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Robot Vacuums

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

Has anyone got one? I just wondered what they were like. They seem to range in price so much from $199 - $2500:shocked:

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I have seen the adverts for them TPQ.tbh I would'nt buy one.I'm never that busy where I don't have the time to manually hoover around.I put on my cordless headphones,some good music and off I go!I'd be interested though,just out of curiosity if they do work well!

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We just got one about a month ago (on the recommendation of a friend that has had one for quite a while now), cost about $900, we don't use it to its full potential yet but so far so good, but you do need to move some of the junk one tends to have on the floor, and you will still have to get the vac out occasionally for the corners and other areas it can not get to. Not calling it a waste of money yet and doubt we will.

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I started a thread asking the same question a bit back, got a good response re different models etc.


was one in particular, a more expensive one that I liked the sound of. Mentioned it to OH and he bought me one, a cheap one off groupon:cry:


The first couple of times I used it, drove me bonkers, getting stuck everywhere :confused: but weirdly after that, it seems to have programmed itself to know where not to go!!


I wanted one to save me having to Hoover up dog hair off white tiles everyday....for that it works a treat.


downside...it's quite noisy

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My friend had one, her children bought it for her, expensive one, but she found it was always stopping, it depends what your home is like whether you have lots of obstacles etc in it. So she gave it to her daughter for her apartment and it works for her. I think apartments suit them better from what I have learned.

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