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G'day need help to get my lady over from Wales


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G'day all,


Steve here from Merredin in WA and I'm chasing some help with unravelling this head @*&^ that is called Immigration and visa's so that I can to get my lil lady over from North East Wales permanently. Now I know that some will say that I should try and search this site but this just seems to be mudding the waters for my grey matter even more and I think our situation is a bit different than the high majority of cases that I have read, plus I'm a lazy Ozzie so-n-so who has no training in the legal profession, gee I'm only a train driver so cut me some slack.


Here is the story, we have been in a partnership since the Isle of Man and after a break apart of only 3 weeks my partner came over for a 5 week holiday to explore this incredible place and has only just returned back to Wales then she be returning for another 3 week break this October then I will be going over there for 3 weeks a week before Christmas with bathers and beach towel in hand, Qantas are liking us bugga. Then some time very early in 2015 my partner hopes to have sold up her art gallery and finish up with her teaching positions in preparation to make the move, she has 2 children with one at uni and is 19 years old the other one has just started 6th grade and is 16 years old but lives with his natural father, we are not sure if either of them will come over.


Here's my findings.



  • My partner is a art teacher with a back ground in University lecturing but is past the age limit for a 457 visa.
  • Her current visa is only a 3 month visa with the only conditions being 8108 (not to work) and 8201 (max 3 month study) and no limits on the amount of times she can come n go.
  • Her visa expires on the 20/5/2016 but must not arrive any later than the 13/7/2015, work that out.
  • On arrival she wont need to work but will be able to concentrate on her art.
  • We have started a joint bank account together and her name is, and will be on more soon, various bills.



Now here comes the questions an please forgive me but I think more will follow after and if I get some replies.



  1. Can and should we try to upgrade the visa before the expiry date ?
  2. Where should we try and do that, on shore or off shore ?
  3. How do you get to travel in and out as may time you want on a 12 month visa ?
  4. To get the time together in a de-Facto relationship up to qualify for a partner visa we hope to use the 12 month visa to stay here then apply for a partner visa, will this help or is there a better way to skin this cat ?
  5. Am I better off being a sponsor and why is there a huge cost involved ?



As you can see by my questions that are all over the place and that I'm very confused and don't have a good handle on this and as said before there will be more to follow.




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G'day all,


Steve here from Merredin in WA and I'm chasing some help with unravelling this head @*&^ that is called Immigration and visa's so that I can to get my lil lady over from North East Wales permanently. Now I know that some will say that I should try and search this site but this just seems to be mudding the waters for my grey matter even more and I think our situation is a bit different than the high majority of cases that I have read, plus I'm a lazy Ozzie so-n-so who has no training in the legal profession, gee I'm only a train driver so cut me some slack.


Here is the story, we have been in a partnership since the Isle of Man and after a break apart of only 3 weeks my partner came over for a 5 week holiday to explore this incredible place and has only just returned back to Wales then she be returning for another 3 week break this October then I will be going over there for 3 weeks a week before Christmas with bathers and beach towel in hand, Qantas are liking us bugga. Then some time very early in 2015 my partner hopes to have sold up her art gallery and finish up with her teaching positions in preparation to make the move, she has 2 children with one at uni and is 19 years old the other one has just started 6th grade and is 16 years old but lives with his natural father, we are not sure if either of them will come over.


Here's my findings.



  • My partner is a art teacher with a back ground in University lecturing but is past the age limit for a 457 visa.

  • Her current visa is only a 3 month visa with the only conditions being 8108 (not to work) and 8201 (max 3 month study) and no limits on the amount of times she can come n go.

  • Her visa expires on the 20/5/2016 but must not arrive any later than the 13/7/2015, work that out.

  • On arrival she wont need to work but will be able to concentrate on her art.

  • We have started a joint bank account together and her name is, and will be on more soon, various bills.



Now here comes the questions an please forgive me but I think more will follow after and if I get some replies.



  1. Can and should we try to upgrade the visa before the expiry date ?

  2. Where should we try and do that, on shore or off shore ?

  3. How do you get to travel in and out as may time you want on a 12 month visa ?

  4. To get the time together in a de-Facto relationship up to qualify for a partner visa we hope to use the 12 month visa to stay here then apply for a partner visa, will this help or is there a better way to skin this cat ?

  5. Am I better off being a sponsor and why is there a huge cost involved ?



As you can see by my questions that are all over the place and that I'm very confused and don't have a good handle on this and as said before there will be more to follow.





There is no age limit for a 457 visa application, which is pretty well irrelevant in your circumstances.


I suggest that you consult another registered migration agent for advice about strategy.

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Hey cheers for the replies folks,


Xenon 4017,

Sorry for my absent mindness and missing out few details, so here me go, not married and claiming long distance de-facto relationship, IoM June 2014.


Will look into your suggestion, but my understanding is that you have to be 45 and under and sponsored by an employer for a 457. We have had a meeting here with the principle of the collage about options because my partner would like some form of casual employment but not permanent.



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As Westly said, there is no age limit on a 457 visa. If she had a sponsor lined up, that may be your easiest and quickest solution although it would need to be a full-time job. Casual doesn't qualify.


A long-distance de facto relationship is going to be an uphill battle. Your best option may be a Prospective Marriage Visa (as long as you aren't commitment-phobic as it does require you to marry within 9 months of being granted the visa).


I agree with Westly that you may be well off speaking with a migration agent even if it's just an initial consultation to see what your best strategy would be. He's well-respected on this forum as knowing his stuff.

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Comments in red


G'day all,


Then some time very early in 2015 my partner hopes to have sold up her art gallery and finish up with her teaching positions in preparation to make the move, It is not long until early 2015 and I think you /she might be being a touch optimistic if you think she will be ready to make the move? I don't think any visa would be achievable for you before then, other than another tourist visa, but of course that cannot be used to "make a move" a tourist visa is for tourism. So take care with that.


Here's my findings.



  • My partner is a art teacher with a back ground in University lecturing but is past the age limit for a 457 visa. There is no age limit
  • Her current visa is only a 3 month visa with the only conditions being 8108 (not to work) and 8201 (max 3 month study) and no limits on the amount of times she can come n go.
  • Her visa expires on the 20/5/2016 but must not arrive any later than the 13/7/2015, work that out. It might mean the initial entry can be no later than 13/7/2015
  • On arrival she wont need to work but will be able to concentrate on her art.
  • We have started a joint bank account together and her name is, and will be on more soon, various bills.



Now here comes the questions an please forgive me but I think more will follow after and if I get some replies.



  1. Can and should we try to upgrade the visa before the expiry date ? Don't know what you mean by "upgrade". I am not aware of visas being upgradeable, are you sure you don't mean apply for a different visa?
  2. Where should we try and do that, on shore or off shore ? As above, don't know what you mean.
  3. How do you get to travel in and out as may time you want on a 12 month visa ? What do you mean? Why is it relevant?
  4. To get the time together in a de-Facto relationship up to qualify for a partner visa we hope to use the 12 month visa to stay here then apply for a partner visa, will this help or is there a better way to skin this cat ? You mean apply for a new visa? A 12 month one rather than a 3 month one? Yes some people can do that, if your partner does not need to work for 12 months. But overall, I am tempted to think that a Prospective Marriage Visa might be a whole lot easier. You would have to get married in due course though..
  5. Am I better off being a sponsor and why is there a huge cost involved ? Are you better off than what being a sponsor? If you want a partner related visa, then you have to sponsor.



As you can see by my questions that are all over the place and that I'm very confused and don't have a good handle on this and as said before there will be more to follow.




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