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Manchester dogs home fire


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After an arson attack earlier this evening they are in need of sooooo much help.

If anyone is local they need tonnes of help (blankets, crates, even foster homes and more). Please help if you can.


43 died, 150 saved but 'homeless'.



There is a donation link but I wasn't sure of it's authenticity so won't post that yet. But it's on twitter if you want a look.

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Yeah I'm only accessing the link via my phone so hard to tell if genuine or not but should be able to be confirmed easier from desktop pc/laptop.

It's just so shocking someone would do that, they knew the staff had gone home and all those poor animals trapped. The terror they must have gone through. Breaks my heart. [emoji22][emoji22]

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I'm not a violent person but I'd shoot them! I felt so upset when I found out about it, was watching Paul o'grady at the same time. Apparently two guys risked their life's to run in and save 20 dogs. Hero's!


Awwwwww, that's so amazing. I suppose that's what we've got to remember. This one person did something horrific, but so many more helped (and are helping) save the rest.

I hope they get some kind of commendation.

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The little sh1t that did this ought to be put in a kennel/cell and have black smoke pumped in so he has an idea what those poor dogs felt. At 14 he knows it's wrong to set fire to things and to set fire to somewhere that would cause so much suffering. Age is no excuse. He is already a useless piece of scum that has no place in society.

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Setting a dogs home on fire???? Astounded by the cruelty and futility of such an action. Throw the book at him before he perpetrates more horrendous crimes. Those poor dogs, already psychologically scarred...trapped in cages...must have been absolutely frantic and terrified. So dreadful.

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It's so tragic but things like this restores my faith in people. Last night just as I found about this there was a greyhound on Paul o'gradys program who had been really abused and I thought god how can people do things like that. I've just read that people have raised almost £400,000 for them. That's amazing! Also Manchester was gridlocked last night with people trying to help. I'm going to donate today as well. A big building firm (forgot the name) has offered to help as well. Can't believe over 50 of them have died though :( poor things

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I have always wanted to work with animals....I wish I knew how I could do and still make a decent living. Poor dogs. I always say if we win Lotto I will set up a dogs shelter....


You could always walk some for your local shelter if you have time. Yeah there's definitely no money in it, I did animal care course at college and worked in a kennel/cattery and loved it. Then I worked in a vets and hated it

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Poor things ;( saw it last night on twitter can not believe at 14 year old is responsible for this! I dont care if they are a minor if they are doing this at 14 imagine what actions they will be doing in a few years. Those poor dogs :( so good that the general public have been offering support. Nearly half a million has now been raised!

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You could always walk some for your local shelter if you have time. Yeah there's definitely no money in it, I did animal care course at college and worked in a kennel/cattery and loved it. Then I worked in a vets and hated it


I don't really have time. Have decided when Ive finished my course am going to volunteer for riding for the disabled though. Plus getting another greyhound after Christmas.

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Up to around £520,000 last time I looked!


I remember in Blackpool someone set fire to the Yates put around 5 years ago and next to it was a pet shop where the animals all perished. Kittens, puppies, birds, rabbits etc. It stuck with me as I remember getting animals from there myself and always took my children in when we was passing.


I just hope the money gets used on improving the conditions of those that survive. Would have loved to foster an animal to help but I believe they are inundated with offers of homes.

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I felt so upset when I heard about this - those poor, poor dogs. Even the ones that have survived must be so traumatised. I really admire the workers and volunteers as I can't imagine how they must be feeling - they were interviewing the centre manager this morning and she was close to tears every time they spoke to her. As for the 'kid' who did this, what an absolute scumbag (and that's putting it mildly). The donations are shooting up which is good to see (bit annoyed with myself as I didn't see the option to gift aid when I donated - I must've missed it as I can see others were able to)

RIP to those poor dogs who didn't make it xx

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Somebody has been arrested on suspicion of arson for this


And if found to be guilty should be led into a pit and have a dozen wound up Pit Bull Terriers unleashed on them, to experience how it feels when the roles are reversed.

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It's amazing to see that near £900k has been raised so far on the Manchester Evening News site alone. People are also donating through the Just Giving page for the dogs home itself. It won't do anything to help those poor mites that didn't survive last night but it does go some way to restoring faith in people

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