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It's a small world after all!


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My DS started back at school this week with a new class teacher and he found out today she used to live in Perth and taught at a school in Fremantle - he doesn't know which one and it's unlikely to be the one he went to as there was only 5 teachers and they had all been there since forever but I am sure in such a small community paths will have crossed.


I have a meeting with her to discuss my sons disability next week so I'll fine out more - she did say Perth was her favourite place in the world so maybe we won't get along too well!! LOL :)

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When my daughter had a few weeks at school in England, her teacher was from Perth and had taught at the school my daughter eventually went to.

When we moved back to the UK, my middle daughter's teacher's brother was Principal at one of the local primary schools in Perth.


Seems to be more common than I thought!

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Well unbelievably she did work at the school my son went to! She did maternity cover for the Year 2 teacher, long before my son went there of course - the 'baby' is an adult now.


A wonderful connection for my son though and the school was probably more alternative 20 years ago so she will definitely 'get' why my son is a bit different ;)

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