can tell you I am not enjoying the rain today but it doesn't mean I hate the UK!


I am less tolerant of heat now, I think it just brings back bad memories and anything above 25 degrees I'm immediately in a bad mood, huffing and puffing. Possibly contemplating a visit to Perth this time next year so can I order mild weather now please? :)

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I don't think alot of people realise that you are stuck inside alot in Australia.I lived in SA,and in summer,the blinds would all be down,fan buzzing away contineously,winter.....woodburner chugging away 24/7!When I was in Adelaide this year,just before I left,right at the end of August,it actually felt hot!I was already wearing sunscreen.I don't mind hot weather,but boy when it hits 35c,there's not alot you can do!

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I feel the same, especially with a 6 month old and I don't have the use of a car most days. So stuck inside unless I go out for an early walk. I made myself sad on Monday thinking of all the things I could be doing if I was in the UK. 35C today, but possible thunderstorm which I'm holding out for!

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We arrived in Brissie March 03 so Snap! I remember that Christmas. I bought the biggest christmas tree I could find in KMart just to make it feel like christmas.

I am fantasizing about a roaring fire and being cold when I am outside and warm inside, unlike here where it is either hot inside and outside, or cold inside and outside.

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I hear ya! I hate hate hate it too and I still don't think I'm acclimatised to it lol. Although I'm in Redcliffe and we have the lovely sea breeze which makes it every so slightly better, I do work in Brisbane. Luckily I can escape into aircon for most of the week. Only another 5 or so months of it to go :) x

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I hear ya!


My son told me that it was only 30 in Canberra the other day WTH?! I nearly cancelled my holiday (leaving Sunday week!) I'm hoping for a cold snap!


Ah, but we were there. The morning was fresh and we were still strolling around happily at 10.30, it didn't reach 30 until about two, and then it was cool again before 5pm. Whereas it was 30 in Sydney yesterday - went out to the car at 10.30 and the steering wheel was too hot to touch, and it was still sweltering at 5.30 when we left to go to the city. Yuk.

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Hate to rub it in but it is so mild in the UK ate the moment and this forecast from BBC weather for next month is quite unusual, defiantly climate change in my book.

To be serious, this is one of the reasons we're thinking of a move. I'm already struggling with humidity (why does no one tell you that hot flushes don't go away after menopause?), and my OH has developed an allergy to the sun. If we don't move to a cooler climate now, what temperatures will we be living in by the time we're 80? Sure, Britain could get hotter too (or colder - scarey thought) - but at least it will be a lot easier to move to Europe somewhere if the tipping point comes.

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I hadn't thought about that cold inside/hot outside thing but yes, it will be lovely to have the opposite. Blimey, I hope I'm not moaning about the cold this time next year LOL


I guarantee you will be! However, it's always seemed to me that cold is easier to deal with. If it's cold I can put on a vest, a beanie and gloves, whereas at my age there's only so much clothing you can take off in a public place...

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Oh Perthbum you ratbag! Climate change is a bit of a worry though, as nice as "unseasonably mild" is.


Do you remember the Ally G sketch where he interviewed people from some or other climate change group? He asked them what would happen if we didn't stop burning fossil fuels etc. The bloke said that England would have a climate like Ibiza. Ally says "all put your hands together and......

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I'm fantasising about a crisp Autumnal walk - frosty air and conkers!


I want to cry because I want this so much :( I love the sun, I love the blue sky but nothing beats going on a conker hunt, on a crisp day... all rugged up and kicking through the fallen leaves that is Autumn (my fav season)

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