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First day as an Ozzie Nurse - experiences?


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Hey guys,

So as a few of you already know we have just arrived in Melbourne and after a hefty waiting time with AHPRA I am now ready to tackle the big bad world of Australian nursing!

I have had 3 years post degree experience working on a cardio thoracic ward, we had anything from medical/surgical/daycase/private/nhs/cystic fibrosis/cardiac/thoracic!

I have signed up to an agency initially whilst I find my preferences and my feet, but I just wanted to hear any views/experiences anyone has had over here with regards to nursing.

How different is it? Workload? Ratio? Abbreviations? Communication? Paperwork? How welcoming/expectant are they? Tips/hints? Anything really!

Just curious to see what awaits me :-)


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As above............things are differerent here....................accept that it's the way and you'll be fine. never say, "over in the UK we did it this way". Overall, my wife's experiences are, more autonomy, more professional development opportunities (courses etc ..she was on a certain course within two weeks of arriving here having waited to no avail for 4yrs in the NHS) no "class" IOW the doctors welcome nurses' suggestions/observations and she feels much more valued than she ever did in the UK. All this, of course, may depend on the individual hospital and colleagues/peers/subordinates/superiors but she has never regetted for a minute coming here and feels highly valued, which she never felt in the NHS.

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My wife has been nursing here since 92. She worked as a nurse, midwife and Health Visitor in the UK before that. She's worked on agencies, in public and private hospitals and I think she found the public hospitals here a lot like the ones in the UK. Her first job was at Royal Perth and even the uniform, shift patterns, people she worked with, were much the same. She had to accept that they did things differently and she still gets new people working with her now that say " we didn't do it like that in (insert country, name of hospital here)". It doesn't have to be the UK they are talking about, they could work at another hospital and say what they do there. It's annoying.:laugh:

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